Complete Python Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery

30h 23m 56s

Become a complete Python developer! Join a live online community of over 200,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto. This is a brand new Python course just launched September 2019 and updated for 2020! Graduates of Andrei’s courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.

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Learn Python from scratch, get hired, and have fun along the way with the most modern, up-to-date Python course on Udemy (we use the latest version of Python). This course is focused on efficiency: never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete Python tutorials anymore.

This comprehensive and project based course will introduce you to all of the modern skills of a Python developer (Python 3) and along the way, we will build over 12 real world projects to add to your portfolio (You will get access to all the the code from the 12+ projects we build, so that you can put them on your portfolio right away)!
The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.

The topics covered in this course are:

- Programming Fundamentals

- Python Basics

- Python Fundamentals

- Data Structures

- Object Oriented Programming with Python

- Functional Programming with Python

- Lambdas

- Decorators

- Generators

- Testing in Python

- Debugging

- Error Handling

- Regular Expressions

- Comprehensions

- Modules

- Virtual Environments

- Developer Environments (PyCharm, Jupyter Notebooks, VS Code, Sublime Text + more)

- File Processing: Image, CSV, PDFs, Text + more

- Web Development with Python

- Machine Learning with Python

- Data Science with Python

- Automation with Python and Selenium

- Scripting with Python

- Web Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup

- Image Detection

- Data Visualizations

- Kaggle, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn

- Email and SMS with Python

- Working with APIs (Twitter Bot, Password Checker, Translator)

By the end of this course, you will be a complete Python developer that can get hired at large companies. We are going to use Python to work with Email, Text Messages, CSV files, PDF files, Image Files, Data Visualizations, build our own machine learning model and perform Image detection. We are going to build a web scraper for HackerNews, build a Twitter bot,  build the most secure password checker and we will also build some automation tools using Selenium. But the best part? We will build an actual portfolio website using Python that your future employer and customers can contact you at. By the end, you will have a stack of projects you have built that you can show off to others.

Here’s the truth: Most courses teach you Python and do just that. They show you how to get started. But the thing is you don’t know where to go from there or how to build your own projects.

Whether you are new to programming, or want to level up your Python skills, or are coming from a different programming language, this course is for you. This course is not about making you just code along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you don’t know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No! This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner with no coding experience to someone that can go off, forget about me, and build their own applications and get hired.

  • A computer (Windows/Mac/Linux). That's it!
  • No prior knowledge of Python is required.
  • No previous programming experience is needed.
  • Prepare to fall in love with Python and programming!
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to master Python 3
  • Anyone who wants to learn to code
  • Anyone looking to level up their skills and master a new programming language
  • Anyone who wants to get into: Web Development, Machine Learning, Data Science and other hot job markets

What you'll learn:

  • Become a professional Python Developer and get hired
  • Master modern Python 3 fundamentals as well as advanced topics
  • Learn Object Oriented Programming
  • Learn Function Programming
  • Build 12+ real world Python projects you can show off
  • Learn how to use Python in Web Development
  • Learn Machine Learning with Python
  • Build a Machine Learning Model
  • Learn Data Science - Analyze and Visualize Data
  • Build a professional Portfolio Website
  • Use Python to process: Images, CSVs, PDFs, and other Files
  • Build a Web Scraper with Python and BeautifulSoup
  • Use Python to send Emails and SMS
  • Use Python to build a Twitter bot
  • Learn to Test, Debug and Handle Errors in your Python programs
  • Learn best practices to write clean, performant, and bug free code
  • Learn to use Selenium and Python in Automation
  • Set up a professional workspace with Jupyter Notebooks, PyCharm, VS Code + more

