Node JS: Advanced Concepts

16h 3m 30s

Node Internals: Here's one of the most common interview questions you'll face when looking for a Node job: "Can you explain Node's Event Loop?" There are two types of engineers: those who can describe the Event Loop and those who cannot!  This course will ensure that you are incredibly well prepared to answer that most important question.  Besides being critical for interviews, knowledge of the Event Loop will give you a better understanding of how Node works internally.  

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Many engineers know not to 'block' the Event Loop, but they don't necessarily understand why.  You will be one of the engineers who can clearly articulate the performance profile of Node and its Event Loop.

Caching with Redis: We'll also supercharge the performance of database queries by implementing caching backed by Redis.  No previous experience of Redis is required!  Redis is an in-memory data store purpose built for solving caching needs.  By adding caching to your application, you can decrease the amount of time that any given request takes, improving the overall response time of your app.

File Upload: There are many resources online that offer suggestions on how to handle file upload, but few show a solution that can truly scale.  Hint: saving files directly on your server isn't a scalable solution!  Learn how to leverage AWS S3 to implement file upload that can scale to millions of users with a few dozen lines of simple code.  Plentiful discussions are included on security concerns with handling uploads, as well.

Continuous Integration Testing: This is a must have feature for any serious production app.  We'll first learn how to test huge swaths of our codebase with just a few lines of code by using Puppeteer and Jest.  After writing many effective tests, we'll enable continuous integration on Travis CI, a popular - and free - CI platform.  Testing can sometimes be boring, so we'll use this section to brush up on some advanced Javascript techniques, including one of the only legitimate uses of ES2015 Proxies that you'll ever see!

Here's what we'll learn:

  • Master the Node Event Loop - understand how Node executes your source code. 
  • Understand the purpose of Node, and how the code you write is eventually executed by  C++ code in the V8 engine
  • Add a huge boost to performance in your Node app through clustering and worker threads
  • Turbocharge MongoDB queries by adding query caching backed by a lightning-fast Redis instance
  • Scale your app to infinity with image and file upload backed by Amazon's S3 file service
  • Implement a continuous integration testing pipeline so you always know your project functions properly
  • Think you know everything there is about managing  cookies and session?  Well, you might, but learn even more!
  • Ensure your app works the way you expect with automated browser testing using Jest and Puppeteer
  • Bonus - learn advanced JS techniques along the way, including where to use ES2015 proxies!

I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to Node. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.

  • Basic knowledge of Node, Express, and MongoDB
  • Strong knowledge of Javascript
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants a deep mastery of Node
  • Engineers looking to understand the internals of Node
  • Programmers looking to improve Node's performance

What you'll learn:

  • Absolutely master the Event Loop and understand each of its stages
  • Utilize Worker Threads and Clustering to dramatically improve the performance of Node servers
  • Speed up database queries with caching for MongoDB backed by Redis
  • Add automated browser testing to your Node server, complete with continuous integration pipeline setup
  • Apply scalable image and file upload to your app, utilizing AWS S3

