Node.js, Express & MongoDB Dev to Deployment
Node.js Express & MongoDB Dev to Deployment is a training course for building and deploying Node.js programs that teaches all the techniques from the foundation. In this project-centric course, you’ll be fully familiar with Node.js by building two server-side applications, and even learning how to deploy on a real domain. Unlike other tutorials, this course does not use localhost, but lets you know how to do real projects so you can extend the Node program without any confusion.
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The Node.js Express & MongoDB Dev-Deployment course teaches you how to create Node or Express programs, how to create data models, how to display views, and how to validate users. The first project to be built in this course is VIDJOT; in this program, users can register and submit their ideas in the form of content. You will get acquainted with Express Routing, Firmware, Templates, and more during this project. The second project is also a social network for making personal and public stories that bring a variety of features.
Courses taught in this course
- Build quality programs with Node, Express, and MongoDB
- Run Validation Using Google OAuth and Locale Strategies
- Build data models by Mongoose ODM
- Preparing and deploying programs for production with the help of Heroku
- Learn the concepts of ES6, such as arrows and arrows
Watch Online Node.js, Express & MongoDB Dev to Deployment
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome To The Course | 05:25 |
2 | Project Files & Questions | 02:33 |
3 | Dev Environment Setup | 06:48 |
4 | What Exactly Is Node.js? | 05:10 |
5 | Installing & Exploring Node.js | 07:06 |
6 | Install MongoDB Locally | 08:02 |
7 | Sign Up For mLab | 02:38 |
8 | Create a Heroku Account | 02:37 |
9 | VidJot Project Introduction | 03:50 |
10 | Install & Initialize Express | 07:33 |
11 | Basic Routing & Nodemon | 06:04 |
12 | Express Middleware | 04:52 |
13 | Working With Templates | 09:57 |
14 | Bootstrap & Partials | 08:09 |
15 | Install Mongoose & Connect | 05:37 |
16 | Create The Idea Model | 04:35 |
17 | Add Idea Form | 07:21 |
18 | Server Side Form Validation | 09:18 |
19 | Saving Idea To MongoDB | 04:29 |
20 | Fetching Ideas From MongoDB | 05:26 |
21 | Edit Idea Form | 05:17 |
22 | Update Idea Data | 08:37 |
23 | Remove Idea Data | 05:53 |
24 | Flash Messaging | 10:41 |
25 | A Look At Passport | 04:43 |
26 | The Express Router | 10:54 |
27 | Login & Register Pages | 12:52 |
28 | Register Form Validation | 11:10 |
29 | User Registration | 16:38 |
30 | Hooking Up A Local Strategy | 10:42 |
31 | Finishing The Login Functionality | 12:14 |
32 | Logout Function | 03:32 |
33 | Protecting Routes | 06:28 |
34 | Access Control | 07:55 |
35 | Preparing Our App For Deployment | 07:38 |
36 | Deploying To Heroku | 07:37 |
37 | Adding A Domain Name | 04:26 |
38 | StoryBooks App Introduction | 03:57 |
39 | Initial Setup & Heroku Push | 11:25 |
40 | Creating Our Google OAuth Credentials | 08:16 |
41 | Creating Our Google Strategy | 12:08 |
42 | Auth Callback & Remote App | 09:16 |
43 | Creating The User Model | 06:29 |
44 | Saving The Authenticated User | 10:28 |
45 | Adding Session & Authentication | 12:08 |
46 | Index Routes & Handlebars | 12:04 |
47 | Header & Navbar | 09:07 |
48 | Side Navigation | 09:27 |
49 | Dashboard & Stories Routes | 08:37 |
50 | Add Button & Footer | 10:24 |
51 | Restricting Routes | 06:29 |
52 | Add Story Form | 11:19 |
53 | Create The Story Model | 05:52 |
54 | Save Story To MongoDB | 13:18 |
55 | Fetch & Display Public Stories | 11:51 |
56 | Handlebars Helpers | 06:39 |
57 | Show Template & Format Dates | 11:16 |
58 | Creating The Dashboard | 12:20 |
59 | Edit Form & Select Helper | 09:06 |
60 | Updating Stories | 07:51 |
61 | Deleting Stories | 04:07 |
62 | Add Comment Functionality | 09:47 |
63 | Listing Comments | 04:24 |
64 | Edit Access Control | 10:24 |
65 | Get Stories From Specific Users | 07:13 |
66 | Block Private Story Details | 05:14 |
67 | Prep & Production Key Variables | 08:24 |
68 | Deploy & Test | 05:04 |
69 | Domain & Update Google OAuth Creds | 05:03 |
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