React, NodeJS, Express & MongoDB - The MERN Fullstack Guide

18h 45m 10s

Building fullstack applications (i.e. frontend + backend) with the MERN stack is very popular - in this course, you will learn it from scratch at the example of a complete project! MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js - and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications. In this course, we'll build an entire project and you will learn how these different technologies work together step by step. We'll first have a look at all the individual building blocks, so that we then can also combine them all into one amazing application by the end of the course.

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This course also doesn't stop after the basics - instead, you'll also learn how to add file upload, authentication, authorization and how to deploy your application in different ways to different hosting services.

This course is taught by two instructors - Max (React.js, Node/ Express) and Manuel (MongoDB) who have years of experience of working with these technologies and teaching them to other people. We took and combined our experiences to deliver you the best possible MERN stack course you can find out there.

In detail, this course offers:

  • Brief refreshers on the core technologies (React, Node, Express, MongoDB)

  • Project sections for each technology where the theoretic knowledge is applied

  • Detailed theory about the MERN stack and the different ways of combining the technologies

  • A complete course project where all the technologies come together into one application

  • File (image) upload in both React.js (sending the file) and Node/ Express (receiving the file)

  • User authentication (signup + login)

  • User authorization (controlling access to certain resources)

  • Detailed deployment instructions - including different ways of deploying the application

  • Tons of quizzes and extra resources!

By the end of this course, you'll feel comfortable building your own MERN stack applications and you can build up on all the knowledge taught throughout this course to dive into your own projects and use-cases.

What are the requirements for taking this course?

  • NO prior MERN stack knowledge is required

  • Basic React.js knowledge is strongly recommended - a refresher is provided as part of the course but this course is NOT meant to teach React from the ground up

  • Basic Node + Express knowledge is recommended but not a must-have

As always, this course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

We'd love to dive into this course together with you!

  • Basic knowledge about ReactJS is required
  • ReactJS Hooks knowledge is recommended
  • Basic knowledge about Node, Express and MongoDB is recommended but not a must-have
  • NO expert React knowledge or MERN knowledge is required
Who this course is for:
  • Developers who got basic React knowledge and now want to build a fullstack app
  • Advanced React developers who are interested in connecting React apps to Node/ Express
  • Node/ Express developers who want to learn how to add a modern frontend to their backend

What you'll learn:

  • Learn how to connect ReactJS with NodeJS, Express & MongoDB
  • Build an entire project from scratch!
  • Refresh the basics about ReactJS, NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
  • Learn how to implement Authentication & Authorization
  • Add File Upload to ReactJS + Node/ Express Applications

