Fullstack ASP.NET Core and React Masterclass | Learnify
20h 40m 31s
Learnify is a self-paced, online Masterclass, where you will master ASP.NET CORE and React by building a practical, real-world application from scratch.
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Everything you need to build a real SaaS application
Learnify goes beyond other courses by covering every detail required to build a real, production-ready, application with ASP.NET Core and React.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Know how and why to use the Repository and Specification pattern.
- Understand design patterns in .NET Core.
- Use ASP.NET Identity for login and registration.
- Utilize React Router for routing.
- Centralize state in React using Redux toolkit.
- Integrate Automapper to shape data in ASP.NET Core.
- Use Axios to make API calls in React.
- Build a custom, visually appealing UI (without an external library).
- Set up Sass in React.
- Add Course Rating, Page, Sort, Search and Filter features.
- Use Redis as in-memory database to store cart items.
- Accept payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D secure.
- Deploy ASP.Net projects to Heroku.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 05:37 |
2 | Technologies Used in this Course | 03:36 |
3 | Setting up the Environment | 04:13 |
4 | Setting up VS Code | 03:25 |
5 | Creating WebAPI Project using DOTNET CLI | 08:04 |
6 | Reviewing the Project Files | 10:00 |
7 | Reviewing the API Controllers | 04:52 |
8 | Exploring Postman | 01:10 |
9 | Adding Course Model to our Project | 03:47 |
10 | What is Entity Framework? | 04:02 |
11 | Adding Entity Framework | 08:15 |
12 | Adding our First Migration | 05:59 |
13 | Creating a Database | 07:08 |
14 | Seeding Data in our Database | 08:01 |
15 | Adding our First Controller | 07:43 |
16 | Module 1 Summary | 02:09 |
17 | Setting up the React Project | 04:50 |
18 | Reviewing our React Project | 09:19 |
19 | React Concepts | 05:24 |
20 | Why TypeScript? | 06:29 |
21 | Fetching Data | 12:22 |
22 | Installing SASS to our Project | 06:50 |
23 | Installing React Router | 03:24 |
24 | Adding Routes and Refactoring | 05:12 |
25 | Installing Ant Design | 03:56 |
26 | Adding Base Styles | 04:24 |
27 | Creating Navbar | 13:11 |
28 | Adding Side-drawer to our Navbar | 06:46 |
29 | Setting up Axios | 06:05 |
30 | Giving Types to Axios | 04:19 |
31 | Making Course Component | 15:03 |
32 | Introducing Repository Pattern | 02:56 |
33 | Adding Repository and Interface | 06:39 |
34 | Writing Repository Methods | 05:34 |
35 | Adding More Properties to our Course Model | 10:54 |
36 | Adding Configuration to our Migration | 09:58 |
37 | Seeding New Data | 09:56 |
38 | Adding Code to Get Data from Category Table | 08:43 |
39 | Adding Eager Loading | 05:13 |
40 | Shaping the Data | 03:24 |
41 | Setting AutoMapper to our Project | 14:46 |
42 | Implementing Generic Repository | 05:14 |
43 | Implementing Generic Repository Methods | 06:29 |
44 | Introducing Specification Pattern | 06:09 |
45 | Creating Specification Evaluator | 06:24 |
46 | Implementing Specification Methods | 05:32 |
47 | Using Specification Methods in Controllers | 10:27 |
48 | Specification Pattern Walkthrough | 03:56 |
49 | Creating Errors Controller | 07:33 |
50 | Handling Errors | 06:01 |
51 | Creating a Not found Endpoint | 03:41 |
52 | Creating Exception Middleware | 11:20 |
53 | Working on Validation Error Response | 06:55 |
54 | Adding Sorting Feature to the API | 08:33 |
55 | Adding Filter Feature to the API | 03:09 |
56 | Adding Pagination to the API | 12:05 |
57 | Finishing pagination to the API | 08:42 |
58 | Adding Search Functionality | 03:43 |
59 | Fixing Some Warnings | 04:51 |
60 | Refactoring the Frontend | 05:59 |