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# Title Duration
1 Complete Python Developer: Zero to Mastery 03:39
2 Course Outline 05:58
3 What Is A Programming Language? 06:25
4 Python Interpreter 07:05
5 How To Run Python Code 04:54
6 Our First Python Progam 07:44
7 Latest Version Of Python 01:43
8 Python 2 vs Python 3 06:42
9 Why So Many Languages? 04:15
10 Exercise: How Does Python Work? 02:10
11 Learning Python 02:06
12 Python Data Types 04:47
13 Numbers 11:10
14 Math Functions 04:30
16 Operator Precedence 03:11
17 Optional: bin() and complex 04:03
18 Variables 13:13
19 Expressions vs Statements 01:37
20 Augmented Assignment Operator 02:50
21 Strings 05:30
22 String Concatenation 01:17
23 Type Conversion 03:04
24 Escape Sequences 04:24
25 Formatted Strings 08:24
26 String Indexes 08:58
27 Immutability 03:14
28 Built-In Functions + Methods 10:04
29 Booleans 03:22
30 Exercise: Type Conversion 08:23
32 Exercise: Password Checker 07:22
33 Lists 05:02
34 List Slicing 07:49
35 Matrix 04:12
36 List Methods 10:29
37 List Methods 2 04:25
38 List Methods 3 04:53
39 Common List Patterns 05:58
40 List Unpacking 02:41
41 None 01:52
42 Dictionaries 06:21
44 Dictionary Keys 03:38
45 Dictionary Methods 04:38
46 Dictionary Methods 2 07:05
47 Tuples 04:47
48 Tuples 2 03:15
49 Sets 07:25
50 Sets 2 08:46
51 Breaking The Flow 02:35
52 Conditional Logic 13:18
53 Indentation In Python 04:39
54 Truthy vs Falsey 05:18
55 Ternary Operator 04:15
56 Short Circuiting 04:03
57 Logical Operators 06:57
58 Exercise: Logical Operators 07:48
59 is vs == 07:37
60 For Loops 07:02
61 Iterables 06:44
62 Exercise: Tricky Counter 03:24
63 range() 05:39
64 enumerate() 04:38
65 While Loops 06:29
66 While Loops 2 05:50
67 break, continue, pass 04:16
68 Our First GUI 08:49
70 Exercise: Find Duplicates 03:55
71 Functions 07:42
72 Parameters and Arguments 04:25
73 Default Parameters and Keyword Arguments 05:41
74 return 08:16
75 Methods vs Functions 04:34
76 Docstrings 03:48
77 Clean Code 04:39
78 *args and **kwargs 07:57
79 Exercise: Functions 04:19
80 Walrus Operator 07:16
81 Scope 03:38
82 Scope Rules 06:56
83 global Keyword 06:14
84 nonlocal Keyword 03:22
85 Why Do We Need Scope? 03:39
86 MAC - Python Install 04:24
87 WINDOWS - Python Install 04:02
88 Python Developer Tools 03:05
89 Sublime Text 05:48
90 Optional: Terminal Commands 09:57
91 Using the Command Line/Terminal 03:01
92 Visual Studio Code 07:30
93 PyCharm 08:20
94 Code Formatting - PEP 8 05:27
95 Jupyter Notebooks 12:04
96 Section Review 02:21
97 What Is OOP? 05:47
98 What is OOP? Part 2 08:18
99 Creating Our Own Objects 11:35
100 Attributes and Methods 09:13
101 __init__ 02:53
102 @classmethod and @staticmethod 05:48
103 Reviewing What We Know So Far 02:10
105 Encapsulation 05:52
106 Abstraction 04:49
107 Private vs Public Variables 05:21
108 Inheritance 09:28
109 Inheritance 2 04:13
110 Polymorphism 07:08
111 super() 05:03
112 Object Introspection 02:08
113 Dunder Methods 09:54
114 Exercise: Extending List 05:01
115 Multiple Inheritance 06:59
116 MRO - Method Resolution Order 08:32
117 Functional Programming 01:24
118 What Is Functional Programming? 03:02
119 Pure Functions 09:24
120 map() 06:31
121 filter() 04:24
122 zip() 03:29
123 reduce() 07:32
124 Lambda Expressions 07:46
125 Exercise: Lambda Expressions 06:28
126 List Comprehensions 08:38
127 Set and Dictionary Comprehension 06:27
128 Exercise: Comprehensions 04:37
129 Exercise: Imposter Syndrome 02:56
130 Decorators 06:29
131 Higher Order Functions 02:12
132 Decorators 2 07:50
133 Decorators 3 06:10
134 Why Do We Need Decorators? 08:43
135 Errors in Python 06:12
136 Error Handling 08:32
137 Error Handling 2 06:02
138 Exercises: Error Handling 04:58
139 Error Handling 3 03:07
140 Generators 04:58
141 Generators 2 10:31
142 Generators Performance 04:34
143 Under The Hood Of Generators 09:16
144 Exercise: Fibonacci Numbers 08:47
145 Modules In Python 11:48
146 Packages In Python 10:46
147 Different Ways To Import 07:04
