Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17

80h 13m 14s

You’ve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth Java programming course online. With over 260,000 students enrolled and tens of thousands of 5 star reviews to date, these comprehensive java tutorials cover everything you’ll ever need.

Read more about the course

Whether you want to:

- build the skills you need to get your first Java programming job

- move to a more senior software developer position

- pass the oracle java certification exam

- or just learn java to be able to create your own java apps quickly.

...this complete Java Masterclass is the course you need to do all of this, and more.
Are you aiming to get your first Java Programming job but struggling to find out what skills employers want and which course will give you those skills?
This course is designed to give you the Java skills you need to get a job as a Java developer.  By the end of the course you will understand Java extremely well and be able to build your own Java apps and be productive as a software developer.
Lots of students have been success with getting their first job or a promotion after going through the course.
Here is just one example of a student who lost her job and despite having never coded in her life previously, got a full time software developer position in just a few months after starting this course.  She didn't even complete the course!
"Three months ago I lost my job, came to a turning point in my life, and finally made the drastic decision to completely change course.   I decided to switch career path and go into coding. My husband found and gave me your Complete Java Masterclass at Udemy as a gift, and I wholeheartedly dove into it as a life line. Following your course has been absolutely enjoyable (still working on it, not yet finished), and has been a great way of keeping on course, dedicated and motivated.  Yesterday, three months after starting the course and honestly to my surprise, I received (and accepted!) a job offer as a full-time developer. I wanted to just drop you a line to say thank you for doing this work, for being such a dedicated teacher, and for putting all this knowledge available out there in such an approachable way. It has, literally, been life changing. With gratitude,  Laura"
The course is a whopping 76 hours long.  Perhaps you have looked at the size of the course and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of finding time to complete it.   Maybe you are wondering if you need to go through it all?

Firstly, Laura's story above shows that you do not have to complete the entire course - she was yet to complete the course when she accepted her developer job offer.

Secondly, the course is designed as a one stop shop for Java.

The core java material you need to learn java development is covered in the first seven sections (around 14 hours in total).  The Java Basics are covered in those sections. The rest of the course covers intermediate, advanced and optional material you do not technically need to go through.

For example section 13 is a whopping 10 hours just by itself and is aimed at those students who want to build desktop applications with graphical user interfaces.  JavaFX (which is the technology used in this section) is something that most java developers will rarely or never need to work on.  So you could skip that section entirely.  But if you are one of the few that need to build user interfaces, then the content is there and ready for you.   And there are other sections you can completely avoid if you wish.

If you want to know absolutely everything about Java, then you can go through the entire course if you wish, but it's not necessary to do so if you are just looking to learn the essential information to get a java developer position.

Why would you choose to learn Java?

The reality is that there is a lot of computer languages out there.  It's in the hundreds.  Why would you choose the Java language?

The number one reason is its popularity.  According to many official websites that track popularity of languages, Java is either #1 or in the top 3.  Popularity means more companies and their staff are using it, so there are more career opportunities available for you if you are skilled in the language.

The last thing you want to do is pick a language that is not in mainstream use.  Java came out in the 1990's and is still very popular today.

What version of Java should you learn?

Generally speaking you would want to learn the very latest version of a computer programming language, but thats not necessarily the case with Java.

Until recently Java releases were infrequent (one major release in 3 years was common).  Companies standardised on specific versions of Java.  Right now most companies are still focused on Java 8, which is a relatively old version, dating back to 2015.

Oracle (the owners of Java) are now releasing new versions of Java every six months, and when the new version comes out the old version is no longer supported.

But to cater for most companies who tend to stick to specific versions of Java for a long time, they have marked the current version of Java - Java 11 as LTS - or Long Term support. That means that they guarantee to support this version for the long term - for a number of years at least.

Companies will stick to versions of Java that are supported in the long term. For career purposes you should learn the appropriate versions of Java that your future employer will likely be using.  Right now thats Java 8 and Java 11 (Java 9 and Java 10 have been released and already been marked obsolete and are no longer supported).

The good news is that this course is focused on Java 8, and has recently been updated for Java 11.

Will this course give me core java skills?

Yes it will.  Core Java is the fundamental parts of the java jdk (the java development kit) that programmers need to learn to move onto other more advanced technologies.

Why should you take this course?

It's been a best seller since it's release on Udemy, you would be joining over 260,000 students who are already enrolled in the course.

There are close to 60,000 reviews left by students.  It's rated as the best course to learn Java for beginners.

