Fullstack ASP.NET Core and React Masterclass | Learnify

20h 40m 31s

Learnify is a self-paced, online Masterclass, where you will master ASP.NET CORE and React by building a practical, real-world application from scratch.

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Everything you need to build a real SaaS application

Learnify goes beyond other courses by covering every detail required to build a real, production-ready, application with ASP.NET Core and React.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Know how and why to use the Repository and Specification pattern.
  2. Understand design patterns in .NET Core.
  3. Use ASP.NET Identity for login and registration.
  4. Utilize React Router for routing.
  5. Centralize state in React using Redux toolkit.
  6. Integrate Automapper to shape data in ASP.NET Core.
  7. Use Axios to make API calls in React.
  8. Build a custom, visually appealing UI (without an external library).
  9. Set up Sass in React.
  10. Add Course Rating, Page, Sort, Search and Filter features.
  11. Use Redis as in-memory database to store cart items.
  12. Accept payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D secure.
  13. Deploy ASP.Net projects to Heroku.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 05:37
2 Technologies Used in this Course 03:36
3 Setting up the Environment 04:13
4 Setting up VS Code 03:25
5 Creating WebAPI Project using DOTNET CLI 08:04
6 Reviewing the Project Files 10:00
7 Reviewing the API Controllers 04:52
8 Exploring Postman 01:10
9 Adding Course Model to our Project 03:47
10 What is Entity Framework? 04:02
11 Adding Entity Framework 08:15
12 Adding our First Migration 05:59
13 Creating a Database 07:08
14 Seeding Data in our Database 08:01
15 Adding our First Controller 07:43
16 Module 1 Summary 02:09
17 Setting up the React Project 04:50
18 Reviewing our React Project 09:19
19 React Concepts 05:24
20 Why TypeScript? 06:29
21 Fetching Data 12:22
22 Installing SASS to our Project 06:50
23 Installing React Router 03:24
24 Adding Routes and Refactoring 05:12
25 Installing Ant Design 03:56
26 Adding Base Styles 04:24
27 Creating Navbar 13:11
28 Adding Side-drawer to our Navbar 06:46
29 Setting up Axios 06:05
30 Giving Types to Axios 04:19
31 Making Course Component 15:03
32 Introducing Repository Pattern 02:56
33 Adding Repository and Interface 06:39
34 Writing Repository Methods 05:34
35 Adding More Properties to our Course Model 10:54
36 Adding Configuration to our Migration 09:58
37 Seeding New Data 09:56
38 Adding Code to Get Data from Category Table 08:43
39 Adding Eager Loading 05:13
40 Shaping the Data 03:24
41 Setting AutoMapper to our Project 14:46
42 Implementing Generic Repository 05:14
43 Implementing Generic Repository Methods 06:29
44 Introducing Specification Pattern 06:09
45 Creating Specification Evaluator 06:24
46 Implementing Specification Methods 05:32
47 Using Specification Methods in Controllers 10:27
48 Specification Pattern Walkthrough 03:56
49 Creating Errors Controller 07:33
50 Handling Errors 06:01
51 Creating a Not found Endpoint 03:41
52 Creating Exception Middleware 11:20
53 Working on Validation Error Response 06:55
54 Adding Sorting Feature to the API 08:33
55 Adding Filter Feature to the API 03:09
56 Adding Pagination to the API 12:05
57 Finishing pagination to the API 08:42
58 Adding Search Functionality 03:43
59 Fixing Some Warnings 04:51
60 Refactoring the Frontend 05:59
61 Adding Categories Bar 08:42
62 Adding Show Courses Component 06:07
63 Creating Categories Page 11:25
64 Creating Description Page 06:01
65 Designing Description Page 24:15
66 Creating Basket Entity 07:28
67 Making Migration to the Database 02:42
68 Creating Basket Controller 13:53
69 Creating Remove Item Method 11:00
70 Setting up Axios for the Basket 10:59
71 Creating Basket Page 05:53
72 Designing Basket Page 12:45
73 Using React Context 12:17
74 Fetching the Basket on App Start 03:34
75 Refactoring and Adding Basket Items Count 10:46
76 Adding Basket Summary 07:34
77 Adding "Add to Cart" Button in the Description Page 05:19
78 Installing Redux 07:26
79 Creating Action in Redux 07:27
80 Introducing Redux Toolkit 11:32
81 Creating Basket Slice 04:53
82 Refactoring App to Use Redux Toolkit 06:58
83 Using Asynchronous Calls in Redux 06:42
84 Using Asynchrnous Calls in Redux Part 2 07:10
85 Using Entity Adapters 08:39
86 Redux Devtools 03:17
87 Using Selectors in Entity Adapters 04:53
88 Fetching Single Product 05:38
89 Creating Category Slice 09:01
90 Adding Search Filters 08:15
91 Adding Course Params to Redux 16:53
92 Adding Frontend Pagination 10:57
93 Setting up identity 06:14
94 Configuring Identity and Migration 09:58
95 Creating Users Controller 08:55
96 Json Web Tokens 03:30
97 Creating Token Service 10:51
98 Using Token Service 06:51
99 Validating the Token 07:09
100 Setting up Frontend for Identity 02:53
101 Building Login and Register Component 20:46
102 Finalizing Login page 07:59
103 Adding User Slice 17:21
104 Creating Login Dropdown 11:30
105 Persisting User Login 03:21
106 Adding FetchBasketSlice 05:34
107 Changing Basket Logic 10:51
108 Changing Basket Logic Frontend 04:59
109 Creating Private Route Component 05:34
110 Setting up Stripe 06:26
111 Creating Stripe Payment Service 08:32
112 Creating Payments Controller 11:11
113 Adding Stripe to Frontend 03:58
114 Building Checkout Component 12:54
115 Getting Payment Intent from the Server 07:21
116 Making Payment Function 08:09
117 Making Clear Basket Endpoint 04:09
118 Purchase Courses Endpoint 16:29
119 Storing User Secrets 03:52
120 Current User Endpoint 14:27
121 Showing Loader 05:49
122 Displaying User Courses 08:24
123 Lectures Backend 07:06
124 Lectures Controller 16:47
125 Creating Lecture Slice 14:00
126 Creating Lecture Page 21:54
127 Centralizing Frontend Errors 08:22
128 Adding Instructor Role 07:46
129 Creating Add Role Endpoint 07:51
130 Creating Instructor Page 20:04
131 Create Course Page 30:11
132 Create Sections Backend 09:18
133 Create Sections Frontend 35:59
134 Updating Project to .net 6 04:31
135 Adding New Dotnet 6 Features to Our Application 09:50
136 Module Introduction 01:10
137 Creating Frontend Build 04:47
138 Serving Client from Our Backend 04:47
139 Switching to Production Database 09:49
140 Final Touches 07:53
141 Deplying to Heroku 13:41
142 TypeScript Project Setup 05:25
143 Using TypeScript 05:17
144 Installing Lite Server 02:32
145 Using Types 05:51
146 Object, Array, Tuple, and Enum 13:54
147 Union, Literals and Custom Types 06:45
148 Typing Functions with TypeScript 08:03
149 Unknown and Never Type 05:05
150 Configuration in TypeScript 15:14

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