Build a Spotify Connected App

3h 47m 28s
July 31, 2024

Learn how to build a full stack web app to visualize personalized Spotify data with the help of Node.js, React, Styled Components, and the Spotify Web API.


Have you ever been curious to see what your Spotify data looks like? How a round-up of your listening habits gets compiled every year? Or even wanted to see metadata of your favorite tracks? Luckily, Spotify makes a ton of interesting data like this accessible via the Spotify API. For example, there is data available for every users’ top tracks and artists of all time and audio features like danceability and tempo for every single track.

Why this course

If you're interested in accessing personalized Spotify data like we mentioned above, Spotify requires your app to be authorized. And to get authorization, you'll need to implement something called OAuth. This course will walk you through every step of the OAuth flow in a concise, easy to follow way. Unlike YouTube tutorials that only cover a few concepts and leave you with half-baked GitHub repositories, we'll cover everything from explaining what REST APIs are to implementing Spotify's OAuth flow to fetching data from the Spotify API in React hooks. Split into seven modules, each lesson includes clear, detailed explanations and complete code examples. By the end of the course, you'll have an app deployed to the internet that you can share with your friends and add to your portfolio.

What we’ll build

On the front end, we’ll build out a professional, responsive user interface with React, React Hooks, and the popular CSS-in-JS library, Styled Components. We’ll pull in data from the Spotify API using modern ES6 async/await methods and display that data in an engaging way.

On the back end, we’ll learn the basics of REST APIsHTTP requests, and OAuth. We'll lift the veil on how to authorize an app with Spotify, and then build a Node server with the Express framework to handle our authentication requests. Finally, we’ll deploy our app to the internet using Heroku.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 06:47
2 Development Environment Setup 06:20
3 Module 1 Introduction 01:05
4 What is an API? 04:10
5 Okay, but what is a REST API? 09:39
6 Getting Started with Express 03:58
7 Basics of Express Route Handling 05:28
8 Module 2 Introduction 00:56
9 Getting Started with the Spotify Developer Dashboard 03:17
10 Adding nodemon 02:55
11 Understanding OAuth 08:57
12 Implementing the Authorization Code Flow 20:01
13 Module 3 Introduction 00:58
14 Create React App & Passing Tokens 08:00
15 Optimizing Client/Server Development Workflow 06:33
16 Module 4 Introduction 01:19
17 Using Local Storage to Persist Login State 13:11
18 Fetching & Displaying Data From Spotify 07:12
19 Setting Up React Router 04:20
20 Setting Up Styled Components 14:44
21 Module 5 Introduction 01:13
22 Login Page 02:04
23 Profile Page 24:34
24 Top Artists & Top Tracks Pages 15:00
25 Playlists Page 11:12
26 Individual Playlist Page 16:51
27 Loading Animation 03:50
28 Module 6 Introduction 00:40
29 Updating Favicons & Share Image 05:53
30 Deploying With Heroku 12:37
31 Adding a README 01:44
32 Wrapping Up What We’ve Learned 02:00

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