NestJS: The Complete Developer's Guide

19h 40m 39s

Congratulations! You've found the complete guide on how to build enterprise-ready apps with NestJS. NestJS is a backend framework used to create scalable and reliable APIs.  It is a "battery-included" framework; it includes tools to handle just about every possible use case, from data persistence, to validation, to config management, to testing, and much, much more.

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This course will help you master Nest. By the time you complete this course, you will have the confidence to build any app you can imagine.

Throughout this course you will build a series of apps with growing complexity.  We use as few libraries and tools as possible.  Instead, you will write many custom systems to better understand how every piece of Nest works together.  Each application you build includes discussion on data modeling and persistence. We will first save records in a simple file-based data store (built from scratch) and eventually work our way up to saving data in a production-grade Postgres instance.

Testing is a fundamental topic in Nest. A tremendous amount of functionality in Nest is dedicated to making sure your project is easy to test. This course follows Nest's testing recommendations, and you will write both integration and unit tests to ensure your project is working as expected. Although testing can sometimes be confusing and boring, I have put special care into making sure the tests we write are expressive, fast, and effective.  You will be able to use this knowledge on your own projects, even those that don't use Nest!

Typescript is used throughout this course to make sure we are writing clean and correct code. Don't know Typescript? Not a problem! A free appendix is included at the end of the course to get you up to speed on Typescript.  Once you're familiar with it, Typescript will help you catch errors and bugs in your code before you even run it.  If you've never used Typescript before you are in for a treat :)

Everything in this course is designed to make your learning process as easy as possible.

  • At every step, I will teach you what Nest is doing internally, and help you understand how to twist and bend Nest to better suit your application's needs. 

  • Every single video in the course has an attached ZIP file containing up-to-date code, just in case you ever get stuck.

  • Full-time teaching assistants are standing by to help answer your questions

  • Access private live chat server is included. Live help whenever you need it!

Here's a partial list of the topics included in this course:

  • Securely deploy your app to production

  • Write automated integration and unit tests to make sure your code is working

  • Build an authentication system from scratch to log users in

  • Allow users to perform certain actions with a permissions system

  • Store and retrieve data with complex queries using TypeORM

  • Understand how TypeORM handles data relationships

  • Write declarative code using property, method, and parameter decorators

  • Master the concept of dependency injection to write reusable code

  • Implement automatic validation of incoming requests

  • Format outgoing response data with a custom DTO system

  • Handle incoming requests and outgoing responses using Guards and Interceptors

  • Segment your code into reusable Nest Modules

  • Add structure to your database using migrations

I had a tough time learning NestJS.  There are a tremendous number of outdated tutorials around it, the documentation is sometimes unclear, and Nest itself is just plain hard to understand.  I made this course to save you time and money - a course to show you exactly what you need to know about every topic in Nest.  You will find learning Nest to be a delightful experience and pick up a tremendous amount of knowledge along the way.

