MERN Stack - React Node from Scratch Building Social Network

20h 49m 20s

Welcome to Become a FullStack / MERN Stack JavaScript Developer from Scratch with React, Node JS and MongoDB. In this course you will Learn React with Node JS from Absolute Scratch – Build A Complete MERN Stack Social Network from Scratch and Deploy to the Cloud Hosting.

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In this course you will learn:

  • Node JS From Scratch

  • Node JS API Development from Scratch

  • React JS from Scratch

  • Modern JavaScript from Scratch

  • A FullStack Social Network Application from Scratch

  • Build Rock Solid Authentication with Password Forgot/Password Reset using JWT

  • Authorization

  • Implement Social Login using JWT

  • CRUD, Image Upload, User Posts Relationships, follow, unfollow, likes, comments and more

  • Super Admin based on Role

  • Custom reCAPTCHA

  • Pagination

  • Deploy FullStack React Node Social Network to Digital Ocean Cloud Hosting

  • Full Source Code is available for each major section and lectures

  • Direct help from Instructor if you ever get stuck!

  • In depth understanding of Modern JavaScript, React and Node JS

  • Each line of code is explained!

  • Easy to understand (Course starts from absolute basic and gradually makes progress)

  • Follow the best practices while coding

  • Fully understand the code you are writing

  • Best way of structuring Node Js and React application so that it scales in future

