Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power With Code

41h 45m 55s
November 22, 2023
Learn PHP, JavaScript, WordPress theming & the WP REST API to Create Custom & Interactive WordPress Websites. Unlock the full power of WordPress and go beyond "just a blog platform" by learning how to code completely custom WordPress powered sites. I've spent the last 12 years studying WordPress, PHP, and JavaScript and now I'm here to teach you everything I know. Come along on this journey with me and become a WordPress developer.

Together we will build a website for a fictional university and along the way we will:

  • Install WordPress on your personal computer so you have a private playground copy of WordPress to practice and experiment with

  • Get introduced to the PHP language (this is what powers WordPress)

  • Set Up a New Theme (You'll learn how to convert any HTML template into a living breathing WordPress theme)

  • Create Custom Post Types and Custom Fields

  • Relate pieces of content with each other (e.g. a professor and a program)

  • Learn the basics of (object-oriented) JavaScript

  • Leverage the WP REST API

  • Learn to use JavaScript to communicate with the WordPress back-end on-the-fly

  • Let visitors sign up for a basic account on our site

  • Build a "My Notes" feature (user specific single page application with real-time CRUD actions)

  • Let users "like" or "heart" a professor (update the professor's like count on-the-fly)

  • Deploy our website live up onto the web for the entire world to view

  • And much more!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Course! 10:00
2 What is a Dev Environment? (Your First Installation) 13:35
3 About The Recent Big Changes To WordPress 03:48
4 First Taste of PHP 16:32
5 Creating a New Theme 12:05
6 PHP Functions 14:53
7 PHP Arrays 12:29
8 The Famous "Loop" in WordPress 14:31
9 Header & Footer 18:34
10 Convert Static HTML Template into WordPress (Part 1) 03:30
11 Convert Static HTML Template into WordPress (Part 2) 18:04
12 Interior Page Template 17:53
13 Parent & Children Pages 16:59
14 To Echo or Not To Echo 09:02
15 Menu of Child Page Links 19:58
16 A Few Quick Edits / Improvements 09:22
17 Navigation Menus 15:39
18 Navigation Menus (Continued) 05:07
19 Blog Listing Page (index.php vs front-page.php) 19:59
20 Blog Continued 13:15
21 Blog Archives (archive.php) 12:10
22 Custom Queries 19:59
23 Blog: Few Quick Edits & Improvements 06:32
24 Custom Post Types 17:50
25 Displaying Custom Post Types 19:49
26 Quick Timeout: Misc Updates 14:24
27 Custom Fields 19:10
28 Ordering (Sorting) Custom Queries 14:10
29 Manipulating Default URL Based Queries 17:52
30 Past Events Page (Custom Query Pagination) 18:32
31 Creating Relationships Between Content 18:41
32 Displaying Relationships (Front-End) 19:59
33 Quick Program Edits 08:51
34 Professors Post Type 19:13
35 Featured Image (Post Thumbnail) 19:07
36 Featured Image Sizes & Cropping 09:16
37 Page Banner Dynamic Background Image 15:13
38 Reduce Duplicate Code - Create Our Own Function 19:51
39 Using Our "pageBanner" Function 10:55
40 Reduce Duplication - "get_template_part()" 11:29
41 Getting Our Computer & Project Ready for JavaScript 16:07
42 Optional: The Finished Product Of This Course: All In One Import File 13:31
43 Campus Post Type 19:47
44 Campus Map on Front-End 18:52
45 Campuses Continued 19:54
46 Final Campus Details 04:36
47 Live Search 09:54
48 Open and Close Search Overlay 18:17
49 Keyboard Events in JavaScript 19:39
50 Managing Time in JavaScript 15:33
51 Waiting / Loading Spinner Icon 19:59
52 Load WP Content with JS 17:51
53 Generate HTML Based on JSON 19:59
54 Conditional Logic Within Template Literal 17:44
55 Quick Misc Edits 10:52
56 Synchronous vs Asynchronous (Part 1) 11:47
57 Synchronous vs Asynchronous (Part 2) 10:12
58 REST API: Add New Custom Field 15:51
59 REST API: Add New Custom Route (URL) 16:38
60 Create Your Own Raw JSON Data 14:11
61 WP_Query and Keyword Searching 08:26
62 Working With Multiple Post Types 10:41
63 3 Column Layout for Search Overlay 19:59
64 Custom Layout & JSON based on Post Type 19:34
65 Search Logic That's Aware of Relationships 16:03
66 Search Logic That's Aware of Relationships (Part 2) 19:47
67 Completing Our Search Overlay 14:26
68 jQuery Free Live Search 06:51
69 Traditional WordPress Searching 19:02
70 Traditional WordPress Searching (Part 2) 19:59
