Foundation in C#: Object Oriented Programming Part 2
7h 24m 3s
This is where you really fill in the gaps of your OOP knowledge. This course covers topics like method overriding and overloading, events, generics, abstract classes, and a lot more. Watch the intro video (it is free) to get a better picture of what you will learn.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:10 |
2 | Inheritance | 38:23 |
3 | Interfaces | 38:17 |
4 | Mini Project | 40:21 |
5 | Access Modifiers | 32:53 |
6 | Abstract Classes | 12:37 |
7 | Method Overriding | 23:21 |
8 | Mini Project | 58:22 |
9 | Method Overloading | 16:59 |
10 | Extension Methods | 15:24 |
11 | Mini Project | 31:42 |
12 | Generics | 45:11 |
13 | Events | 40:25 |
14 | Mini Project | 47:44 |
15 | Conclusion | 01:14 |
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