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:48
2 What is the "MERN Stack"? 07:32
3 MERN - A First Overview 02:12
4 Course Outline 02:14
5 How To Get The Most Out Of The Course 02:55
6 Module Introduction 01:19
7 Understanding the Big Picture 08:05
8 Diving Into the Frontend 04:07
9 Understanding the Backend 05:11
10 REST vs GraphQL 07:55
11 Connecting Node & React 05:51
12 Creating our Development Environment & the Development Servers 11:25
13 Diving Deeper Into the Code 09:46
14 Module Introduction 04:51
15 Understanding the General App Idea 02:37
16 Sketching out the Frontend 09:38
17 Data & API Endpoints used in our App 05:20
18 Required SPA Pages for the Frontend 02:57
19 Module Introduction 01:13
20 What is React? 03:14
21 Setting Up a Starting Project 04:04
22 Understanding JSX 05:32
23 Understanding Components 02:51
24 Working with Multiple Components 07:05
25 Using Props to pass Data between Components 06:53
26 Rendering Lists of Data 04:31
27 Handling Events 07:25
28 Efficient Child<=>Parent Communication 04:39
29 Working with "State" 05:55
30 More on State 04:21
31 Fetching User Input (Two-way Binding) 05:53
32 Wrap Up 02:12
33 Module Introduction 02:33
34 Starting Setup, Pages & Routes 17:22
35 Adding a UsersList Page / Component 09:30
36 Adding a UserItem Component 03:42
37 Styling our App & More Components 07:18
38 Presentational vs Stateful Components 03:23
39 Adding a Main Header 09:47
40 Adding Navlinks 05:06
41 Implementing a Basic Desktop & Mobile Navigation 04:22
42 Understanding Portals 03:01
43 Handling the Drawer State 04:09
44 Animating the Sidedrawer 05:15
45 Rendering User Places & Using Dynamic Route Segments 16:13
46 Getting Route Params 02:17
47 Adding Custom Buttons 02:54
48 Adding a Modal 17:27
49 Rendering a Map with Google Maps 14:37
50 Adding a Custom Form Input Component 09:43
51 Managing State in the Input Component 11:52
52 Adding Input Validation 08:03
53 Sharing Input Values & Adding Multiple Inputs 08:12
54 Managing Form-wide State 09:12
55 Finishing the "Add Place" Form 03:20
56 Starting Work on the "Update Place" Page 08:46
57 Adjusting the Input Component 02:39
58 Creating a Custom Form Hook (useForm) 11:04
59 Adjusting the Form Hook 11:20
60 Fixing Minor Issues 04:33
61 Showing a Deletion Warning 05:29
62 Adding an "Auth" Page & Login Form 09:07
63 Adding Signup + "Switch Mode" Button 11:19
64 Adding Auth Context for App-wide State Management 07:05
65 Listening to Context Changes 02:12
66 Adding Authenticated & Unauthenticated Routes 05:50
67 More Auth Context Usage 02:45
68 Wrap Up 01:09
69 Module Introduction 01:41
70 What is Node.js? 02:56
71 Writing our First Node.js Code 08:21
72 Sending Requests & Responses 13:35
73 What is Express.js? 01:16
74 Adding Express.js 11:40
75 Understanding the Advantages of Express.js 08:33
76 How Code Execution Works 03:17
77 Module Introduction 02:18
78 Setting up our Project 02:30
79 Implementing Basic Routing 11:22
80 Adding Place-Specific Routes 09:40
81 Getting a Place By User ID 04:38
82 Handling Errors 10:53
83 Adding our own Error Model 04:46
84 Adding Controllers 06:43
85 Adding a POST Route & Using Postman 13:23
86 Handling Errors for Unsupported Routes 02:14
87 Adding Patch Routes to Update Places 08:04
88 Deleting Places 04:08
89 Finalizing the "Get Places by User ID" Resource 02:45
90 Setting Up the User Routes (Signup, Login, Get Users) 13:25
91 Validating API Input (Request Bodies) 10:20
92 Validating Patch Requests & User Routes 06:15
93 Using Google's Geocoding API to Convert an Address Into Coordinates 16:21
94 Wrap Up 01:28
95 Module Introduction 01:16
96 What is MongoDB? 01:27
97 SQL vs NoSQL 03:42
98 Connecting React to a Database? 01:45
99 Setting Up MongoDB 05:27
100 Creating a Simple Backend & Connecting it to the Database 05:51
101 Creating a Document with MongoDB 07:53
102 Getting Data from the Database 06:12
103 Installing Mongoose 01:32
104 Understanding Models & Schemas 03:52
105 Creating a Product 03:24
106 Connecting to the Database & Saving the Product 07:29
107 Getting Products 04:13
108 Understanding the ObjectID 03:19
109 Wrap Up 01:43
110 Module Introduction 01:28
111 Installing Mongoose & Connecting our Backend to MongoDB 06:33
112 Creating the Place Schema & Model 06:35
113 Creating & Storing Documents in the Database 07:27
114 Getting Places by the PlaceID 08:09
115 Getting Places by the UserID 05:54
116 Updating Places 06:11
117 Deleting Places 03:44
118 How Users & Places are Related 01:35
119 Creating the User Model 06:29
120 Using the User Model for Signup 11:44
121 Adding the User Login 04:20
122 Getting Users 05:38
123 Adding the Relation between Places & Users 05:04
124 Creating Places & Adding it to a User 14:00
125 Deleting Places & Removing it From the User 07:48
126 Getting Places - An Alternative 05:39
127 Cleaning Up our Code 02:33
128 Wrap Up 01:44
129 Module Introduction 01:32
130 Initial Setup 01:02
131 Sending a POST Request to the Backend 10:31
132 Handling CORS Errors 06:59
133 Getting Started with Error Handling 08:00
134 Proper Error Handling in the Frontend 05:06
135 Sending a Login Request 03:36
136 Getting Users with a GET Request 10:23
137 Creating a Custom Http Hook 10:51
138 Improving the Custom Http Hook 08:30
139 Using the Http Hook to GET Users 03:48
140 Adding Places (POST) 13:07
141 Loading Places by User Id 08:00
142 Updating Places 12:24
143 Deleting Places 07:41
144 Fixing NavLinks & "My Places" 01:07
145 Final Adjustments 03:43
146 Module Introduction 01:14
147 Building an ImageUpload Component 10:37
148 Finishing & Using the ImageUpload Component (in a Form) 12:17
149 On the Backend: Using Multer to Save Files 08:53
150 Filtering Files on the Backend (Images Only!) 03:04
151 Wiring Frontend and Backend Up 05:10
152 Connecting Users to Images 06:20
153 Serving Images Statically 03:34
154 Uploading Images for New Places 06:09
155 Deleting Images When Places Get Deleted 03:00
156 Wrap Up 01:33
157 Module Introduction 01:09
158 How Authentication Works (in a MERN App) 05:02
159 Hashing the User Password 05:33
160 Logging Users In (with Hashed Passwords) 03:11
161 Generating Tokens (JWT) on the Backend 09:02
162 Backend Route Protection with Auth Middleware 12:49
163 Using & Attaching JWT (Tokens) in React 07:18
164 Using Tokens to Update and Delete Places 02:27
165 Adding Authorization 07:36
166 Authorization on "Delete Places" 03:02
167 Storing the Token in the Browser Storage 06:10
168 Adding Auto-Login (Basic Version) 05:15
169 Managing the Token Expiration Date 04:55
170 Finished Auto-Login & Auto-Logout 08:04
171 Creating a Custom Authentication Hook 03:46
172 Authentication - Summary 01:50
173 General App Improvements 04:41
174 Module Introduction 00:56
175 Deployment Steps Overview 02:30
176 Using Environment Variables (Node.js) 08:26
177 Environment Variables in React Apps 07:27
178 Preparing API Keys & Credentials 05:48
179 Building the React App 04:32
180 Adding Code Splitting to React 07:16
181 Understanding Possible Deployment Alternatives 03:51
182 Deploying a Standalone REST API (Example: Heroku) 10:47
183 Deploying a Standalone React SPA (Example: Firebase Hosting) 09:13
184 Fixing Style Issues 01:36
185 Deploying a Combined App 10:25
186 Storing Files/ Uploads 02:21
187 Wrap Up 00:46
188 Course Roundup 00:56

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