NodeJs: Build The Complete E-Commerce Web API

5h 4m 44s
March 6, 2024

Node.js, or Node, is a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. It is ideal for building highly-scalable, data-intensive backend services (APIs) that power your client’s apps (web or mobile apps).


Why Should learn Node?

Node is great for prototyping and agile development as well as building super fast and highly scalable apps; Companies like Uber and PayPal use Node in production to build applications because it requires fewer people and less code. Plus, Node has the largest ecosystem of open-source library, so you don’t have to build everything from scratch.

You learn in this course how to use mongoDb without any installing extra tools, MongoDB is now on cloud, so you will store your database in safe place!

This is not a reading documentation course. You have here a real-world project to learn from, and you will see the exact place of every feature of every technology used in this course.

What you’ll get when you sign up for this course:

  • 5 hours of HD videos, complete with exercises and solutions

  • A real-world project: you'll build the back-end for a E-Shop, not a dummy to-do app!

  • No more wasted time on lengthy courses or out-of-date tutorials

  • Up-to-date and practical information and solutions (no fluff!)

  • The opportunity to learn at your own pace - lifetime access - so take your time if you prefer

  • Expert tips to become a Node rockstar

  • The best practices and common pitfalls to avoid

  • Watch on any device

  • Certificate of completion to present to your employer

You’ll learn to:

  • Confidently build RESTful services (APIs) using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB Atlas

  • Employ the best practices for Node.js

  • Avoid common mistakes

What we’ll cover:

  • Node module system

  • Node Package Manager (NPM)

  • Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Useful ES6+ features

  • Implementing CRUD operations

  • Storing complex data in MongoDB

  • Data Validation

  • Authentication and authorization

  • User Roles

  • Handling and logging errors the right way

  • soon : Deployment


This course is including the building of the Backend API and all operations on the database, we are not doing frontend here

Checkout my other courses to connect this API's and build frontend of the E-Shop with frontend technologies

This course is for you if:

You’re a back-end developer and want to add new technology to your stack.

You’re a front-end developer and want to transition to full-stack development.

You’ve tried other Node.js tutorials and found them to be too slow, out-of-date, and boring!

Having Node.js on your resume helps you find more jobs and make more money.

And not only this, you will have optional tasks to do and we can review them for you! Just pick up one task from the board and create the pull request to get the review, to be like in a real world experience!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:17
2 Overview to our RESTful API 03:27
3 Pickup Your Task and We Review it - How this course is interactive? 02:19
4 Installing NodeJs 01:56
5 Installing our Coding Editor (IDE) + Extensions 07:25
6 Installing PostMan to Test our API's 01:51
7 Configure MongoDB Atlas 01:58
8 Introduction 01:23
9 File Structure 01:11
10 Creating the Backend Server with Express 06:39
11 Reading Environment Variables 05:00
12 Create First API Call & Parsing Json Data 07:13
13 Logging API Requests 02:39
14 Installing Mongoose and Connect to MongoDB Database 10:03
15 Read/Write Data to Database Using API 14:32
16 Analysing the E-Shop Database 05:41
17 Create Backend API Routes & Schemas 09:49
18 Enabling CORS & Why Do We Need It? 03:16
19 Introduction 02:45
20 Products Model & Scheme 06:13
21 Categories Model & Scheme 01:44
22 Add and Delete Categories 12:40
23 Get Categories and Category Details 02:49
24 Update Category 04:10
25 Post a New Product REST API 05:56
26 Get a Product & List of Products REST API 03:48
27 Population of Category in Get a Product API 03:02
28 Update a Product REST API 03:18
29 Delete a Product REST API and Validate Id 03:46
30 Get Products Count for Statistics Purposes 03:44
31 Get Featured Products REST API 05:19
32 Filtering and Getting Products by Category 06:55
33 Changing "_id" key to "id" - more frontend friendly 02:06
34 Introduction 05:13
35 Users Model & Schema 02:02
36 Post/Register a New User REST API 05:19
37 Hashing the User Password 02:58
38 Get User and List of Users Excluding Password 02:57
39 Login a User REST API & Creating a Token 11:26
40 Protecting the API and Authentication JWT Middleware 06:08
41 Authentication Error Handling 05:08
42 Excluding REST API Routes From Authentication 06:49
43 Add More Secret User Information to Token 02:39
44 Users & Admins - User Role 06:47
45 Get User Count REST API 02:17
46 Introduction 01:55
47 Orders & Order-Items Model & Scheme 05:01
48 Array of Refs - Example of Link Order to Order Items to Products 01:13
49 New Order & Create Order Items on Posting New Order 11:43
50 Get Order Detail and Populate Products in Order Items and User Data 08:11
51 Update Order Status & Delete Order 04:30
52 Explaining the Solution 01:55
53 Calculating Total Price of one Order 07:02
54 Get Total E-Shop Sales using $sum 06:43
55 Get User Orders 03:26
56 Introduction 02:23
57 Configure Server Side Upload 11:25
58 Testing Image Upload with Postman 04:56
59 Validating Uploaded File Types 06:17
60 Image Upload With Product Post Request 01:11
61 Product Gallery Multiple Images Upload 07:18
62 Excluding Uploads Folder From Authentication 02:58

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