Testing Java with JUnit 5 & Mockito

7h 41m 22s
July 9, 2024

Unit Testing is a must-have skill and this video course is about unit testing. If you take this video course, you will learn how to test your Java code using JUnit 5 and Mockito framework. This video course is for beginners and you do not need to have any prior Unit testing knowledge to enrol in this course. This video course teaches Unit and Integration testing with Java from the very beginning and covers many advanced topics as well.


JUnit 5 in Different Java projects

There are different Java projects, build tools and development environments. In this course, you will learn how to create a new project and configure JUnit 5 support for different types of projects, using different development environments and build tools.

You will learn how to create a Unit test in:

  • IntelliJ IDEA and

  • Eclipse Development environments.

You will learn how to create a Unit test in:

  • Regular Java project,

  • Maven-based Java project,

  • Cradle-based Java project.

By the end of this course, you will learn:

  • JUnit 5 basics, and

  • JUnit 5 advanced topics.

Once you become familiar with JUnit 5, you will learn to use:

  • Test-Driven Development(TDD)

You will then learn to use another very popular Test framework for Java called:

  • Mockito

You will also learn how to write:

  • Spring Boot integration tests

By the end of this course you will learn and be able to use all of the following: 

  • Create Unit Tests in IntelliJ,

  • Create Unit Tests in Eclipse,

  • Run unit tests using Gradle,

  • Run Unit Tests using Maven,

  • Use @DisplayName annotation,

  • Use JUnit assertions,

  • Test for Exceptions,

  • Use Lifecycle methods (@BeforeAll, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @AfterAll),

  • Run unit tests in any order you need: (Random, Order by Name, Order by Index),

  • Disable Unit test,

  • Repeated Tests with @RepeatedTest annotation,

  • Parameterized tests with @Parameterized annotation

    • @ValueSource,

    • @MethodSource,

    • @CsvSource,

    • @CsvFileSource

  • Change Test Instance lifecycle with @TestInstance (PER_CLASS, PER_METHOD)

  • Learn to Mock objects with Mockito's @Mock annotation,

  • Learn to user Mockito's argument matches,

  • Mockito method stubbing,

  • Mockito Exception stubbing,

  • Verify method call,

  • Call Real Method,

  • Do nothing when a method is called,

  • Write integration tests for Spring Boot applications,

  • and more...

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:25
2 What is a Unit Test? 08:20
3 Why write Unit Test? 02:29
4 The F.I.R.S.T Principle 03:54
5 Testing Code in Isolation 04:33
6 Testing Pyramid 02:20
7 What is JUnit 5? 02:10
8 JUnit and Build Tools 01:03
9 Create new Maven project using IntelliJ IDEA 02:35
10 Add JUnit Dependencies 06:13
11 Maven Surefire Plugin 04:48
12 Creating a new project 02:43
13 Add JUnit Dependencies 05:08
14 Executing Unit Test 02:23
15 Introduction 00:41
16 Basic Java project with IntelliJ 06:33
17 Basic Java project with Eclipse 06:51
18 Creating First Unit Test method 04:56
19 Assertions and Assertion message 01:58
20 Other assertions 02:59
21 Exercise solution overview 03:27
22 Lazy Assert Messages 04:41
23 Naming Unit Tests 04:22
24 @DisplayName annotation 02:34
25 Test Method Code Structure. Arrange, Act, Assert. 04:13
26 JUnit Test Lifecycle 03:37
27 Lifecycle methods demo 06:17
28 Disable Unit Test 02:48
29 Assert an Exception 05:41
30 @ParameterizedTest. Multiple Parameters with @MethodSource. 07:39
31 @ParameterizedTest. Multiple parameters with @CsvSource. 04:23
32 @ParameterizedTest + CSV file 04:45
33 @ParameterizedTest + @ValueSource annotation. 02:46
34 Repeated Tests 07:32
35 Methods Order - Random order 02:36
36 Methods Order - Order by name 01:56
37 Methods Order - Random by order index 03:48
38 Order of Unit Test Classes 08:19
39 Test Instance Lifecycle - Introduction 01:56
40 Changing Test Instance Lifecycle - example 1 04:57
41 Test Instance Lifecycle Demo project overview 05:03
42 Test Instance Lifecycle Demo Project Implementation 09:01
43 Introduction 03:05
44 New project, Class, Method 02:18
45 Creating UserService 03:35
46 Test Create User method 06:42
47 Test User object contains first name 04:15
48 Refactor Test method 02:16
49 Exercise 00:56
50 Solution overview 01:08
51 Check if user id is set 04:03
52 Assert throws Exception 07:53
53 Exercise 01:57
54 Introduction 03:32
55 Adding Mocking to a project 02:26
56 Method under test overview 01:34
57 Implementing UsersRepository 03:15
58 Injecting UsersRepository as Dependency 04:19
59 Creating a Mock object 02:43
60 Stubbing using built-in any() argument matcher 05:02
61 Verify method call 06:35
62 Exception stubbing 05:36
63 Creating EmailNotificationService class 03:48
64 Stub void method with Exception 05:21
65 Do nothing when method is called 01:59
66 Call real method 04:01
67 Introduction 03:54
68 Generating code coverage report 05:12
69 Export Code Coverage Report 02:40
70 Export Test Report using Maven 06:54
71 Jacoco - Maven Plugin for Code Coverage 03:04
72 Jacoco - Export Code Coverage Report in HTML format 03:56
73 Introduction to Unit Testing Spring Boot Application 03:29
74 Introduction to Integration Testing of Web Layer 02:11
75 Introduction to Integration Testing with All Layers 01:48
76 Adding Testing Support to Spring Boot Application 04:55
77 Existing Project overview + Source code 08:11
78 New Test Class. @WebMvcTest & @AutoConfigureMockMvc. 05:24
79 RequestBuilder - Building and Performing HTTP Request 09:14
80 @MockBean - Mocking Service Layer 06:55
81 @MockBean annotation - Trying how it works. 04:25
82 Assert for BAD_REQUEST 07:36
83 Practice exercise solution overview 03:28
84 Introduction 01:00
85 @SpringBootTest annotation 02:03
86 @SpringBootTest WebEnvironment MOCK 01:38
87 Defined Port Number 03:43
88 @TestPropertySource. Loading alternative configuration. 06:35
89 Random Port Number 03:10
90 Test Create User - User Details JSON 02:19
91 TestRestTemplate - Prepare & Perform HTTP Post Request 07:37
92 Trying how it works 02:51
93 Test JWT is Required 06:04
94 Test User Login Works 10:10
95 Order Test Methods 03:49
96 GET /users. Include JWT Token in the Request 11:25
97 Introduction to testing JPA Entities 06:11
98 JPA Entity Overview + Source Code 03:49
99 Test that UserEntity can be persisted 08:09
100 Test UserEntity cannot be persisted with invalid user's first name 04:07
101 Excersize - Test that UserId is Unique 01:48
102 Excersize solution + Source code 03:44
103 Introduction to testing JPA Repositories 05:30
104 Testing Find By Email Query Method 05:35
105 Excersize - Test Find By User Id Query Method 01:15
106 Excersize solution overview + Source code 02:59
107 Test JPQL Query + Source code 05:53

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