React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development

43h 9m 35s
April 11, 2024

Master MERN Stack Web Development building Ultimate E-commerce app with React Redux Ant Design Firebase NodeJs and MongoDB. This project will have almost all the features you want to add in any E-commerce app including:

  • Login Registration System

  • Login with email/password and social login (Google)

  • Admin dashboard and order management system

  • Products CRUD with advance features including categories, sub-categories, multiple image uploads etc

  • Plenty of advance searching and filtering options

  • Star rating system

  • Cart functionality with both backend/frontend implementation

  • Checkout with stripe for credit card payments

  • Checkout with cash on delivery (no online payment required)

  • User dashboard with password update, purchase history, Invoice/PDF download etc

  • Deployment to digital ocean cloud

  • Please go through the curriculum to get better understanding of the project

This course project is probably the biggest and most exciting project you have build so far. It is packed with hundreds of tips and tricks that can help you build almost any type of full stack app (not limited to ecommerce).

Master the art of building FullStack/MERN Stack apps by enrolling into this course and never look back. What you are now and what you will become after completing this course is going to be a ground breaking step in your web development career.

You can build the biggest and most complex apps of your dream or as required at your job. Master the stack of all stacks and become the most productive and innovative developer of your team. I welcome you to be a part of this incredible journey.

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# Title Duration
1 Live Demo - User and Cart 11:40
2 Live Demo - Searching and Filtering 06:11
3 Live Demo - Rating and Admin Dashboard 10:47
4 Are You Ready for this Course? 11:45
5 Building the App Visually 06:16
6 Create React Project 09:01
7 Routes and Pages 13:53
8 Ant Design Navigation 13:46
9 Ant Design Icons 10:12
10 React Router Link 03:21
11 Firebase Setup 05:24
12 Register Form 12:23
13 Email Link to Signin 15:09
14 ENV and Toast Notifications 06:37
15 Complete Registration Page 11:45
16 Complete Registration 22:31
17 Setup Redux 15:42
18 User in Redux State 11:01
19 User Logout 08:19
20 Login Page 12:03
21 Signin with Email and Password 09:13
22 Login with Google 08:33
23 Conditional Rendering 09:18
24 Forgot Password 21:51
25 Redirect logged in user 06:25
26 Backend API with Node and MongoDB 02:01
27 NPM Packages to install 05:50
28 Mongo Atlas or Local Installation 06:27
29 Server Setup 21:43
30 Routes 07:03
31 Routes Autoloading 06:19
32 Controllers 06:39
33 User Schema 08:31
34 Firebase Admin 05:38
35 Middleware 09:05
36 Auth Check Middleware 12:54
37 Create or Update User 15:44
38 API User Response 15:42
39 Current User Endpoint 10:18
40 Role Based Redirect 05:18
41 Protected User Route 14:22
42 Redirect Countdown 09:48
43 Sidebar Nav for User 08:06
44 Password Update 18:18
45 Admin Check Middleware 08:32
46 Admin Route 17:15
47 Warnings and Cleanup 04:06
48 What's Next? 01:29
49 Category Schema 06:53
50 Category Routes 06:03
51 Category Create 15:42
52 Category List Read Update Delete 14:59
53 Category CRUD Requests 06:53
54 Dynamic Dashboard Link 04:28
55 Admin Sidebar Nav 10:21
56 Category Create and List 21:40
57 Category Render and Delete 15:56
58 Category Update 21:48
59 What's Next? 02:58
60 Code Refactor - Reusable Component 07:11
61 Search Filter Categories 09:16
62 Code Refactor - Search Filter 08:36
63 Sub Categories CRUD 09:23
64 Sub Categories Functions 06:16
65 Sub Category Create 19:23
66 Showing Sub Categories and Remove 06:43
67 Sub Category Update 15:30
68 What's Next? 03:43
69 Product Model 14:21
70 Product Create Backend 07:19
71 Create Product Page 08:17
72 Product Create Form 18:47
73 Create Product 11:09
74 Alert and Reload after Product Create 06:44
75 Product Create Error Message 06:41
76 GET Endpoint - Products 04:19
77 Code Refactor 06:45
78 Create Product with Category 12:58
79 Sub Categories Endpoint 06:28
80 List Sub Categories Based on Parent Category 09:50
81 Sub Categories Props 06:26
82 Multi Select Ant Design 11:03
83 Create Product with Sub Categories 09:56
84 How Image Upload Will Work? 02:28
85 Cloudinary Upload Endpoints 17:10
86 File Upload Components 10:53
87 File Resize in React 11:42
88 Multiple Image Uploads 12:07
89 Image Preview 06:26
90 Product Create with Multiple Images 17:56
91 List All Products Endpoint 10:59
92 Fetch All Products in Admin Dashboard 09:18
93 Admin Products Card 13:18
94 Code Organization 06:38
95 Default Image Ant Icons and Product Description 08:32
96 Product Delete Endpoint 03:52
97 Delete A Product 13:54
98 Product Update Page 08:45
99 Product Slug from Router 08:01