148 __name__ 08:53
149 Python Built-in Modules 11:09
150 Python Built-in Modules 2 06:06
151 Exercise: Guessing Game 12:30
152 Python Package Index 07:14
153 pip install 09:29
154 Virtual Environments 07:08
155 Useful Modules 10:09
156 Useful Modules 2 06:16
158 How To Debug Code 13:29
159 Working With Files In Python 08:33
160 Read, Write, Append 07:24
161 File Paths 06:54
162 File IO Errors 02:24
163 Exercise: Translator 09:56
164 Regular Expressions 08:24
165 Regular Expressions 2 08:02
166 Regular Expressions 3 07:34
167 Exercise: Password Validation 05:53
168 Testing Introduction 05:32
169 Unittest 11:04
170 Writing Unit Tests 08:07
171 Writing Unit Tests 2 06:02
172 Exercise: Testing 14:04
173 Python Careers 04:03
174 What If I Don't Have Enough Experience? 15:04
175 Now What?? 05:04
176 Section Overview 01:31
177 What Is Image Processing? 03:44
179 Images With Python 08:46
180 Images With Python 2 05:15
181 Images With Python 3 04:57
182 Exercise: JPG to PNG Pokedex Converter 05:43
183 Solution: JPG to PNG Pokedex Converter 11:32
184 OpenCV 01:29
185 PDFs With Python 12:09
186 Exercise: PDF Merger 04:55
187 Exercise: Watermarker 02:18
188 Solution: Watermarker 07:20
189 Sending Emails With Python 04:50
190 Sending Emails With Python 2 08:01
191 Sending Emails With Python 3 08:41
192 Password Checker Project 02:54
193 How Hackers Work 04:43
194 Password API 08:10
195 Optional: Hash Function 05:57
196 Password Checker 09:53
197 Password Checker 2 08:37
198 Password Checker 3 06:51
199 Password Checker 4 03:14
200 Twitter API 03:55
201 Our First Twitter Bot 06:49
202 Our First Twitter Bot 2 07:57
203 Our First Twitter Bot 3 01:30
204 Our First Twitter Bot 4 07:09
205 SMS With Python 03:09
206 SMS With Python 2 01:30
207 SMS With Python 3 06:46
208 Web Scraping Introduction 04:48
209 Web Scraping and APIs 09:11
210 How Googlebot Works 04:31
211 Our Hacker News Project 03:27
212 Requesting Data 05:20
213 BeautifulSoup Basics 06:40
214 BeautifulSoup Selectors 07:37
215 Hacker News Project 08:34
216 Hacker News Project 2 07:11
217 Hacker News Project 3 05:15
218 Solution: Hacker News Project 3 04:04
219 What To Do Next With Scraping? 03:32
220 Section Overview 01:33
221 How Websites Work 08:14
222 How Websites Work 2 04:32
223 Building Our First Server 09:24
224 Setting Up Flask 09:48
225 Building A Flask Server 10:42
226 Flask Templates 08:08
227 Flask Static Files 03:44
228 Favicon 03:05
229 Templating Engine 03:55
230 URL Parameters 06:46
231 MIME Types 05:22
232 Building A Portfolio 09:11
233 Building A Portfolio 2 06:47
234 Building A Portfolio 3 07:12
235 Building A Portfolio 4 06:41
236 Building A Portfolio 5 10:02
237 Building A Portfolio 6 07:08
238 Building A Portfolio 7 11:01
239 Quick Note About Databases 02:16
240 Optional: How Databases Work 10:55
241 Building A Portfolio 8 14:55
242 Building A Portfolio 9 06:55
243 Section Overview 01:50
244 Selenium Introduction 10:11
245 Selenium Basics 11:48
246 Selenium Basics 2 10:52
247 Selenium Basics 3 06:14
248 Section Overview 02:39
249 AI/Machine Learning/Data Science 03:45
250 How Machine Learning Works 05:54
251 History Of Data 04:40
252 Types of Machine Learning 04:54
253 Machine Learning 101 08:49
254 Tools In Machine Learning 06:08
255 Data Science 1 09:57
256 Data Science 2 10:49
257 Data Science 3 12:31
258 Machine Learning 1 12:04
259 Machine Learning 2 06:16
260 Machine Learning 3 05:54
261 Machine Learning 4 03:09
262 Machine Learning 5 05:36
263 Machine Learning 6 04:29
264 Exercise: ReallySmartBrain 13:56
265 Thank You 01:28
266 CWD: Git + Github 17:41
267 CWD: Git + Github 2 16:53
268 Contributing To Open Source 14:45
269 Contributing To Open Source 2 09:43
270 JTS: Learn to Learn 02:00
271 JTS: Start With Why 02:44
272 My Terminal Setup 06:37
273 AMA - 1,000 Students!! 19:04
274 AMA - 100,000 Students!! 38:31
275 HTML Forms 11:00
276 HTML Forms 2 03:14
277 Submitting A Form 08:23

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