Getting Started: Modular Monoliths in .NET

3h 11m 11s
June 8, 2024

A monolith refers to a software application that is deployed as a single physical deployment. Many monolithic applications lack sufficient structure and end up becoming Big Balls of Mud. By contrast, a modular monolith breaks up the application into logical modules which are largely independent from one another. This provides many of the benefits of more distributed approaches like microservices without the overhead of deploying and managing a distributed application. In this course, you’ll learn how to get started building a modular monolith application using a real world sample, the RiverBooks ecommerce site.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:16
2 What will you learn in this course? 02:08
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites 01:14
4 Introducing Software Architectures 03:28
5 Standard Monoliths 03:54
6 Microservices 03:57
7 Modular Monoliths 02:27
8 Comparison and Trade-Offs 03:25
9 Key Takeaways 02:04
10 Brief Overview of RiverBooks Sample 02:31
11 Environment Setup 01:27
12 Creating initial Solution and Projects 15:05
13 Key Takeaways 00:50
14 Modeling the Books Domain 06:51
15 Adding Persistence Abstractions 02:34
16 Creating Basic Services 04:04
17 Integrating with EF Core 11:29
18 Key Takeaways 00:31
19 Adding Book Endpoints 11:48
20 Testing the API 15:56
21 Create the Users Module 09:40
22 Add Registration and Login Endpoints 10:07
23 Linking Users and Books via a Cart 31:53
24 Module Communication Options 06:02
25 Refactoring to Improve Design 15:40
26 Key Takeaways 03:49
27 Key Concept Review 07:26
28 Run the Full RiverBooks Application 08:37
29 Next Steps 00:58

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