100 Get Product on Update Page 08:31
101 Product Update Component 08:18
102 Pre Populate Shipping Color and Brand 06:13
103 Pre Populate Category 15:05
104 Pre Populate Sub Categories 19:51
105 Category and Sub Category Sync on Update 23:25
106 Image Uploads in Product Update 08:16
107 Product Update Endpoint 08:33
108 Update A Product 11:54
109 Fetch Products in Home Page 06:05
110 Product Card Component 08:21
111 Using Ant Design Card 09:21
112 Typewriter Effect 12:00
113 Loading Card 16:16
114 List Product with Sort Order and Limit 08:06
115 New Arrivals 12:45
116 Best Sellers 05:31
117 Get Total Products Count 07:03
118 List Products Endpoint with Pagination 06:10
119 New Arrivals Pagination 20:09
120 Best Sellers Pagination 03:56
121 View Products Page 11:29
122 Single Product Component 13:43
123 Image Carousel 07:45
124 Default Image 05:16
125 Product List Items Component 18:04
126 Tabs 07:41
127 Star Rating System Backend 27:32
128 React Star Rating 08:56
129 Modal for Rating 14:54
130 Login to Leave Rating 03:52
131 Redirect to Intended Page 11:05
132 API Request with Rating 18:10
133 Show Users Existing Star Rating 08:27
134 Show Average Rating 15:24
135 Show Average Rating in Home Page 09:03
136 Related Products Backend 11:14
137 Show Related Products 16:02
138 Categories List 13:48
139 Category Home Page 16:12
140 Category with Products Backend 16:12
141 Category Page with Products 12:47
142 Sub Categories with Products 15:25
143 Introduction to Searching and Filtering 05:00
144 Search Filter Backend 10:23
145 Search Redux Setup 17:24
146 Shop Page 14:27
147 Search By Text 18:13
148 Filter By Price Range Backend 07:16
149 Filter By Price Range Frontend 29:04
150 Filter By Categories Backend 03:47
151 Filter By Categories Frontend 34:23
152 Filter By Star Rating Backend 16:02
153 Filter By Star Rating Frontend 19:00
154 Filter By Sub Category Backend 03:00
155 Filter By Sub Category Frontend 15:14
156 Filter By Shipping Color and Brand Backend 05:30
157 Filter By Brands Frontend 14:07
158 Filter By Colors Frontend 06:29
159 Filter By Shipping Frontend 09:47
160 Introduction to Add To Cart 06:51
161 Add Product to Local Storage 15:09
162 Tooltip 05:55
163 Cart in Redux State 06:49
164 Dispatch Add To Cart 16:07
165 Cart Page Setup 05:49
166 Cart Page Order Summary 13:19
167 Redirect Back to Cart Page After Login 06:39
168 Cart Items in Table 13:42
169 React Modal Image 06:37
170 Pick A Color in Cart Page 17:25
171 Quantity Update in Cart 12:22
172 Remove Products From Cart 09:47
173 Side Drawer Component 13:48
174 Cart Items in Side Drawer 19:17
175 Checkout Page Setup 11:45
176 Save Cart Request 06:55
177 Cart Model 05:33
178 Save Cart To Database 21:26
179 Get User Cart from Database 11:32
180 Get User Cart in Frontend 07:04
181 Final Order Summary in Checkout 05:43
182 Empty Cart 15:46
183 User Address on Checkout 12:43
184 Save Address on Checkout 08:35
185 Coupon Schema 05:06
186 Coupon Routes and Controller Methods 07:14
187 Create Coupon Page 12:05
188 Create Coupon 14:28
189 Coupon List and Delete 13:17
190 Apply Coupon 09:05
191 Apply Discount Backend 14:00
192 Discount Price Response 09:36
193 Coupon Error and Success Message 07:50
194 Coupon in Redux 10:51
195 Stripe Setup Backend 14:56
196 Stripe Setup Frontend 06:48
197 Stripe Checkout Component 19:04
198 Successful Payment 13:53
199 Charging Actual Cart Total 09:51
200 Charge With Coupon Discount 21:31
201 Show Discount and Coupon Applied in Frontend 15:11
202 What's Next After Successful Purchase? 04:26
203 Order Schema 07:27
204 Create Order Backend 06:55
205 Create Order and Empty Cart Frontend 15:49
206 Decrement Quantity Increment Sold 11:06
207 Show Out Of Stock 08:23
208 User Orders Backend 03:46
209 User Orders in Purchase History Page 08:20
210 Purchase Orders in Card 06:16
211 Showing Each Order's Products in Table 08:33
212 Show Payment Info 11:05
213 PDF View and Download Link 11:40
214 Invoice Component 09:08
215 Download Invoice as PDF 13:58
216 Orders Status Update for Admin Backend 07:10
217 Load All Orders in Admin Dashboard 13:18
218 Orders with Status Update 22:06
219 Products Table in Admin Dashboard 03:30
220 Wishlist Backend 12:56
221 Wishlist Functions Frontend 06:55
222 Wishlist Frontend 19:30
223 Cash On Delivery 11:23
224 Create Cash Order or Redirect to Payment Page 12:49
225 Create Cash Order Backend 17:59
226 Cash Order Success with Coupon and Status of Cash On Delivery 22:50
227 Code Splitting with Lazy and Suspense 10:58
228 Heroku or Digital Ocean 06:47
229 Admin User Setup and Root Access 12:30
230 Push Project to Github 05:00
231 NGINX Configuration 09:47
232 Running API 06:04
233 MongoDB Setup 04:26
234 Running React Frontend 07:14
235 Resize Droplet with Bigger Memory 05:43
236 Making User Admin and Trying Deployed App 13:30

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