61 | Adding Categories Bar | 08:42 |
62 | Adding Show Courses Component | 06:07 |
63 | Creating Categories Page | 11:25 |
64 | Creating Description Page | 06:01 |
65 | Designing Description Page | 24:15 |
66 | Creating Basket Entity | 07:28 |
67 | Making Migration to the Database | 02:42 |
68 | Creating Basket Controller | 13:53 |
69 | Creating Remove Item Method | 11:00 |
70 | Setting up Axios for the Basket | 10:59 |
71 | Creating Basket Page | 05:53 |
72 | Designing Basket Page | 12:45 |
73 | Using React Context | 12:17 |
74 | Fetching the Basket on App Start | 03:34 |
75 | Refactoring and Adding Basket Items Count | 10:46 |
76 | Adding Basket Summary | 07:34 |
77 | Adding "Add to Cart" Button in the Description Page | 05:19 |
78 | Installing Redux | 07:26 |
79 | Creating Action in Redux | 07:27 |
80 | Introducing Redux Toolkit | 11:32 |
81 | Creating Basket Slice | 04:53 |
82 | Refactoring App to Use Redux Toolkit | 06:58 |
83 | Using Asynchronous Calls in Redux | 06:42 |
84 | Using Asynchrnous Calls in Redux Part 2 | 07:10 |
85 | Using Entity Adapters | 08:39 |
86 | Redux Devtools | 03:17 |
87 | Using Selectors in Entity Adapters | 04:53 |
88 | Fetching Single Product | 05:38 |
89 | Creating Category Slice | 09:01 |
90 | Adding Search Filters | 08:15 |
91 | Adding Course Params to Redux | 16:53 |
92 | Adding Frontend Pagination | 10:57 |
93 | Setting up identity | 06:14 |
94 | Configuring Identity and Migration | 09:58 |
95 | Creating Users Controller | 08:55 |
96 | Json Web Tokens | 03:30 |
97 | Creating Token Service | 10:51 |
98 | Using Token Service | 06:51 |
99 | Validating the Token | 07:09 |
100 | Setting up Frontend for Identity | 02:53 |
101 | Building Login and Register Component | 20:46 |
102 | Finalizing Login page | 07:59 |
103 | Adding User Slice | 17:21 |
104 | Creating Login Dropdown | 11:30 |
105 | Persisting User Login | 03:21 |
106 | Adding FetchBasketSlice | 05:34 |
107 | Changing Basket Logic | 10:51 |
108 | Changing Basket Logic Frontend | 04:59 |
109 | Creating Private Route Component | 05:34 |
110 | Setting up Stripe | 06:26 |
111 | Creating Stripe Payment Service | 08:32 |
112 | Creating Payments Controller | 11:11 |
113 | Adding Stripe to Frontend | 03:58 |
114 | Building Checkout Component | 12:54 |
115 | Getting Payment Intent from the Server | 07:21 |
116 | Making Payment Function | 08:09 |
117 | Making Clear Basket Endpoint | 04:09 |
118 | Purchase Courses Endpoint | 16:29 |
119 | Storing User Secrets | 03:52 |
120 | Current User Endpoint | 14:27 |
121 | Showing Loader | 05:49 |
122 | Displaying User Courses | 08:24 |
123 | Lectures Backend | 07:06 |
124 | Lectures Controller | 16:47 |
125 | Creating Lecture Slice | 14:00 |
126 | Creating Lecture Page | 21:54 |
127 | Centralizing Frontend Errors | 08:22 |
128 | Adding Instructor Role | 07:46 |
129 | Creating Add Role Endpoint | 07:51 |
130 | Creating Instructor Page | 20:04 |
131 | Create Course Page | 30:11 |
132 | Create Sections Backend | 09:18 |
133 | Create Sections Frontend | 35:59 |
134 | Updating Project to .net 6 | 04:31 |
135 | Adding New Dotnet 6 Features to Our Application | 09:50 |
136 | Module Introduction | 01:10 |
137 | Creating Frontend Build | 04:47 |
138 | Serving Client from Our Backend | 04:47 |
139 | Switching to Production Database | 09:49 |
140 | Final Touches | 07:53 |
141 | Deplying to Heroku | 13:41 |
142 | TypeScript Project Setup | 05:25 |
143 | Using TypeScript | 05:17 |
144 | Installing Lite Server | 02:32 |
145 | Using Types | 05:51 |
146 | Object, Array, Tuple, and Enum | 13:54 |
147 | Union, Literals and Custom Types | 06:45 |
148 | Typing Functions with TypeScript | 08:03 |
149 | Unknown and Never Type | 05:05 |
150 | Configuration in TypeScript | 15:14 |
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