From Zero to Hero: Test-Driven Development in C#

5h 41m 22s
January 9, 2024

Test-Driven Development (or TDD for short) is one of the most essential software development practices. It is a practice based on the simple idea that instead of writing our code first and then later writing tests for it, we write our tests first, and then we write code that makes those tests pass. This approach has many advantages, from productivity gains to ensuring that our work doesn't get out of scope to ultimately writing better, focused code with cleaner interfaces and looser coupling. TDD can change the way we think about building software. In this course, Gui Ferreira will teach you everything you need to know to practice TDD, from the most basic concepts to some very advanced ones and make it part of your software development lifecycle.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:38
2 What will you learn in this course? 03:44
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites 01:59
4 What is TDD? 02:44
5 Benefits and drawbacks of TDD 07:13
6 "Test-First" vs "Test-After" 02:22
7 How to define a Unit in Unit Testing 03:24
8 Red-Green-Refactor cycle 03:13
9 The 3 Rules of TDD 02:43
10 Incrementalism 02:34
11 Section recap 00:25
12 The example we will work on 02:17
13 Creating a Testing List 05:57
14 Writing the first Tests 29:59
15 Using Tests as Documentation 07:22
16 Section recap 00:50
17 The example we will work on 01:16
18 Writing application level tests 06:57
19 What is a Test Double? 02:54
20 Building Dummies 02:41
21 Building Stubs 04:01
22 Building Spies 03:00
23 Building Mocks 09:50
24 Building Fakes 03:43
25 Fixtures, Setup, and Teardown 06:06
26 How to TDD on Integration Testing 03:40
27 Test-driving a Storage Adapter 25:09
28 Test-driving a REST API 19:49
29 Section recap 00:37
30 The example we will work on 00:30
31 Detroit vs London school 01:06
32 What is the Detroit School style? 01:43
33 What is the London School style? 02:12
34 Practicing TDD in a London School style 27:37
35 Section Recap 00:32
36 Naming Tests 02:36
37 How to organize tests 01:55
38 Applying Act-Arrange-Assert 02:30
39 Using 1 Assertion per test 02:36
40 Start from the end 03:11
41 Improving test readability 04:21
42 How to solve bugs with TDD 03:37
43 What are TDD Driving Patterns 00:48
44 Driving Patterns: Fake It 05:54
45 Driving Patterns: Triangulation 07:06
46 Driving Patterns: Obvious Implementation 03:01
47 The Four Rules to Simple Design 02:23
48 Anti-patterns and how to avoid them 06:46
49 Section recap 00:45
50 TDD in Agile software development and DevOps 07:41
51 How BDD and ATDD relate to TDD 05:10
52 How TDD relates to the Testing Pyramid 05:01
53 TDD and Source Control 06:01
54 Pair Programming when doing TDD 03:06
55 Defining Team testing policies 04:33
56 The value of Code Coverage when doing TDD 01:47
57 Using Mutation Testing to improve TDD skills 04:52
58 Handling Objections and Challenges to TDD Adoption 03:28
59 Section recap 00:49
60 The example we will work on 02:16
61 What is Legacy Code 01:37
62 How to use Approval Testing 10:45
63 Refactoring to Support Testing 26:54
64 Test-driving new Behaviour 06:35
65 Section recap 00:29
66 Conclusion 01:02

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