What makes this course a bestseller?

Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented Youtube tutorials or incomplete or outdated courses which assume you already know a bunch of stuff, as well as thick, college-like textbooks able to send even the most caffeine-fuelled coder to sleep.

Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics and all-round confusing info presented in the wrong way. That’s why so many find success in this complete Java developer course. It’s designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind through its content.

This course assumes no previous coding experience and takes you from absolute beginner core concepts, like showing you the free tools you need to download and install, to writing your very first Java program.  You will learn the core java skills you need to become employable in around 14 hours, and if you choose to, can take advantage of all the additional content in the course. It's a one stop shop to learn java. If you want to go beyond the core content you can do so at any time.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn

(It’s okay if you don’t understand all this yet, you will in the course)

  • All the essential Java keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what you’re coding and why - making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating

  • You will learn the answers to questions like What is a Java class, What is polymorphism and inheritance and to apply them to your java apps.

  • How to safely download and install all necessary coding tools with less time and no frustrating installations or setups

  • Complete chapters on object-oriented programming and many aspects of the Java API (the protocols and tools for building applications) so you can code for all platforms and derestrict your program’s user base (and potential sales)

  • How to develop powerful Java applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! - Meaning you can code functional programs easier.  IntelliJ has both a FREE and PAID version, and you can use either in this course.

(Don’t worry if you’re used to using Eclipse, NetBeans or some other IDE. You’re free to use any IDE and still get the most out of this course)

  • Learn Java to a sufficient level to be a be to transition to core Java technologies like Android development, the Spring framework, Java EE (Enterprise edition) in general as well as and other technologies. In order to progress to these technologies you need to first learn core Java - the fundamental building blocks.  That's what this course will help you to achieve.


Don't worry if none of that made sense. I go into great detail explaining each and every core concept, programming term, and buzzwords you need to create your own Java programs.

This truly is Java for complete beginners.

By the end of this comprehensive course, you’ll master Java programming no matter what level of experience you’re at right now. You’ll understand what you are doing, and why you are doing it. This isn’t a recipe book, you’ll use your own creativity to make unique, intuitive programs.

Not only do these HD videos show you how to become a programmer in great detail, but this course includes a unique challenge feature. Each time a core concept is taught, a video presents a challenge for you to help you understand what you have just learned in a real world scenario.

You’ll go and complete the challenge on your own, then come back and see the answers which I then explain in detail in a video, allowing you to check your results and identify any areas you need to go back and work on.

This is a proven way to help you understand Java faster and ensure you reach your goal of becoming a Java Developer in record time. Remember doing those old past exam papers in high school or college? It’s the same concept, and it works.

As your instructor, I have over 35 years experience as a software developer and teacher and have been using Java since the year 2000. Yes, over 18 years (I’ve taught students younger than that). Meaning not only can I teach this content with great simplicity, but I can make it fun too!

It’s no surprise my previous students have amazing results...

See what your fellow students have to say:

"This course was a guiding light in my "Becoming a developer" path from the first step. It helped me become a much more educated developer comparing to my friend who learned to code from trial/error. It's still a guide for me. every now and then I will come back to this course to learn something new or to improve what I've learned somewhere else. A BIG Thanks to "Tim Buchalka" my Master." - Sina Jz

"I was an absolute beginner when I started this course, and now I can write some good small advanced clean codes. I wrote a code and showed it to a programmer, and he was shocked, he told me that I'm more than ready to start a programming career." - Amirreza Moeini

"I am taking this class in conjunction with a Java 101 college class. I have learned more in one afternoon of videos from this class than I have in 4 weeks of college class. Tim actually explains what things are and why they do what they do, as opposed to my college instructor that mainly said "go make a program that does *whatever*" and then I had to figure out a program that would meet those requirements but not actually learning why it worked." - Stacy Harris

It’s safe to say my students are thrilled with this course, and more importantly, their results, and you can be too

This complete Java course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects,

  • A computer with either Windows, Mac or Linux to install all the free software and tools needed to build your new apps (I provide specific videos on installations for each platform).
  • A strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and plenty of excitement about the awesome new programs you’re about to build.
  • Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your hunger to get started today.
Who this course is for:
  • This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience, to intermediates looking to sharpen their skills to the expert level.
  • Those looking to build creative and advanced Java apps for either personal use or for high-paying clients as a self-employed contractor.
  • Those who love letting their own creative genius shine, whilst getting paid handsome amounts to do so.