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# Title Duration
1 How to Get Help 00:52
2 Project Setup 04:05
3 TypeScript Configuration 05:37
4 Creating a Controller 07:04
5 Starting Up a Nest App 05:51
6 File Naming Conventions 04:36
7 Routing Decorators 02:48
8 App Setup 07:43
9 Using the Nest CLI to Generate Files 06:11
10 More on Generating Files 04:12
11 Adding Routing Logic 04:05
12 [Optional] Postman Setup 04:48
13 [Optional] VSCode REST Client Extension 05:12
14 Accessing Request Data with Decorators 05:39
15 Using Pipes for Validation 03:03
16 Adding Validation Rules 07:38
17 Behind the Scenes of Validation 07:22
18 How Type Info is Preserved 06:15
19 Services and Repositories 06:12
20 Implementing a Repository 06:39
21 Reading and Writing to a Storage File 04:40
22 Implementing a Service 05:02
23 Manual Testing of the Controller 07:13
24 Reporting Errors with Exceptions 05:27
25 Understanding Inversion of Control 11:18
26 Introduction to Dependency Injection 09:26
27 Refactoring to Use Dependency Injection 07:37
28 Few More Notes on DI 05:50
29 Project Overview 03:07
30 Generating a Few Files 04:43
31 Setting Up DI Between Modules 05:58
32 More on DI Between Modules 04:40
33 Consuming Multiple Modules 05:20
34 Modules Wrapup 01:54
35 App Overview 02:19
36 API Design 04:09
37 Module Design! 03:03
38 Generating Modules, Controllers, and Services 02:28
39 Persistent Data with Nest 02:51
40 Setting Up a Database Connection 07:29
41 Creating an Entity and Repository 07:14
42 Viewing a DB's Contents 06:55
43 Understanding TypeORM Decorators 07:15
44 One Quick Note on Repositories 03:54
45 A Few Extra Routes 03:09
46 Setting Up Body Validation 07:16
47 Manual Route Testing 03:53
48 Creating and Saving a User 08:59
49 Quick Breather and Review 05:55
50 More on Create vs Save 07:37
51 Querying for Data 04:42
52 Updating Data 11:25
53 Removing Users 03:45
54 Finding and Filtering Records 05:51
55 Removing Records 02:52
56 Updating Records 06:00
57 A Few Notes on Exceptions 06:49
58 Excluding Response Properties 05:51
59 Solution to Serialization 04:38
60 How to Build Interceptors 12:14
61 Serialization in the Interceptor 08:21
62 Customizing the Interceptor's DTO 03:03
63 Wrapping the Interceptor in a Decorator 03:08
64 Controller-Wide Serialization 02:49
65 A Bit of Type Safety Around Serialize 03:31
66 Authentication Overview 08:22
67 Reminder on Service Setup 04:17
68 Implementing Signup Functionality 03:45
69 [Optional] Understanding Password Hashing 18:50
70 Salting and Hashing the Password 08:05
71 Creating a User 03:23
72 Handling User Sign In 08:29
73 Setting up Sessions 06:03
74 Changing and Fetching Session Data 05:46
75 Signing in a User 04:48
76 Getting the Current User 02:02
77 Signing Out a User 03:47
78 Two Automation Tools 01:58
79 Custom Param Decorators 05:35
80 Why a Decorator and Interceptor 06:13
81 Communicating from Interceptor to Decorator 07:08
82 Connecting an Interceptor to Dependency Injection 04:44
83 Globally Scoped Interceptors 03:53
84 Preventing Access with Authentication Guards 06:47
85 Testing Overview 04:43
86 Testing Setup 07:17
87 Yes, Testing is Confusing 06:50
88 Getting TypeScript to Help With Mocks 06:24
89 Improving File Layout 04:03
90 Ensuring Password Gets Hashed 05:57
91 Changing Mock Implementations 07:33
92 Testing the Signin Flow 02:03
93 Checking Password Comparison 08:38
94 More Intelligent Mocks 07:57
95 Refactoring to Use Intelligent Mocks 03:25
96 Unit Testing a Controller 06:49
97 More Mock Implementations 06:01
98 Not Super Effective Tests 08:11
99 Testing the Signin Method 06:29
100 Getting Started with End to End Testing 03:32
101 Creating an End to End Test 06:42
102 App Setup Issues in Spec Files 08:27
103 Applying a Globally Scoped Pipe 05:03
104 Applying a Globally Scoped Middleware 04:41
105 Solving Failures Around Repeat Test Runs 04:47
106 Creating Separate Test and Dev Databases 04:45
107 Understanding Dotenv 05:26
108 Applying Dotenv for Config 06:49
109 Specifying the Runtime Environment 04:45