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# Title Duration
1 What is node js 02:19
2 Why learn node js 02:21
3 Installing node js 02:40
4 Javascript in browser environment 03:16
5 Javascript in node js environment 02:27
6 Getting started with node js 02:55
7 Writing functions 03:44
8 Import export 06:27
9 Using arrow functions 05:38
10 Object destructuring 02:02
11 Using node js core modules 03:30
12 Using npm packages 08:16
13 Using express 05:29
14 Node js event loop 03:07
15 Programming for event loop 04:29
16 Asynchronous programming 08:14
17 Synchronous programming 04:25
18 Functional approach 03:47
19 Secrets of understanding node js 02:38
20 Creating server with express 07:16
21 Separating routes 05:05
22 Middleware explained 06:50
23 Using controllers 07:14
24 Json and postman 04:33
25 Signup with mlab to use mongodb 11:32
26 Connecting to database using mongoose 05:42
27 Post schema 04:53
28 Creating a post 12:59
29 Validation and friendly error messages 14:27
30 Getting posts 06:37
31 Whats next and cleanup 03:04
32 User schema 05:08
33 Virtual fields and methods 12:49
34 User signup using async await 12:16
35 User signin validation and error messaging 09:49
36 User signin flow 09:41
37 User signin with jwt 13:33
38 Testing user signin 03:43
39 Signout method 03:27
40 Protecting routes 06:39
41 Handling unauthorized error 02:59
42 Implementing authorization 05:23
43 Find user by id and add to req object 06:35
44 Has authorization method 03:59
45 Apply require signin to create post 02:01
46 Showing all users 08:49
47 Showing single user 07:49
48 Update user 10:51
49 Delete user 06:22
50 User post relationship with post schema 06:46
51 Create post with image upload and user 11:13
52 Testing create post 09:34
53 Get all posts with user 02:36
54 Get all posts by user 07:31
55 Post update delete flow 02:53
56 Post by id based on route param 03:51
57 Delete post 10:39
58 Update post 05:59
59 Whats next 03:59
60 Documenting api 09:11
61 Adding cors 03:41
62 Modern javascript 01:54
63 Creating variables using const 04:06
64 Creating variables using let 03:48
65 Template strings 05:10
66 Default parameters 03:25
67 Arrow functions 05:58
68 Arrow functions and this keyword 10:11
69 Destructuring object 08:14
70 Destructuring array 02:09
71 Restructuring 04:57
72 Spread and rest operators 07:32
73 Class constructor super 14:23
74 Installing react 05:24
75 React files and folders introduction 06:23
76 Storing data in component state via ajax call 10:59
77 Rendering state data using map 05:48
78 Conditional rendering 04:18
79 Imports exports props 09:36
80 Handling click events 07:40
81 Destructuring inline styling and keys 04:24
82 Create react project 04:45
83 Using react router dom 09:30
84 Adding pages 02:51
85 Signup form 04:25
86 Handling onChange events 08:46
87 User signup 11:02
88 Code refactoring 06:03
89 Showing validation and success message 08:48
90 Code refactoring signup page 03:57
91 Signin page 08:07
92 User signin 10:56
93 Loading... 05:05
94 Menu component 04:20
95 Styling and active link 08:49
96 Signout 13:00
97 Conditional rendering of signup signin links 08:09
98 Show user name 02:48
99 Code refactoring auth logic 05:29
100 Profile page 07:07
101 Showing user info from local storage 05:40
102 Using .env variables 03:51
103 Fetch user profile 13:46
104 Code refactoring fetch user 08:19
105 Show edit profile delete profile buttons 06:45
106 Active link user profile 02:42
107 Whats next? 01:45
108 Users component 02:30
109 Populate users in state 04:22
110 Loop through users 06:08
111 Style user cards 06:18
112 Default profile image 03:39
113 All users profile page 08:37
114 Delete profile component 02:15
115 Users profile based on props change 03:25
116 Delete account prompt 03:58
117 Delete user account 07:35
118 Edit profile component 07:09
119 Pre profile edit profile form 05:30
120 Update user profile 09:51
121 Client side validation on profile update 09:18
122 Private route for authenticated users only 08:58
123 Profile photo upload 11:00
124 Loading... on edit profile 03:53
125 Node API - Update profile with image 13:44
126 File size validation 04:22
127 Node API - Get user photo with separate route 05:45
128 Display profile image in edit profile page 05:18
129 Default image and profile image on all pages 09:21
130 User about field 04:52
131 Update user info in local storage 07:34
132 Whats next? 03:03
133 Following and followers - User schema and userById method 05:54
134 Following and followers - Routes and controller methods 09:46
135 Remove following and remove followers - Routes and controller methods 03:44
136 Follow Profile Buttons Component 04:41
137 Check follow or not 08:08
138 Implement follow 10:55
139 Implement unfollow 04:49
140 Profile tabs component 06:02
141 Display followers list 07:34
142 Display following list 05:22
143 Node API - Who to follow? 06:49
144 Find people component 08:55
145 Find people and follow 10:19
146 Starting with posts 02:58
147 Create new post 18:32
148 Show all posts in home page 08:39
149 Show post's user date and excerpt 12:38
150 Node API - Post image 03:45
151 Show posts with image 04:52
152 Single post component 03:25
153 Load single post in state 06:15
154 Display single post 06:40
155 Show loading on single post and posts 03:04
156 Posts by user 08:15
157 Display posts by user 04:29
158 Show update delete buttons 06:48
159 Delete post 07:24
160 Delete post prompt 01:52
161 Update post component 04:48
162 Implement update post 17:23
163 Update post photo and error messaging 05:36
164 Whats next? 02:13
165 Node API - Implement like unlike 09:45
166 React frontend - Like Unlike methods 03:21
167 Implement like unlike in frontend 15:28
168 Like unlike styling 04:38
169 Like signin redirect 04:46
170 Comments backend 08:56
171 React comment uncomment methods 03:21
172 Adding comments 14:54
173 Render comments 12:04
174 Comment uncomment and validations 13:04
175 Deploy Node JS API - Signup and super user 13:44
176 Running API in Digital Ocean 12:09
177 Using mongoDB in Digital Ocean 07:02
178 Deploy React SPA to Digital Ocean 10:15
179 Own reCAPTCHA? 02:18
180 Super Admin Overview 01:27
181 Implementing role to users 11:44
182 Making a user admin using command line 11:40
183 Admin can update and delete anyone's post 06:44
184 Admin can update and delete any user 12:45
185 How to download source code from Github and checkout different commits 07:30

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