Build a Realtime App with React Hooks and GraphQL

4h 32m 39s

Master the latest and greatest features in React within the context of a full-stack, real-world app. A realtime, full-stack React app from scratch with a GraphQL Server (Apollo Server 2) on the backend, a cloud MongoDB database (Mongo Atlas) with React Hooks to manage our state (replacing Redux!), with Social Authentication (Google OAuth2), realtime data with GraphQL Subscriptions, image uploads with Cloudinary and much more.

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Our app will be a live geolocation app called GeoPins where users can 'pin' different locations on the map and share their own content with other users in realtime--to share pictures, reviews of the location and area, interact with other users by adding comments to their pins, and manage the pins they've created.


  • How to build a robust GraphQL Server with Authentication (with Apollo Server 2)

  • How to use two GraphQL client libraries in-depth--Apollo Client and GraphQL Request

  • Replacing Redux with the useContext and useReducer Hooks for global state management

  • All the major concepts within GraphQL: Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, TypeDefs, Resolvers, Inputs, etc

  • All the major hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer)

  • Building Custom Hooks to 'hook in' to additional functionality to your applications

  • Integrating Social Login (Google OAuth) with Apollo Server 2

  • Display App Changes in Realtime with GraphQL Subscriptions

  • Dynamic image uploads using the Cloudinary API

  • MongoDB in the cloud with MongoDB Atlas

  • Using Mongoose to create models, CRUD and search operations, and population

  • Making attractive apps with the Material UI component library and Material UI Icons

  • The Material UI 'useMediaQuery' Hook for dead-simple mobile / responsive design

  • Develop stunning map applications with the Mapbox API and ReactMapGL

  • Use the Geolocation API to get Users' Current Location

  • Create Route Guards / Protected Routes with React Router v4

  • Essential authentication / authorization concepts within GraphQL / Apollo

  • Error handling on our server and in our React client

  • Async / await functions along with tons of ES6 / ES7 concepts

  • Deployment with Heroku and Now v2

  • And tons more!

  • Requirements:
    • Basic understanding of React / React Hooks (i.e. having taken my React Hooks course)
    • Familiarity with GraphQL
Who this course is for:
  • React / JavaScript developers wanting to learn cutting-edge development tools and techniques
  • Developers looking to build complete real-world JavaScript applications

What you'll learn:

  • Building practical, feature-rich apps with React Hooks and GraphQL
  • Managing state in real-world apps with React Hooks
  • How to build fullstack apps with React Hooks and GraphQL
  • Integrating GraphQL client / server libraries with React Hooks

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# Title Duration
1 What You Need For This Course 01:40
2 How To Get the Most Out Of This Course 01:35
3 Git Clone Repo and Install Dependencies 01:25
4 Creating our GraphQL Server 04:09
5 Creating Database with MongoDB Atlas 04:25
6 Creating Mongoose Models for User / Pin Data 06:40
7 Exploring our React App 03:49
8 Setting up Google OAuth 04:54
9 Adding Google Login Button 05:07
10 Authenticating Users from Apollo Server 18:37
11 Managing App State with useContext / useReducer 07:32
12 Styling Splash Page / App Cleanup 05:10
13 Creating Protected Route for App 07:47
14 Build Header Component 05:24
15 Build Signout Button 05:40
16 Creating and Styling our Map 09:33
17 Placing a Pin at User's Current Position 07:14
18 Adding Draft Pin 06:05
19 Adding Blog Area for Pin Content 05:09
20 Building / Styling Blog Components 07:26
21 Managing Pin Content State and Deleting Draft Pins 07:28
22 Uploading Images with Cloudinary 06:32
23 Creating New Pins with CREATE_PIN Mutation 14:42
24 Create Custom GraphQL Request Hook 08:16
25 Displaying Created Pins on the Map 12:34
26 Highlighting Newly Created Pins 03:11
27 Adding Popup to our Pins 08:08
28 Deleting Pins with DELETE_PIN Mutation 07:05
29 Building Out / Styling Pin Content 07:24
30 Building out Components to Create / Display User Comments 06:28
31 Creating Comments with CREATE_COMMENT_MUTATION 16:19
32 Handling Expired Auth Token Errors 02:43
33 Setting up Subscriptions on the Backend 11:34
34 Subscribing to Live Data Changes with Apollo Client 10:28
35 useMediaQuery for Easy Mobile / Response Design 10:13
36 Fixing App Issues 05:59
37 Deploying with Now v2 and Heroku 14:14

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