What you'll learn:

  • Learn the core Java skills needed to apply for Java developer positions in just 14 hours.
  • Be able to sit for and pass the Oracle Java Certificate exam if you choose.
  • Be able to demonstrate your understanding of Java to future employers.
  • Learn industry "best practices" in Java software development from a professional Java developer who has worked in the language for 18 years.
  • Acquire essential java basics for transitioning to the Spring Framework, Java EE, Android development and more.

Watch Online Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction To The Course 02:28
2 Remaster in Progress 03:10
3 Video Quality 01:17
4 Subtitles 02:47
5 How to Get Help 04:55
6 Important Tip - Source Code 02:08
7 Biggest Tip to Succeed as a Java Programmer 01:16
8 Software Tools Introduction 01:13
9 Java Development Kit Installation Overview 01:43
10 Install JDK 11 for Windows 02:25
11 Installing Intellij IDEA for Windows 04:42
12 Install JDK 11 for Mac 02:12
13 Installing Intellij IDEA for Mac 04:58
14 Install JDK 11 for Linux 04:34
15 Installing Intellij IDEA for Linux 05:23
16 Configure IntelliJ IDEA 03:33
17 Introduction 01:19
18 Hello World Project 06:37
19 Defining the Main Method 07:21
20 Hello World Challenge and Common Errors 03:19
21 Variables 09:04
22 Starting out with Expressions 07:06
23 Primitive Types 11:37
24 byte, short, long and width 10:19
25 Casting in Java 04:07
26 Primitive Types Challenge 04:24
27 float and double Primitive Types 07:01
28 Floating Point Precision and a Challenge 10:23
29 The char and boolean Primitive Data Types 10:21
30 Primitive Types Recap and the String Data Type 12:57
31 Operators, Operands and Expressions 08:51
32 Abbreviating Operators 04:13
33 if-then Statement 09:17
34 Logical and Operator 06:25
35 Logical OR Operator 06:12
36 Assignment Operator VS Equals to Operator 07:32
37 Ternary Operator 04:11
38 Operator Precedence and Operator Challenge 11:45
39 First Steps Summary 01:30
40 End of Remaster 02:02
41 Introduction 00:32
42 Keywords And Expressions 07:19
43 Statements, Whitespace and Indentation (Code Organization) 09:25
44 Code Blocks And The If Then Else Control Statements 17:09
45 if then else Recap 04:20
46 Methods In Java 18:02
47 More On Methods And A Challenge 15:35
48 Method Challenge - Final Code Changes 07:28
49 DiffMerge Tool Introduction 01:55
50 Install DiffMerge 02:02
51 Using DiffMerge 17:30
52 Coding Exercises 13:25
53 Coding Exercises Example Part 1 11:09
54 Coding Exercises Example Part 2 11:54
55 Coding Exercises Example Part 3 09:52
56 Method Overloading 27:02
57 Method Overloading Recap 03:39
58 Seconds and Minutes Challenge 13:50
59 Bonus Challenge Solution 11:13
60 Introduction 00:39
61 The switch statement (+Challenge Exercise) 19:33
62 Day of the Week Challenge 10:48
63 The for Statement (+Challenge Exercise) 25:03
64 For Loop Recap 08:00
65 Sum 3 and 5 Challenge 06:14
66 The while and do while statements (+Challenge Exercise) 24:22
67 While and Do While Recap 07:59
68 Digit Sum Challenge 10:30
69 Parsing Values from a String 11:25
70 Reading User Input 12:27
71 Problems and Solutions 10:21
72 Reading User Input Challenge 15:07
73 Min and Max Challenge 15:33
74 Introduction 00:37
75 Classes Part 1 16:32
76 Classes Part 2 13:28
77 Constructors - Part 1 (+Challenge Exercise) 20:11
78 Constructors - Part 2 (+Challenge Exercise) 16:01
79 Inheritance - Part 1 19:40
80 Inheritance - Part 2 13:25
81 Reference vs Object vs Instance vs Class 06:53
82 this vs super 06:53
83 Method Overloading vs Overriding Recap 07:33
84 Static vs Instance Methods 04:11
85 Static vs Instance Variables 04:18
86 Inheritance Challenge Part 1 (+Challenge Exercise) 16:39