110 Solving a SQLite Error 02:54
111 It Works! 04:36
112 A Followup Test 05:23
113 Back to Reports 01:01
114 Adding Properties to Reports 02:53
115 A DTO for Report Creation 03:51
116 Receiving Report Creation Requests 07:08
117 Saving a Report with the Reports Service 04:12
118 Testing Report Creation 04:08
119 Building Associations 03:36
120 Types of Associations 06:40
121 The ManyToOne and OneToMany Decorators 05:46
122 More on Decorators 08:29
123 Setting up the Association 06:39
124 Formatting the Report Response 03:39
125 Transforming Properties with a DTO 05:05
126 Adding in Report Approval 05:59
127 Testing Report Approval 05:49
128 Authorization vs Authentication 04:18
129 Adding an Authorization Guard 04:36
130 The Guard Doesn't Work?! 02:19
131 Middlewares, Guards, and Interceptors 03:50
132 Assigning CurrentUser with a Middleware 08:16
133 Fixing a Type Definition Error 02:34
134 Validating Query String Values 07:28
135 Transforming Query String Data 03:49
136 How Will We Generate an Estimate 03:32
137 Creating a Query Builder 05:15
138 Writing a Query to Produce the Estimate 08:33
139 Testing the Estimate Logic 03:46
140 The Path to Production 02:09
141 Providing the Cookie Key 03:36
142 Understanding the Synchronize Flag 03:44
143 The Dangers of Synchronize 02:23
144 The Theory Behind Migrations 03:21
145 Headaches with Config Management 04:49
146 TypeORM and Nest Config is Great 24:05
147 Env-Specific Database Config 06:40
148 Installing the TypeORM CLI 04:39
149 Generating and Running Migrations 07:08
150 Running Migrations During E2E Tests 02:50
151 Production DB Config 04:03
152 Heroku Specific Project Config 02:43
153 Deploying the App - (Final Lecture) 02:52
154 How to Get Help 01:05
155 TypeScript Overview 06:20
156 Environment Setup 08:00
157 A First App 04:44
158 Executing TypeScript Code 05:04
159 One Quick Change 03:36
160 Catching Errors with TypeScript 07:23
161 Catching More Errors! 05:16
162 Course Overview 03:37
163 Types 05:13
164 More on Types 05:54
165 Examples of Types 04:50
166 Where Do We Use Types? 00:50
167 Type Annotations and Inference 02:04
168 Annotations with Variables 04:54
169 Object Literal Annotations 06:54
170 Annotations Around Functions 05:57
171 Understanding Inference 03:52
172 The Any Type 07:48
173 Fixing the "Any" Type 01:50
174 Delayed Initialization 03:06
175 When Inference Doesn't Work 04:38
176 More Annotations Around Functions 04:57
177 Inference Around Functions 06:09
178 Annotations for Anonymous Functions 01:43
179 Void and Never 02:50
180 Destructuring with Annotations 03:36
181 Annotations Around Objects 07:06
182 Arrays in TypeScript 05:06
183 Why Typed Arrays? 04:31
184 Multiple Types in Arrays 02:58
185 When to Use Typed Arrays 00:55
186 Tuples in TypeScript 04:06
187 Tuples in Action 05:29
188 Why Tuples? 03:21
189 Interfaces 01:27
190 Long Type Annotations 04:43
191 Fixing Annotations with Interfaces 04:37
192 Syntax Around Interfaces 03:32
193 Functions In Interfaces 04:47
194 Code Reuse with Interfaces 04:16
195 General Plan with Interfaces 03:13
196 Classes 03:48
197 Basic Inheritance 03:04
198 Class Method Modifiers 06:42
199 Fields in Classes 06:19
200 Fields with Inheritance 04:19
201 Where to Use Classes 01:11
202 App Overview 02:46
203 Bundling with Parcel 04:56
204 Project Structure 03:20
205 Generating Random Data 05:30
206 Type Definition Files 05:18
207 Using Type Definition Files 06:21
208 Export Statements in TypeScript 05:07
209 Defining a Company 04:44
210 Adding Google Maps Support 07:39
211 Google Maps Integration with TypeScript 04:07
212 Exploring Type Definition Files 12:47
213 Hiding Functionality 06:29
214 Why Use Private Modifiers? Here's Why 08:26
215 Adding Markers 09:19
216 Duplicate Code 02:46
217 One Possible Solution 06:39
218 Restricting Access with Interfaces 05:36
219 Implicit Type Checks 03:27
220 Showing Popup Windows 06:24
221 Updating Interface Definitions 07:12
222 Optional Implements Clauses 06:07
223 App Wrapup 08:09

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