Complete Ansible Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Ansible

3h 37m 45s
March 21, 2024

Whether you have never learn about Ansible, or want to learn about the advanced features of Ansible, this course is for you! Whether you want to get  theories of Ansible only, or love Hands-on & getting your hands dirty, this course is for you as well! In the Capstone Project section, we will configure/deploy step by step a three tier Application ( React, Go, MongoDB) using Ansible. In this project, you will get your hands dirty by tackling all topics that you learnt in the previous sections and more.


With 100 lectures of video comprehensive , the course includes also :

- assignments

-  quizzes

- and Capstone Project.

In this course you will learn everything you need to become an Ansible Pro! Including:

  1. How to prepare a Lab Environment to play with Ansible

  2. Ansible Modules - from scratch

  3. Ansible Adhoc command

  4. Ansible Playbooks

  5. Ansible Variables - Global Scope

  6. Ansible Variables - Play Scope

  7. Ansible Variable - Host Scope

  8. Ansible Inventory - Expanding the inventory

  9. Ansible Task Control ( if-else, for loop,..)

  10. Jinja2 Templates

  11. Ansible Vault  [ Not Hashicorp Vault :) ]

  12. Ansible Roles

  13. Install Jenkins with Ansible

  14. Install Docker Engine with Ansible

  15. Install a Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible

  16. Ansible Collections

  17. More Advanced Topics, Hints and Best practices ( Dynamic Inventory,... etc)

  18. Capstone Project  (with Go Lang, React Js and MongoDB)

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# Title Duration
1 What's Ansible in 10 seconds? 00:11
2 Ansible Architecture in 1 minute 01:16
3 Lab Environment Overview 02:00
4 Lab Environment in Action 11:36
5 Ansible Configuration File - ansible.cfg 00:54
6 Bonus Lecture - Add Second Target Host to Inventory 01:44
7 Ansible Modules are the Primary Materials ! 03:43
8 Ansible Module to Copy file from control machine to Target Hosts 02:26
9 NOTE - Idempotent Module 01:08
10 Ansible Module to Add Line to a Text File 02:13
11 Ansible Module to install OS Packages (Web Server) 01:59
12 SUDO access - Elevate Remote User Privileges 02:51
13 The Mess of Ansible Adhoc Commands !! 01:17
14 YAML Tutorial 02:49
15 Ansible Playbook Structure 01:24
16 Write & Run your First Playbook 03:32
17 Naming is a best practice 01:14
18 Deploy Static Website with Ansible 04:13
19 Ansible Playbook Variables - Overview 01:23
20 Variable Naming Validity 00:46
21 Variable Scopes & Order of Precedence 01:03
22 Variables with Global Scope 01:07
23 Variables with Host Scope - PART1 01:31
24 Variables with Play Scope 01:09
25 Real Case ready for CI/CD pipeline | Extensive Hands On 02:51
26 Real Case Part II - About Rollback Stage 00:24
27 Variables at Runtime - Registered variables 02:09
28 Registered variables - Hands-On 01:47
29 Variables at Runtime - ansible_facts Theory 00:51
30 Variables at Runtime - ansible_facts Hands-on 01:26
31 Variables at Runtime - Turn off Gather Facts 00:19
32 Variables at Runtime - Magic Variables - Quick Overview 00:44
33 Scenario Overview to Expand Inventory 00:47
34 Add more target hosts to inventory 02:25
35 Inventory Structure - Hosts vs Groups 01:13
36 Target a Group inside a Playbook 01:59
37 Define Variables for Inventory Group 01:09
38 Variables with Host Scope instead Play Scope 04:21
39 Magic Variables - Hands-on 03:44
40 ansible-inventory CLI 00:31
41 Theory | host_vars & group_vars | Inventory Best Practices 02:42
42 Hands-On | host_vars & group_vars | Inventory Best Practices 02:46
43 Iterate with "loop" and "item" variable (like forEach) 03:40
44 Conditional Task with "when" (like if else) 03:12
45 delegate Task to another host 01:31
46 Import Tasks from external file 02:43
47 notify with handlers 02:47
48 Overview Jinja2 and its relation with Ansible 01:21
49 Filters 02:56
50 Template Module vs Copy Module 03:22
51 Jinja2 if-else block 01:36
52 Jinja2 for loop block 03:16
53 Ansible Vault - Why and Overview 01:39
54 Ansible Vault - Hands-on 02:34
55 Ansibl Role Overview - Why? What? 02:45
56 Ansible Role Structure Anatomy 01:27
57 Ansible Galaxy CLI for Roles 00:48
58 How to import Role in Ansible Project 00:55
59 Hands On - Ansible Role - Install Jenkins 04:32
60 Install Kubernetes in 5 minutes with Ansible Role 05:26
61 Ansible Collection Overview - Why ? What? 00:42
62 Ansible Collection Structure - Anatomy 00:59
63 Ansible Galaxy CLI for Collections 00:46
64 How to import Collection in Ansible Project 01:27
65 Hands On - Ansible Collections - Demo 03:24
66 100% Fully Containerized Lab Environment 02:58
67 Multiple files inventory 01:41
68 Inventory with Group of Groups 01:15
69 Dynamic Inventory - Theory 03:00
70 Dynamic Inventory - Hands-on 05:01
71 Dynamic Inventory - Hands-on with AWS Inventory 08:54
72 Ansible - The Big Architecture 00:42
73 Capstone Project - Overview 00:39
74 App Source Code - Overview 02:16
75 Scaffold Project - Design inventory 02:29
76 Scaffold Project - Playbooks & Roles Skeleton 02:23
77 Automation Strategy - Super Important !! 01:06
78 Database - MongoDB - Installation Play 04:51
79 Database - MongoDB - Admin Configuration Play 07:00
80 Database - MongoDB - App user Configuration 03:52
81 Database - MongoDB - Security Configuration 02:19
82 Backend - Go - Pre-build Play 02:41
83 Backend - Go - Build Play 03:20
84 Backend - Go - Refactor Build Play with Vars 01:09
85 Backend - Go - Try Run it Manually 01:59
86 Backend - Go - Run it at Production grade 01:58
87 Backend - Go - Deploy Play 04:55
88 Backend - Go - Refactor Deploy Play with Vars 03:49
89 Frontend - React - Pre-build Play 01:34
90 Frontend - React - Build Play 02:04
91 Frontend - React - Try Run it Manually 01:31
92 Frontend - React - Deploy Play 02:06
93 Conclusion - From Pets To Cattle 00:48

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