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# Title Duration
1 How to Get Help 01:08
2 Starting With Node Internals 03:48
3 Module Implementations 08:24
4 Node Backed by C++! 06:34
5 The Basics of Threads 06:30
6 The Node Event Loop 06:35
7 The Event Loop Implementation 07:23
8 Event Loop Ticks 06:48
9 Is Node Single Threaded? 05:07
10 Testing for Single Threads 06:50
11 The Libuv Thread Pool 03:08
12 Threadpools with Multithreading 06:07
13 Changing Threadpool Size 05:26
14 Common Threadpool Questions 03:17
15 Explaining OS Operations 03:53
16 Libuv OS Delegation 03:20
17 OS/Async Common Questions 02:41
18 Review 02:49
19 Crazy Node Behavior 07:40
20 Unexpected Event Loop Events 11:24
21 Enhancing Performance 02:19
22 Express Setup 03:23
23 Blocking the Event Loop 07:08
24 Clustering in Theory 05:12
25 Forking Children 05:38
26 Clustering in Action 05:34
27 Benchmarking Server Performance 05:17
28 Benchmark Refactor 03:56
29 Need More Children! 16:43
30 PM2 Installation 02:54
31 PM2 Configuration 06:50
32 Webworker Threads 02:28
33 Worker Threads in Action 11:35
34 Benchmarking Workers 05:18
35 The Next Phase 02:13
36 Project Walkthrough 08:43
37 Key Customization 03:12
38 MongoDB Creation 06:24
39 Routes Walkthrough 04:19
40 MongoDB Query Performance 10:43
41 Query Caching Layer 07:56
42 Redis Introduction 03:23
43 Installing Redis on MacOS 03:20
44 Getting and Setting Basic Values 06:48
45 Redis Hashes 06:58
46 One Redis Gotcha 02:54
47 Cache Keys 07:48
48 Promisifying a Function 08:08
49 Caching in Action 08:00
50 Caching Issues 05:27
51 The Ultimate Caching Solution 21:00
52 Patching Mongoose's Exec 10:43
53 Restoring Blog Routes Handler 02:06
54 Unique Keys 06:01
55 Key Creation 03:10
56 Restoring Redis Config 01:29
57 Cache Implementation 04:28
58 Resolving Values 05:47
59 Hydrating Models 06:27
60 Hydrating Arrays 03:28
61 Toggleable Cache 08:42
62 Cache Expiration 02:31
63 Forced Cache Expiration 05:16
64 Nested Hashes 06:47
65 Clearing Nested hashes 04:37
66 Automated Cache Clearing with Middlware 06:40
67 Testing Flow 06:39
68 Testing Challenges 03:26
69 Commands Around Testing 03:14
70 First Jest Test 04:27
71 Launching Chromium Instances 09:51
72 Chromium Navigation 04:32
73 Extracting Page Content 05:04
74 Puppeteer - Behind the Scenes 04:45
75 DRY Tests 03:24
76 Browser Termination 01:35
77 Asserting OAuth Flow 07:31
78 Asserting URL Domain 03:00
79 Issues with OAuth 05:12
80 Solving Authentication Issues with Automation Testing 04:37
81 The Google OAuth Flow 07:17
82 Inner Workings of Sessions 12:07
83 Sessions From Another Angle 08:23
84 Session Signatures 11:34
85 Generating Sessions and Signatures 09:04
86 Assembling the Pieces 08:08
87 WaitFor Statements 09:18
88 Factory Functions 05:00
89 The Session Factory 08:49
90 Assembling the Session Factory 03:04
91 Code Separation 06:23
92 Global Jest Setup 07:01
93 Testing Factory Tests! 03:42
94 Adding a Login Method 05:02
95 Extending Page 07:59
96 Introduction to Proxies 07:47
97 Proxies in Action 12:11
98 Combining Object Property Access 08:18
99 Combining the Page and Browser 08:38
100 Custom Page Implementation 04:17
101 Function Lookup Priority 04:27
102 Gee, I Hope This Works! 05:33
103 Reusable Functions on Page 05:39
104 Testing Blog Creation 04:54
105 Default Navigation 05:32
106 Asserting Form Display 06:00
107 Test Timeout 05:24
108 Common Test Setup 05:08
109 Nested Describes for Structure 07:01
110 Asserting Validation Errors 07:40
111 Asserting Form Confirmation 06:26
112 Asserting Blog Creation 05:58
113 Options for Testing Prohibited Actions 03:33
114 Direct API Requests 11:45
115 Executed Arbitrary JS in Chromium 03:55
116 Asserting Page Response 07:25
117 Get Restrictions 02:45
118 A Final 'GET' Test 02:57
119 Super Advanced Test Helpers 31:46
120 Introduction to CI 07:25
121 CI Providers 06:22
122 The Basics of YAML Files 04:23
123 Travis YAML Setup 10:05
124 More Travis YAML 05:09
125 Client Builds 06:38
126 Script Config 06:19
127 Using Travis Documentation 05:45
128 More Server Configuration 13:27
129 A Touch More Configuration 03:12
130 Git Repo Setup 04:19
131 Travis CI Setup 02:16
132 Triggering CI Builds 02:49
133 Build Success 01:20
134 Image Upload 02:16
135 Big Issues Around Image Upload 04:41
136 Alternate Image Upload 03:34
137 Chosen Storage Solution 04:18
138 Upload Constraints 04:27
139 Image File Transport 06:05
140 Upload Flow with AWS S3 05:23
141 Details of the Presigned URL 06:48
142 Security Issues Solved with Presigned URL's 04:16
143 Adding an Image Picker 03:32
144 Handling File Changes 04:40
145 Recording Image Files 04:39
146 The SubmitBlog Function 03:08
147 AWS Credentials with IAM 05:09
148 Creating S3 Buckets 03:17
149 Allowing Actions with IAM Policies 08:18
150 Creating IAM Users 04:42
151 Upload Routes Files 05:15
152 Configuring the AWS SDK 03:19
153 GetSignedURL Arguments 10:07
154 Calling GetSignedURL 09:36
155 Viewing the Signed URL 02:18
156 Attempting Image Upload 08:00
157 Handling CORS Errors 05:21
158 Outstanding Issues 01:40
159 S3 Bucket Policies 05:02
160 Tying Uploads to Blogs 04:19
161 Ensuring Images get Tied 02:02
162 Displaying Images 04:07

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