87 Inheritance Challenge Part 2 10:05
88 Introduction 00:38
89 Composition 17:20
90 Composition Part 2 (+Challenge Exercise) 14:18
91 Encapsulation 19:24
92 Encapsulation (+Challenge Exercise) 15:16
93 Polymorphism 20:36
94 Polymorphism (+Challenge Exercise) 18:47
95 OOP Master Challenge Exercise 16:42
96 OOP Challenge - Solution 16:47
97 Arrays 21:28
98 Arrays (Challenge Exercise) 16:21
99 Arrays Recap 07:20
100 References Types vs Value Types 16:14
101 Minimum Element Challenge 11:52
102 Reverse Array Challenge 10:32
103 List and ArrayList Part 1 16:30
104 ArrayList Part 2 20:12
105 ArrayList Part 3 16:49
106 ArrayList Challenge Part 1 14:01
107 ArrayList Challenge Part 2 18:13
108 ArrayList Challenge Part 3 10:50
109 Bug Fix for ArrayList Challenge 06:42
110 Autoboxing and Unboxing 16:17
111 Autoboxing & Unboxing (Challenge Exercise) - Part 1 16:50
112 Autoboxing & Unboxing (Challenge Exercise) - Part 2 17:09
113 Autoboxing & Unboxing (Challenge Exercise) - Part 3 09:33
114 LinkedList Part 1 16:44
115 LinkedList Part 2 15:31
116 LinkedList Part 3 20:47
117 LinkedList Challenge Part 1 15:06
118 Bug Fix for "Track 1" Error 01:04
119 LinkedList Challenge Part 2 17:21
120 LinkedList Challenge Part 3 (Final video) 15:46
121 Interfaces 12:35
122 Interfaces Part 2 14:31
123 Interfaces Challenge Part 1 18:12
124 Interfaces Challenge Part 2 09:01
125 Inner classes Part 1 17:11
126 Inner Classes Part 2 14:45
127 Inner Classes Challenge 11:58
128 Abstract Classes Part 1 16:43
129 Abstract Classes Part 2 10:56
130 Interface vs Abstract Class 04:49
131 Abstract Class Challenge Part 1 19:47
132 Abstract Class Challenge Part 2 12:54
133 Abstract Class Challenge Part 3 (includes recursion). 19:47
134 Generics Introduction 11:13
135 Our Generics Class 11:38
136 Our Generics Class Part 2 18:58
137 Our Generics Class Part 3 10:14
138 Generics Challenge 13:09
139 Naming Conventions 07:10
140 Packages 17:41
141 Packages Part 2 11:41
142 Packages Part 3 12:06
143 Packages (Challenge Exercise) 13:29
144 Scope 17:26
145 Scope Part 2 and Visibility 12:08
146 Scope +(Challenge Exercise) 06:54
147 Access Modifiers 16:52
148 The static statement 12:33
149 The final statement 14:38
150 Final Part 2 and Static Initializers 09:02
151 Collections Overview 15:49
152 Binary Search 15:40
153 Collections List Methods 18:24
154 Comparable and Comparator 18:56
155 Maps 16:52
156 Map Continued and Adventure Game 16:34
157 Adding Exits to the Adventure game 18:05
158 Adventure Game challenge 08:14
159 Immutable Classes 15:43
160 Immutable Class Challenge 04:33
161 Sets & HashSet 19:53
162 HashSet - equals() and hashCode() 16:53
163 Finish off equals() and hashcode() 10:57
164 Potential issue with equals() and sub-classing 12:00
165 Sets - Symmetric & Asymmetric 15:35
166 Finishing Off Sets 09:17
167 Sets Challenge Part 1 15:27
168 Sets Challenge Part 2 12:51
169 Sets Challenge Part 3 18:18
170 Sorted Collections 13:12
171 StockList Class With Maps 17:06
172 Add a Basket 15:50
173 TreeMap and Unmodifiable Maps 20:51
174 Challenge Part 1 12:41
175 Challenge Part 2 10:53
176 Challenge Part 3 07:57
177 Challenge Part 4 (Final) 18:05
178 JDK11 Global Library Configuration 05:06
179 Create Your First JavaFX Project 06:01
180 JavaFX Overview 09:49
181 JavaFX Hello World Program 10:56
182 GridPane Layout 15:35
183 HBox Layout 13:12
184 BorderPane Layout 13:17
185 Other Layouts 17:10
186 Controls 15:18
187 RadioButton and CheckBox 17:03
188 ComboBox and ChoiceBox 17:14
189 Slider, Spinner, ColorPicker & DatePicker Controls 14:31
190 TitledPane 06:43
191 Events and Event Handlers 14:30
192 Events Continued 14:39
193 UI Thread 14:41
194 Threads and Runnable 16:19
195 Setup Sample Todo List Application 13:00
