Learn Web Scraping with NodeJs in 2020 - The Crash Course

7h 9m 10s
April 10, 2024
Learn and be great at Web Scraping with NodeJs and tools like: Puppeteer by Google, Request, Cheerio, NightmareJs.  Get into the world of Web Scraping and Data Mining with NodeJs. Learn modern methods of scraping with NodeJs - Puppeteer and with direct NodeJs Requests.


Introduce yourself and improve your knowledge on Scraping

  • Learn Scraping with Puppeteer, NightmareJs or Manual Requests

  • Build scraper modules for various websites ( Imdb, twitter, instagram..etc )

  • Learn multiple ways of scraping and when to choose them

  • Get familiar with the ethics, do's and dont's of Scraping

Enjoy coding and learning Web Scraping with real world examples and real world problem solving while building scrapers with NodeJs.

Web Scraping is a very gray area and not many talk about it or even teach about this. You are going to find valuable scraping informations and techniques that you can directly put to practice for yourself.

I've been working with Data Mining with NodeJs for more than 2 years on dozens of websites and I've learned many ways of creating a scraper and the best practices. All of which you are going to find out and learn in just a few hours in this course.


I designed this Web Scraping Crash Course to be easily understood by absolute beginners and people who already have some knowledge about the subject. 

Complete crash course with all files and code samples, you’ll be able to work alongside with me as we work through each concept and scraper module.

This is not some random tutorial that you usually find on the internet with extremely simple examples. I am showing you everything that you need to think about when starting to build a scraper with NodeJs, while building, problem solving techniques and all you need to know  that by the end of the course to be confident and create one for yourself.

  • JavaScript Knowledge with ES6 Syntax
  • Be familiar with CSS / jQuery selectors
Who this course is for:
  • Complete beginners interested in learning Data Scraping with NodeJs
  • People who already have some Basic Knowledge but want to Take it to the Next Level

What you'll learn:

  • Create Data Scrapers from Scratch to Finish with NodeJs
  • Choosing the right tools for Scraping different websites
  • How to use the Top Scraping tools for NodeJs to your Advantage
  • How to Automate User Interactions with NodeJs
  • Build Scrapers with Puppeteer by Google
  • Build Scrapers with the native Request & Cheerio
  • Learn how to scrape with NightmareJs

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:12
2 Tools & Project Setup 03:30
3 Writing a Simple IMDB Scraper 10:32
4 Why & When to Choose Scraping 03:57
5 The biggest "problem" with scraping 02:38
6 Running with Terminal / CMD & Basics on VSCode Debugger 06:39
7 The Request library / method 05:13
8 The Browser Automation method 06:11
9 01 - How to spoof / add custom request headers 06:52
10 02 - Deal with GZIP Compression enabled websites 04:45
11 03 - Selectors & More Parsing 19:07
12 04 - Multiple Movies & Saving JSON to File 08:00
13 05 - Exporting data to CSV 06:49
14 06 - Easiest method of getting the proper selectors 05:37
15 07 - Downloading Images Locally 10:22
16 08 - Promisifying callback based functions 09:13
17 09 - Exposing and working with Custom Functions in Puppeteer 09:26
18 Using a Proxy Server 04:44
19 Status Codes & Error Handling 10:05
20 Manual Login with CSRF Protection & Cookie Parsing 18:36
21 01 - Introduction and inspecting the structures 08:29
22 02 - Building the scraper 20:25
23 03 - Parsing latest posts of an ig user 12:10
24 01 - Installation, introduction and testing 04:20
25 02 - Writing a simple automated task 09:05
26 03 - Generating PDF's, Emulating Phone Views, Getting Title & Url of pages 07:37
27 04 - Using Puppeteer to login on Instagram 11:36
28 05 - Making Websites Load Much Faster with a simple trick 08:24
29 06 - HTTP Basic Authentication 03:47
30 07 - Ignoring HTTPS / SSL Errors & Changing the ViewPort 03:41
31 08 - Learning how to use Proxies 02:56
32 01 - How to login on Twitter 10:23
33 02 - Refactoring code and improving it 07:16
34 03 - How to post Tweets with Puppeteer 11:34
35 04 - Scraping Twitter User Details 13:57
36 05 - Scraping More User Details 15:46
37 06 - Scraping User Tweets 14:10
38 07 - Scraping More Tweet Details ( Likes, Replies..etc ) 14:11
39 08 - Handling The Infinite Loader of the Tweets 08:29
40 01 - Creating the Module Structure 06:44
41 02 - Parsing Product Details 11:29
42 03 - More Details and Tricks on the Product Details page of Amazon 07:01
43 01 - Installation, introduction and testing 06:29
44 02 - Talking and testing more about NightmareJs 07:16
45 03 - Scraping Ycombinator News with Vanilla Javascript 13:03
46 04 - Scraping Ycombinator News - More details 10:17
47 05 - Scraping Ycombinator News - Modulate & Pagination 11:41
48 06 - Handling Downloads 06:07
49 07 - Injecting Custom Javascript 05:24
50 Congratulations! 00:55

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