Become A Node.js Backend Engineer

2h 4m 14s
This comprehensive course covers all the key aspects of backend development with Node.js. From the basics to advanced concepts, you will gain the practical skills necessary for creating scalable and high-performance server applications. The course is perfect for both beginners and developers looking to deepen their knowledge in Node.js.
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What awaits you in the course?

1. Fundamentals of Node.js

  • Variables, data types, functions, flow control
  • Error handling, modules, working with NPM

2. Advanced Node.js Concepts

  • Asynchronous programming (Promises, async/await, Event Loop)
  • File handling, creating CLI applications
  • Streams, multithreading, built-in modules

3. Creating Backend Systems

  • Development of scalable server applications
  • Working with frameworks Express and Nest.js
  • Using ORM: Prisma, Mongoose, Sequelize

4. Logging and Caching

  • Implementing logging with Winston
  • Caching with Redis and Memcached

5. Creating REST API

  • Development of efficient REST API
  • API design and practical implementation

6. GraphQL with Node.js

  • Creating GraphQL servers on Node.js
  • Development of complex and scalable GraphQL API

7. Testing in Node.js

  • Writing Unit, Integration, and End-to-End tests

8. Containerization of Applications on Node.js

  • Using Docker for containerization
  • Node.js project containerization practices

9. Deploying Applications to Servers

  • Hosting applications on AWS, Digital Ocean, Azure, GCP, Heroku

10. Implementing Projects on Node.js

  • Practice on 10+ real projects
  • Creating a SaaS product on Node.js

After the course, you will be able to develop reliable and scalable server applications on Node.js using modern technologies and best practices!

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# Title Duration
1 001 - Course Overview 01:18
2 002 - Course Instructor 01:20
3 003 - Nodejs Basics Overview 01:04
4 004 - What is Node.js 06:48
5 005 - Event-Driven Architecture 04:17
6 006 - Single-Threaded in Node.js 04:49
7 007 - Non-blocking in Node.js 02:32
8 008 - Running Node.js 08:51
9 009 - Node.js vs Browser 07:20
10 010 - Introduction to Modules 08:46
11 011 - Custom Node Modules 03:42
12 012 - Global Scope 06:01
13 013 - Introduction to NPM 14:09
14 014 - Package.json 17:10
15 015 - Error handling 19:43
16 016 - Using Debugger 12:23
17 017 - Stacktrace 04:01

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