196 Base Interface 13:29
197 Add Change Listener 14:18
198 Formatting Dates 07:04
199 Singletons 15:05
200 Load and Save ToDo Items from/to Disk 16:26
201 Add DialogPane 16:32
202 Show Dialog and Add Controller Code 14:34
203 Bug Fix and Update List View 10:28
204 Data Binding and Observable 11:21
205 Cell Factories 14:45
206 Context Menu 15:38
207 KeyEvents and Toolbars 15:42
208 SortedList 12:45
209 FilteredList 16:19
210 CSS With JavaFX 17:40
211 Transforming Nodes and Choosers 16:38
212 More on Choosers and Web Pages 22:12
213 SceneBuilder 03:24
214 Installing SceneBuilder for Windows 05:01
215 Installing SceneBuilder for Mac 03:40
216 Overview of SceneBuilder 07:16
217 Building a UI with SceneBuilder 15:50
218 More on SceneBuilder 17:28
219 JavaFX Challenge 15:15
220 JavaFX Challenge Part 2 13:17
221 JavaFX Challenge Part 3 16:08
222 JavaFX Challenge Part 4 14:04
223 JavaFX Challenge Wrap up 09:16
224 Exceptions 14:01
225 Stack Trace and Call Stack 13:05
226 Catching and throwing Exceptions 14:21
227 Multi Catch Exceptions 08:07
228 Introduction to I/O 15:56
229 Writing content - FileWriter class and Finally block 14:59
230 Try with Resources 12:14
231 FileReader and Closeable 12:56
232 BufferedReader 13:00
233 Load Big Location and Exits Files 07:30
234 Challenge 05:02
235 Buffered Writer and Challenge 13:12
236 Byte Streams 15:46
237 Reading Binary Data and End of File Exceptions 15:45
238 Object Input Output including Serialization 14:16
239 Finish Object I/O and RandomAccessFile class 16:04
240 Create Random Access File 14:30
241 Update Static Initializer Block With Random File Access 11:38
242 Update Adventure Game to Read Random Access File 14:21
243 Java NIO 14:48
244 Writing Objects With Java NIO 11:37
245 Reading and Writing with Java NIO 15:48
246 Writing Binary Files with Java NIO 13:37
247 Reading Files with NIO 15:48
248 Absolute and Relative Reads 11:11
249 Chained Put Methods 13:56
250 Writing Sequentially 13:05
251 FileChannel to Copy Files and Pipes with Threads 15:05
252 Filesystem 18:03
253 More on Paths 12:18
254 Exists and CopyFile 12:00
255 Move, Rename and Delete 11:17
256 File Attributes 12:51
257 Read Existing Directory Contents 14:16
258 Separators Temp Files and File Stores 12:26
259 Walk File Tree 11:34
260 Copy Entire Tree 12:59
261 Mapping IO and NIO Methods 12:54
262 Concurrency and Threads Introduction 07:00
263 Threads 13:33
264 Runnable and Thread 13:20
265 Interrupt and Join 09:45
266 Multiple Threads 11:53
267 Thread Variables 09:54
268 Synchronisation 11:06
269 Producer and Consumer 10:56
270 Deadlocks, wait, notify and notifyAll methods 14:06
271 The Java Util Concurrent package 12:10
272 Thread Interference 11:16
273 Reentrant Lock and Unlock 10:29
274 Using Try Finally With Threads 10:37
275 Thread Pools 12:04
276 ArrayBlockingQueue Class 12:30
277 Deadlocks 10:35
278 More on Deadlocks 14:07
279 Thread Starvation 16:48
280 Fair Locks and Live Locks 12:56
281 Live Lock Example and Slipped Conditions 05:05
282 Other Thread Issues 14:05
283 JavaFX Background Tasks 15:26
284 Data Binding 10:17
285 Service 14:35
286 Challenge 1 and 2 09:11
287 Challenge 3,4 and 5 11:16
288 Challenge 6 and 7 11:01
289 Challenge 8 05:31
290 Challenge 9 04:54
291 Lambda Expressions Introduction 15:34
292 Lambda Expressions Continued 14:51
293 Lambda Expressions Nested Blocks 14:46
294 Scope and Functional Programming 15:03
295 Functional Interfaces & Predicates 16:39
296 More on Predicates & Suppliers 12:07
297 Functions 13:12
298 Chaining java.util.function Functions 11:57
299 Streams 13:51
300 Streams - Intermediate and Terminal Operations 13:07
301 Streams - Flatmap & Lambda Best Practices 21:31
