Testing Next.js Apps with Jest, Testing Library and Cypress

7h 35m 24s
Learn to test a real-world serverless React app with routes, authentication, database and more! Learn how to test your Next.js app from top to bottom! Tests provide confidence that your Next.js app won't be released with embarrassing, costly bugs. Employers need developers who know how to write tests!
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Comprehensive Next.js App Testing

This course teaches how to test all aspects of a Next.js application, including:

  1. UI unit tests

  2. API unit tests

  3. Next.js routes

  4. Cached pages

  5. Data updates (both to the cache and via SWR refresh interval)

  6. Authentication

  7. End-to-End tests for a complete user flow

The course uses a cross-section of testing technologies, featuring: 

  1. Jest

  2. React Testing Library

  3. Mock Service Worker

  4. Cypress

  5. Cypress Testing Library

You'll also learn a wide array of testing techniques, such as:

  1. Using a test database

  2. Environment variables

  3. Jest module mocking

  4. Testing definitions and tradeoffs (not necessarily a technique, but helpful in making decisions about what to test!)

Practice what you've learned

The course includes "code quizzes" -- challenges to write code based on the concepts you've just learned. For more concept-heavy sections (such as testing definitions and guidelines) the course provides multiple-choice quizzes.

Test a pre-written app

A Next.js app has already been written for the course, so the course content can focus on testing. The course tests a popular concert venue app called... Popular Concert Venue (the owners were apparently running low on creativity when they named the place). The app features shows from bands such as The Joyous Nun Riot and Avalanche of Cheese. Randomized, mad-libs style band descriptions and images add to the fun.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:11
2 Course Technologies and Prerequisites 03:09
3 create-next-app Using with-jest Example 03:21
4 First Next.js Test 05:43
5 Course Features: Code Quizzes and Side Notes 02:39
6 Guide to the Rest of the Course 05:15
7 Introduction to Testing 03:14
8 Types of Tests 04:34
9 What to Test 04:05
10 Test Redundancy 04:58
11 Test Granularity Guidelines 03:22
12 My View on Snapshot Tests (hint: not my thing) 03:06
13 Summary: Testing Definitions and Philosophy 02:28
14 Introduction to Course App and Next.js Data Fetching 01:14
15 Demo of Course App 03:19
16 Next.js Data Fetching Strategies 10:49
17 Installing the Course App 04:39
18 Course App Code Notes 05:28
19 Introduction and Technologies 03:46
20 Testing a Static Page 07:19
21 Testing SSG Props 07:56
22 Code Quiz! Band Component Error 02:59
23 Decisions and Guidelines for the Tests So Far 04:31
24 Introduction to Mock Service Worker 02:59
25 Setting up MSW with Next.js 05:13
26 Adding a MSW Handler 07:38
27 Using MSW for a Test: Reservation Component 06:13
28 Code Quiz! User Reservations 06:32
29 Different MSW Responses per Test 10:20
30 Code Quiz! Different MSW Responses per Test 03:19
31 Summary: UI Testing 02:40
32 Introduction to Test Databases 03:40
33 Creating a Test Database 03:29
34 Environment Variables 07:17
35 Creating the Test DB and Environment Variables 07:59
36 Create a Method to Reset the Test DB 08:54
37 Summary: Setting up a Test Database 01:28
38 Introducing testing Next.js Routes and Cypress 02:57
39 OPTIONAL: Introduction to Cypress 02:07
40 Setting up Next.js for Cypress 05:47
41 Setting up Cypress 09:05
42 First Cypress Test: Static Route 06:39
43 Code Quiz! Static Route 03:03
44 Testing Dynamic Routes 02:21
45 Resetting the Database in Cypress 07:10
46 Test Dynamic Route that was Present at Build Time 03:36
47 Code Quiz! Test route that does not exist 02:44
48 Test Route Created after Build 07:09
49 Run all Cypress and Jest Tests 05:44
50 Summary: Testing Next.js Routes and Cypress 02:33
51 Introduction to Testing ISR and Data Updates 02:43
52 Testing Data Comes from ISR Cache 04:20
53 First ISR Cache Test 05:14
54 Code Quiz! ISR Bands Page 04:03
55 Updating the ISR Cache on Demand 05:28
56 Writing a Cypress Plug-In for Environment Variable 03:44
57 ISR Revalidation Test 09:55
58 Clearing the ISR Cache 11:38
59 Adding ISR Cache Clearing to Test 04:50
60 Code Quiz! Revalidate ISR Cache 04:45
61 SWR Revalidate on Interval 04:17
62 Testing Revalidate on Interval 11:18
63 Code Quiz! Revalidate on Interval 04:12
64 Summary: Testing ISR and Data Updates 02:13
65 Introduction to Testing Authentication 03:23
66 Auth Wrapper in Course App 06:23
67 Adding Sign-In Details to Cypress 04:13
68 Testing Success Flow with Auth Wrapper 11:34
69 Code Quiz! Authentication Failure followed by Success 03:56
70 Parametrizing Protected Page Tests 05:22
71 Authenticating Programmatically 09:10
72 Code Quiz! Authenticating Programmatically 05:40
73 Ticket Purchase End-to-End Test 03:22
74 Summary: Testing Authentication 01:49
75 Introduction to API Tests 05:30
76 First API Test 08:33
77 Fixing Test Errors: Polyfill, resetDB, ignore DB directory in watchlist 08:15
78 Testing a Route with a URL Param 06:58
79 Testing a POST Route 06:55
80 Mocking utils Module for Authentication 06:58
81 Write Test using Mocked Module 05:31
82 Code Quiz! User with No Reservations 03:06
83 Code Quiz! Post a Reservation 06:10
84 Fixing Issues with Parallel Tests using Shared Database 05:45
85 Updating Mock Function Return Value: Testing Unauthorized Request 05:02
86 Code Quiz! Updating Mock Function Return Value 02:15
87 Testing Routes with Query String Params 05:10
88 Code Quiz! Query String Params 01:59
89 Summary: Testing Next.js APIs 03:00
90 Congratulations and Thank You! 01:04

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