Youtube clone

15h 41m 20s
April 12, 2024

What is "clone coding"? Services that actually exist. Sweat. Sweat. Practical 100% educational method to learn while creating Clone coding is a way of learning while creating real services such as Instagram, KakaoTalk, YouTube, Uber, etc. Are you still studying difficult theories? Even before I even start, my motivation to study would disappear!? There is no way to study as fast and effective as learning while making a real-world service with your own hands. Come to the practical programming world!


Features to implement and concepts to learn

Finally, we will develop a full stack that runs the entire cycle including front + back + distribution.

  • This is a fully reproduced YouTube clone coding. Users can view videos, upload videos, record their own videos, comment on each other's videos, and search videos.
  • YouTube backend clones: MongoDB, NodeJS, ES6, AWS, Heroku
  • YouTube frontend clone: 100% Vanilla JS! SaSS, ES6, WebPack, Pug

As a result, after this class...

  • Finally, we will develop a full stack that runs the entire cycle including front + back + distribution.
  • JavaScript developer! Overall JS technology is upgraded.
  • See the finished look:

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# Title Duration
1 #0.1 What are we building 02:12
2 #0.2 The State of Fullstack 05:52
3 #0.3 Websites vs Webapps 04:45
4 #1.0 What is NodeJS 03:18
5 #1.1 Use Cases for NodeJS 08:38
6 #1.2 Who Uses NodeJS 03:22
7 #1.3 Installing NodeJS 02:45
8 #2.0 What is a Server 02:59
9 #2.1 What is Express 03:33
10 #2.2 Installing Express with NPM 11:20
11 #2.3 Your First Express Server 11:14
12 #2.4 Handling Routes with Express 09:58
13 #2.5 ES6 on NodeJS using Babel 10:40
14 #2.6 Express Core: Middlewares 09:38
15 #2.7 Express Core: Middlewares part Two 09:23
16 #2.8 Express Core: Routing 11:23
17 #2.9 MVC Pattern part One 08:03
18 #2.10 MVC Pattern part Two 11:10
19 #2.11 MVC Pattern part Three 08:38
20 #2.12 Recap 04:24
21 #2.13 Installing Pug 06:37
22 #2.14 Layouts with Pug 09:37
23 #2.15 Partials with Pug 09:13
24 #2.16 Local Variables in Pug 09:04
25 #2.17 Template Variables in Pug 04:40
26 #2.18 Search Controller 10:43
27 #2.19 Join : Log In HTML 11:18
28 #2.20 Change Profile HTML 06:56
29 #2.21 Home Controller 11:02
30 #2.22 Home Controller part Two 10:55
31 #2.23 Join Controller 12:09
32 #2.24 Log In and User Profile Controller 10:28
33 #2.25 More Controlers 10:34
34 #3.0 MongoDB and Mongoose 06:33
35 #3.1 Connecting to MongoDB 09:17
36 #3.2 Configuring Dot Env 03:15
37 #3.3 Video Model 07:18
38 #3.4 Comment Model 07:50
39 #3.5 Home Controller Finished 09:26
40 #3.6 Uploading and Creating a Video 13:52
41 #3.7 Uploading and Creating a Video part Two 08:51
42 #3.8 Getting Video by ID 11:54
43 #3.9 Editing a Video 14:31
44 #3.10 Deleting a Video 06:56
45 #3.11 Installing ESLint 14:17
46 #3.12 Searching Videos 11:51
47 #4.0 Introduction to Webpack 09:33
48 #4.1 Styles with Webpack part One 10:31
49 #4.2 Styles with Webpack part Two 11:48
50 #4.3 ES6 with Webpack 10:33
51 #5.0 SCSS and Making the Header 11:14
52 #5.1 Footer and Login / Join 09:00
53 #5.2 Everything else! 14:25
54 #6.0 Introduction to PassportJS 05:04
55 #6.1 Local Authentication with Passport part One 11:17
56 #6.2 Local Authentication with Passport part Two 09:59
57 #6.3 Loggin the User In 10:25
58 #6.4 Sessions on Express 11:22
59 #6.5 MongoStore and Middlewares 10:38
60 #6.6 Github Log In part One 08:24
61 #6.7 Github Log In part Two 13:46
62 #6.8 Github Log In part Three 08:44
63 #6.9 Recap and User Profile 12:34
64 #6.10 User Detail + Facebook Login Part One 13:08
65 #6.11 Facebook Login Part Two 13:48
66 #6.12 Facebook Log In part Three 08:46
67 #7.0 User Profile 08:24
68 #7.1 Edit User Password 10:41
69 #7.2 Change Password 10:23
70 #7.3 Adding Creator to Video 10:23
71 #7.4 Protecting Video Routes 08:25
72 #8.0 Starting the Video Player 12:27
73 #8.1 Play Pause Functionallity 11:52
74 #8.2 Mute Unmute 08:22
75 #8.3 Enter Fullscreen Exit Fullscreen 11:44
76 #8.4 Total Time and Current Time 12:33
77 #8.5 Volume Bar part One 09:26
78 #8.6 Volume Bar part Two 09:51
79 #9.0 Getting User Media 13:32
80 #9.1 Recording Video part One 09:54
81 #9.2 Recording video part Two 13:03
82 #10.0 API Registering a View part One 12:25
83 #10.1 API Registering a View part Two 08:39
84 #10.2 API Adding a Comment part One 09:05
85 #10.3 API Adding a Comment part Two 09:37
86 #10.4 API Adding a Comment part Three 09:21
87 #10.5 Conclusions 03:29
88 #11.0 Introduction to AWS S3 09:17
89 #11.1 Multer Uploads to AWS S3 13:28
90 #11.2 Blob Duration Bug 06:43
91 #11.3 Migrating the DB to MongoLab 06:24
92 #11.3.1 MongoLab is Dead Update 08:00
93 #11.4 Building for Production 13:01
94 #11.5 Deploying to Heroku part One 10:44
95 #11.6 Deploying to Heroku part Two 05:36
96 #11.7 Flash Messages part One 09:51
97 #11.8 Flash Messages part Two 13:02
98 #11.10 Intro to Prisma part One 09:54
99 #11.11 Intro to Prisma part Two 14:23

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