302 Lambda Challenge Part 1 12:08
303 Lambda Challenge Part 2 16:34
304 Regular Expressions Introduction 16:22
305 Character classes and Boundary Matchers 13:56
306 Quantifiers and the Pattern and Matcher classes 14:43
307 Matcher find and Group Methods 15:04
308 And, Or & Not 15:27
309 Regular Expressions Challenge Part 1 17:05
310 Regular Expressions Challenge Part 2 15:31
311 Regular Expressions Challenge Part 3 06:14
312 Introduction to Debugging 17:58
313 More on Debugging 11:25
314 Field Watch Points 16:15
315 Advanced Debugging 10:15
316 Introduction to Unit Testing with JUnit 16:21
317 Asserts in Junit 18:20
318 More Asserts and Exception Handling 16:35
319 Parameterized Testing 12:22
320 JUnit Challenge #1 and #2 21:42
321 JUnit Challenges #3 to #7 12:23
322 Junit Challenges #8 to #10 12:07
323 Section Introduction 01:56
324 Database Terminology 10:33
325 Install and Setup SQLite for Windows 07:57
326 Install and Setup SQLite for Mac 02:01
327 Install and Setup SQLite for Linux 02:39
328 Introduction to SQLite 11:16
329 More with SQLite 10:43
330 Querying Data With SQL 16:03
331 SQL Order by and Joins 13:12
332 More Complex Joins 11:45
333 Wildcards in Queries and Views 15:18
334 Housekeeping and Final SQL Challenge 14:18
335 JDBC and SQLite GUI Browser 15:50
336 Creating Databases With JDBC in Java 17:27
337 JDBC Insert, Update, Delete 15:50
338 .executeQuery() and using Constants 20:40
339 The Music SQLite Database 12:44
340 Write Java Query for Artists 14:47
341 Executing SQL in DB Browser 17:19
342 Query Albums by Artist Method 16:24
343 Query Artists for Song method 15:04
344 Result Set Meta Data 14:40
345 Functions and Views 16:39
346 Write the Method to Query View 11:49
347 SQL Injection Attacks and Prepared Statements 17:02
348 Transactions 13:41
349 Inserting Records With JDBC 10:09
350 Insert Albums, Artists, and Songs 14:01
351 Test Insert JDBC Code 18:08
352 JDBC with a GUI Program 17:54
353 Add Artists 12:36
354 Fix Artist and Preload Records 13:25
355 Implement Artist Query 11:59
356 Add ProgressBar 09:39
357 Handling Updates 15:15
358 Networking Overview 09:40
359 First Client and Server Apps 15:04
360 Multi Threaded Server 14:05
361 Multi-Threading and Timeouts 12:47
362 UDP Server and Client 18:14
363 High Level APIS 18:56
364 URL Connections and Input Stream Reader 16:07
365 HTTPUrlConnection 17:58
366 Alternatives to HTTPUrlConnection 21:07
367 Introduction to Modules 06:22
368 Module Declarations and Statements 02:09
369 Module Types 05:40
370 Project Setup and Test 07:24
371 Structuring the new project 04:03
372 Creating the first module (Common) 12:05
373 Creating the Module Descriptor file 13:26
374 Creating the 2nd module (Database) 10:45
375 Challenge - Create the final module (UI) 09:53
376 Transitive Dependencies 07:30
377 Work in Progress 01:06
378 Keywords and Naming Conventions 07:32
379 Naming Conventions Challenge 03:40
380 Operator Associativity 07:08
381 Declaration and Expression Statements 07:33
382 Expression Statements, Prefix and Postfix 14:36
383 Whitespace 09:15
384 Code Blocks and Indentation 12:28
385 Code Blocks and if, then, and else 09:40
386 Boolean, Naming Conventions and Scope 07:12
387 Challenge and Code Duplication 09:25
388 Defining Methods 08:39
389 Executing Methods 03:30
390 Method Parameters Overview 09:38
391 Removing Code Duplication 06:51
392 Returning Data from a Method 08:50
393 Using Data from a Method Call 03:04
394 Method Recap and Challenge 05:47
395 Method Challenge Solution 10:32
396 Old JavaFX Introduction Video for JDK 8 17:32
397 Old JavaFX Code Vs FXml Video for JDK 8 13:28
398 Bonus Lecture and Information 05:02

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