Mastering Laravel 10 Query Builder, Eloquent & Relationships

7h 27m 32s

Are you struggling with Laravel databases and Eloquent? Do you want to learn how to easily manage your database with migrations and seeders? Look no further than Code With Dary's "Mastering Laravel Databases & Eloquent" course on Udemy! This comprehensive course covers the ins and outs of Factories, Seeders, Migrations, Query Builder, Eloquent, and relationships in Laravel 10. With Code With Dary's expert guidance, you'll learn how to efficiently manage your database and build powerful, scalable applications.

Read more about the course

What is Laravel?

Laravel is the go-to PHP web application framework for developers. With its extensive set of features and tools, Laravel enables developers to create web applications in a fast and efficient manner. One of the standout features of Laravel is its powerful database management system, which runs on top of the Eloquent ORM. Using Laravel and Eloquent, developers can seamlessly perform CRUD operations on the database, as well as execute complex queries with ease. Learning Laravel and Eloquent is a must for any PHP developer who needs to build modern, scalable web applications with confidence.

Why is Laravel so popular?

Laravel is popular because it provides developers with a powerful set of tools and features that make it easy to build modern, scalable web applications. It has a robust database management system that runs on top of the Eloquent ORM, which allows developers to easily perform CRUD operations on the database and execute complex queries. Laravel also has a large and active community of developers, which means that there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting. Additionally, Laravel is easy to learn and use, which makes it a great choice for developers of all skill levels.

Who is this course for?

Some people may find Eloquent ORM difficult because it has a lot of features and can take time to fully understand. Additionally, working with complex relationships between database tables can sometimes be challenging. However, with practice and experience, developers can become proficient in using Eloquent to manage databases in Laravel applications. This course will teach you everything in depth about Laravel databases, Query Builder, and Eloquent! I do expect you to have knowledge in Laravel before starting this course, since we’re going to focus purely on databases and eloquent.

Tools we will be using

We need to use a code editor for this task. It doesn't matter which one you use. I prefer using tools such as Ray from Spatie and Tinkerwell from BeyondCode. Both products are paid, but not required for this task. I use them in this course to make data outputting easier and to show you query speed, which can be compared to other queries.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:07
2 Course structure 02:03
3 Source code 00:53
4 Project & database setup 05:39
5 Database configuration file 02:35
6 What are migrations and how do they work? 05:29
7 Creating our first migration 03:41
8 Column modifiers 04:39
9 Running migrations & different options 06:42
10 Squashing migrations 02:34
11 Modifying Columns 03:41
12 Renaming Columns 01:57
13 Migrations Cleanup 00:50
14 Dropping Columns 02:29
15 Factories vs Seeders - What is the difference? 01:16
16 Defining our first Factory 04:37
17 Using a Factory through a Seeder 03:02
18 Using a Factory through Artisan Tinker 01:22
19 Defining our first Seeder 06:47
20 Using a JSON file to read Data for our Seeders 04:15
21 Calling Multiple Seeders 00:56
22 Primary & Foreign Keys 06:20
23 Introduction to the Query Builder 06:29
24 First, Value and Find Methods 03:41
25 Retrieving a List of Column Values 00:45
26 Inserts Through the Query Builder 06:15
27 Insert & Get Id Through the Query Builder 01:21
28 Updating Through the Query Builder 06:37
29 Deleting Through the Query Builder 03:00
30 Aggregates Methods 03:29
31 whereNot & orWhereNot 02:31
32 Determining if Records Exist 01:50
33 whereBetween & whereNotBetween Methods 01:38
34 Debugging Through the Query Builder 01:59
35 Database Transactions 06:10
36 Pessimistic Locking 02:42
37 Chunking Data 02:44
38 Streaming Results Lazily 04:09
39 Raw Methods 03:37
40 Ordering Through the Query Builder 03:51
41 Full Text indexes 05:01
42 Limit & Offset Through the Query Builder 02:40
43 Conditional Clauses 02:16
44 Removing Existing Ordering 01:50
45 Using the paginate() method 08:04
46 Using the simplePaginate() method 01:47
47 Using the cursorPaginate() method 04:19
48 Introduction to Eloquent 04:07
49 Eloquent Model Conventions 13:38
50 The $fillable And $guarded Properties 04:57
51 Building Queries 02:53
52 Retrieving Single Models 08:39
53 Inserting / Creating Models 05:14
54 Retrieving All Models 04:32
55 firstOrCreate & firstOrNew 04:35
56 Updating Models 03:51
57 Attribute Changes [isDirty,В isClean, &В wasChanged] 07:33
58 UpdateOrCreate & Upserting Models 04:16
59 Deleting Models 02:47
60 Soft Deleting Models 05:40
61 Pruning Models 02:44
62 Replicating Models 01:59
63 Global Scopes 07:46
64 Local Scopes 06:04
65 Dynamic Scopes 03:59
66 Using a Trait to store Scopes 02:09
67 What are Relationships? 01:33
68 One to One Relationship 14:15
69 One to Many / Belongs To Relationship 08:05
70 Many to Many Relationship 16:16
71 Eager Loading 02:45
72 Has one Through Relationship 08:25
73 Has One of Many Relationship 06:02
74 Has Many Through Relationship 07:15
75 What are Polymorphic Relationships? 01:18
76 One to One Polymorphic Relationship 10:01
77 One to Many Polymorphic Relationship 09:03
78 One of Many Polymorphic Relationship 02:42
79 Many to Many Polymorphic Relationship 07:01
80 Project Setup 01:54
81 Installing Laravel Breeze 03:18
82 Defining Migrations 08:31
83 Defining Models / Relationships 05:46
84 Creating Models, Controllers, Factories & Migrations 01:50
85 Inserting Data Using Factories & Seeders 09:59
86 Setting up Article Routes 04:14
87 Setting up The Frontend Pages 03:04
88 The index() Method 08:49
89 The show() Method 09:50
90 The create() & store() Methods 16:47
91 The edit() & update() Methods 12:20
92 The destroy() method 02:44
93 Using Policies For Unauthorized Users 04:43

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