Next.js Complex State Management Patterns with RSC

2h 56m 24s

In the dynamic world of web development, mastering complex state management is an essential skills. And since version 13, Next.js introduced a new type of component as the default type: server components. This new type introduced a change in the way developers should think about their logic and thus, it affected state management code and libraries.

The problem? Given the poor documentation available, some devs are getting confused trying to manage state from their server components.

This lesson aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these concepts, enabling developers to utilize the powerful tools offered by the Next.js framework effectively.

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What will we cover in this course?

Throughout the course, we'll delve into all the essential concepts required to understand how server comopnents works and how they interact with state.

The aim is to make sure you have a solid basic understanding before we jump into the problem that got you here.

So while you might already know some of these concepts, a quick refresher might come in handy.

The topics we'll cover are:

  1. State and state management in React. Here we'll go over everything you must know about state before moving forward. From the theory behind the concept of "state" on a web application, to the most commmon techniques revolving state management in React.
  2. Client components. We'll do a quick overview of the usual type of components we're all used to building but we'll delve deeper into some of the best use cases for them.
  3. Server components. Now we'll start learning about the new type of components and what are the main differences with client components. We'll go deep into the reason why they were introduced and the best use cases for them.
  4. Page architecture. Here armed with the understanding of server components, we'll look at two practical examples of how to use them to improve the loading speed and the internal architecture of two sections of our sample app.
  5. Sharing state between server and client components. The final section of the course will answer the question of how to perform proper state management having two different types of comopnents on the same application.

By the end of this course, you'll have all the tools you'll need to confidently create Next.js applications taking advantage of the most advanced features of the framework.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:15
2 Mastering State Management in Web Development using Server and Client Components 06:12
3 Optimizing Web Application Performance with Page Architecture in Next.js 08:00
4 Understanding State in React: Best Practices and Pitfalls 08:52
5 Understanding Local and Global State in Software Development 05:52
6 Understanding and Handling Local State in React 07:44
7 Understanding State Management in React: A Comprehensive Guide to Global State and Context API 10:05
8 Utilizing Client Components in React and Next.js 06:19
9 Harnessing Client Components for Dynamic User Interactivity 03:36
10 When to Use Client Components Instead of Server Components 13:28
11 Unravelling Next.js Server Components: A Comprehensive Guide 12:17
12 Server Components vs Server-Side Rendering: A Comprehensive Guide 08:10
13 When should you use Server Components? 09:04
14 Improving Page Architecture: Strategies for Optimizing Performance and Interactivity 27:52
15 Understanding State Management in Server and Client Components 04:20
16 Sharing State Between Server and Client Components using props 10:31
17 Using cookies to share state between client and server components 14:31
18 Hydrated State: Building Interactive Applications with Server-Side APIs and Client-Side State 13:37
19 Final words about the course 02:39

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