71 User Roles and Permissions 19:59
72 Open Registration 20:00
73 Open Registration (Part 2) 11:49
74 "My Notes" Feature 20:00
75 "My Notes" Front-end Part 1 07:32
76 "My Notes" Front-end Part 2 14:56
77 Delete Posts with the REST API 17:52
78 Edit / Update Posts with the REST API 18:31
79 Creating New Notes 14:53
80 Creating New Notes (Part 2) 08:49
81 Note Permissions and Security (Part 1) 19:59
82 Note Permissions and Security (Part 2) 20:00
83 Per-User Post Limit 19:57
84 jQuery Free My Notes 06:14
85 Let Users "Like" Content (Part 1) 19:32
86 Let Users "Like" Content (Part 2) 12:55
87 Creating Custom POST and DELETE Endpoints 14:14
88 Programmatically Create a Post 19:18
89 Enforce Limit of One Like Per User/Teacher Combo 17:29
90 Completing the LikeBox 19:46
91 jQuery Free LikeBox 02:19
92 Going Live with Our Website 09:04
93 Path A (Simple and Quick) 18:27
94 Path B (Advanced / Manually Moving a Site) 13:24
95 Database Config for Two Site Environments 10:22
96 Ignoring Certain Files with Git 07:52
97 Automatic Git Deployments to Web Host 14:59
98 Challenge: Make Homepage Slideshow Dynamic 09:32
99 Introduction to Plugin Development 13:36
100 Let's Create Our First Plugin 10:40
101 Adding a Settings Page For Our Plugin 15:00
102 Settings API (Saving Settings Data) 19:52
103 Finishing Our Settings Form 19:59
104 Actually Counting the Words, Characters, and Read Time 19:57
105 Translations / Localization (For PHP) 19:44
106 Admin Sub-Menu 16:00
107 Custom Admin Menu Icon 17:06
108 Alternative: Manually Handling Admin Form Submit 15:24
109 Finishing Word Filter Plugin 18:04
110 Introduction to JavaScript Plugin Development 19:45
111 Introduction to JSX 19:47
112 Block Type Attributes 20:00
113 Let's Discuss the Output of Our Block (Part 1) 11:53
114 Let's Discuss the Output of Our Block (Part 2) 10:08
115 Starting Our Multiple Choice Block Type 18:26
116 Styling Our Block 11:26
117 Event Handling & Updating Block Attributes 20:00
118 Setting Up The Correct Answer 19:53
119 How To Use React on The Front-End of WordPress 18:52
120 Passing Block Data From PHP Into JavaScript / React 12:26
121 Letting Users Click On (Guess) An Answer 15:16
122 Attention To Detail 14:37
123 Let Admin Choose Background Color of Block 15:07
124 Block Text Alignment & Block Preview 08:31
125 Using The "block.json" File 17:28
126 Starting Our Featured Professor Plugin 14:24
127 Loading a List of Professors 13:10
128 Displaying Professor Info 19:59
129 Professor Preview In Editor (Part 1) 05:23
130 Professor Preview In Editor (Part 2) 19:23
131 Control Post Meta With Block Type 19:58
132 Add Related Posts to Professor Detail Page 12:06
133 Translations / Localization (For JavaScript) 11:30
134 Understanding The Pros and Cons of the "Post" Paradigm 20:00
135 Creating Our Own Custom Table 19:43
136 Querying Our Table 16:07
137 Building Dynamic Queries (Part 1) 10:57
138 Building Dynamic Queries (Part 2) 17:35
139 Create Pet From Front-End 11:35
140 Delete Pet From Front-End 09:41
141 What Is Full Site Editing? 10:11
142 Creating A Block Theme 19:59
143 Where Should We Begin With Block Themes? 10:40
144 Custom Banner Block (Part 1) 04:40
145 Custom Banner Block (Part 2) 18:55
146 Making Our Block Editable 10:16
147 Generic Heading Block 12:15
148 Finishing Generic Heading Block 18:50
149 What Is "theme.json" In A Block Theme? (Part 1) 02:52
150 What Is "theme.json" In A Block Theme? (Part 2) 19:36
151 Custom Button Block (Part 1) 05:02
152 Custom Button Block (Part 2) 19:12
153 Color Picker For Button Block (Part 1) 11:07
154 Color Picker For Button Block (Part 2) 14:11
155 Our PHP Render Approach 18:51
156 User Uploaded Background Images (Part 1) 10:16
157 User Uploaded Background Images (Part 2) 14:17
158 Quick Details: Banner Block 09:08
159 Events And Blogs Area (Part 1) 06:26
160 Events And Blogs Area (Part 2) 14:39
161 Header & Footer Blocks 12:46
162 Slideshow Block (Part 1) 16:56
163 Slideshow Block (Part 2) 11:20
164 Templates (Part 1) 08:31
165 Templates (Part 2) 12:22
166 Single Page & Post Templates 18:41
167 Remaining Templates 14:41
168 Only Allow Certain Block Types In Certain Editor Environments 07:53
169 Creating A "Blank" Template For Landing Pages 06:06
170 Challenge: Have an Update Plan in Place (Security) 08:13
171 Challenge: Query Vars 12:48
172 Finale: JavaScript Next Steps 06:07
173 Bonus Lecture 03:36

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