MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication

9h 24m 59s
April 30, 2024

MERN Stack (MongoDB Express React Node) FullStack Project from Scratch to Live Server with production ready Authentication Learn MERN stack web development by building production ready login register system with account activation, forgot password, reset password, login with facebook, login with google as well as ACL by implementing private and protected routes for authenticated user and users with the role of admin.


As a bonus, I have also included profile update and deployment to digital ocean cloud servers.

If you are looking to go FullStack with React Node Express and MongoDB or better known as MERN Stack then this should be your first go to  course. Because here you will learn to build an Ultimate boilerplate project which can also be used for any future MERN Stack projects you will build for yourself, for your clients or at your job.

New Lectures Added

  1. Adding a domain name

  2. Cloudflare CDN and Free SSL

  3. Force HTTP to HTTPS

  4. Redirect all www to non-www

  5. Updating Google and Facebook login redirect to production domain

  6. Redirect Digital Ocean IP to actual domain name

The key concepts covered in this course

  1. Building Ultimate MERN (Mongo Express React Node) Stack Project

  2. Building Production Ready Authentication System

  3. Building Login Register System using Email Password

  4. Implementing Social Login System with Google and Facebook

  5. ACL - Access Control

  6. MERN Stack Web Development

  7. API Development with Node Js

  8. Frontend Web Development with React

  9. Create your own base project for all your future React Node FullStack Projects

  10. Learn FullStack Deployment to Digital Ocean Cloud Servers including MongoDB Setup

  11. Account Activation before saving user to database

  12. Login with Google

  13. Login with Facebook

  14. Private Routing

  15. Admin Routing

  16. Page Layout with React

  17. Working with LocalStorage

  18. Working with Cookies

  19. Working with JWT (JSON web token)

  20. Role based redirects

  21. Profile Update

  22. Auth Middleware

  23. Admin Middleware

  24. Protecting Routes

  25. Handling JWT expiry

  26. Error handling

  27. Toast Notifications

  28. Forgot Password

  29. Reset Password

  30. Pushing projects to Github

  31. Pulling projects from Github to Digital Ocean

  32. Digital Ocean Server Configuration

  33. Deploying both backend/frontend to single Digital Ocean Droplet

  34. Committing changes after pushing project to live servers

By the end of this course, you will have your own Production Ready MERN Stack Project running live in Digital Ocean Cloud Servers.

Have a look at the promo video to get a better understanding of what this course is all about and how it can change your life for good :)

Web Development is not only about coding, It's also about deploying, dealing with domains, hosting, CDN, www/non-www, http/https, redirects, SEO, pushing new features and more. Get all that knowledge plus the production ready Authentication system, admin routes, page layouts with solid project architecture. This course's project is the beginning of something big :)

Let's go Full Stack. Let's go MERN Stack.

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  • Basic understanding of React
  • Basic Understanding of Node Js
  • Basic Understanding of JavaScript
  • Ability to connect Node JS App to MongoDB (either using local mongodb install or mongo atlas)
  • Interested in FullStack React Node MongoDB Web Development
Who this course is for:
  • JavaScript enthusiast looking to go FullStack with React Node and MongoDB
  • Web Developer who wants to build his own MERN Boilerplate project
  • Web Developer who wants to build or add production ready Authentication system to his projects
  • Web Developer who is curious how to setup FullStack project with React and Node
  • Web Developer who wants to learn how to implement Layout and Routing system
  • Web Developer who wants to learn to implement ACL (access control) for Admin and Subscribers (regular user)
  • Web Developer who has build great projects but unable to go live because of not having production ready Authentication System
  • All JavaScript React Node Js Developers who wants to start building production ready FullStack MERN Stack Apps
  • Web Developer who is interested in learning how to deploy production ready apps to Digital Ocean Cloud Servers

What you'll learn:

  • Building Ultimate MERN (Mongo Express React Node) Stack Boilerplate Project
  • Building Production Ready Authentication System
  • Building Login Register System using Email Password
  • Implementing Social Login System with Google and Facebook
  • ACL - Access Control
  • MERN Stack Web Development
  • API Development with Node Js
  • Frontend Web Development with React
  • Create your own base project for all your future React Node FullStack Projects
  • Learn FullStack Deployment to Digital Ocean Cloud Servers including MongoDB Setup
  • Account Activation before saving user to database
  • Login with Google
  • Login with Facebook
  • Private Routing
  • Admin Routing
  • Page Layout with React
  • Working with LocalStorage
  • Working with Cookies
  • Working with JWT (json web token)
  • Role based redirects
  • Profile Update
  • Auth Middleware
  • Admin Middlewares
  • Protecting Routes
  • Handling JWT expiry
  • Error handling
  • Toast Notifications
  • Forgot Password
  • Reset Password
  • Pushing projects to Github
  • Pulling projects from Github to Digital Ocean
  • Digital Ocean Server Configuration
  • Deploying both backend/frontend to single Digital Ocean Droplet
  • Committing changes after pushing project to live servers
  • Adding a domain name
  • Cloudflare CDN and Free SSL
  • Force HTTP to HTTPS
  • Redirect all www to non-www
  • Updating Google and Facebook login redirect to production domain
  • Redirect Digital Ocean IP to actual domain name
  • Static Site / SEO

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:38
2 Requirements 01:27
3 Setup client 02:24
4 Setup server 11:13
5 Installing NPM packages 07:03
6 Moving routes 07:04
7 Moving to controllers 04:43
8 User model 17:48
9 Applying middlewares 11:02
10 MongoDB Atlas Robo3T and Postman 05:40
11 Connect to mongodb 06:10
12 Express validator 14:31
13 Signup user 09:44
14 Email confirmation workflow 06:48
15 Signup with sendgrid 05:22
16 Send email on signup 14:41
17 Account activation 12:24
18 Signin user 14:25
19 Starting with react 03:29
20 Create layout 06:35
21 Using react router dom 06:47
22 Signup page setup 07:37
23 Signup form 11:47
24 Finishing signup 18:25
25 User signin 06:53
26 Activate account 21:34
27 Active nav link 08:30
28 Auth helpers 19:59
29 Authenticate and signout 18:39
30 Private route 10:36
31 Admin route 04:21
32 Redirect based on role 06:58
33 Read user profile 08:58
34 Protect API endpoint 08:22
35 Update user profile 14:13
36 Admin middleware 08:16
37 Profile update page setup 05:59
38 Errors cleanup 03:08
39 Pre populate profile update and handle JWT expiry 13:31
40 Profile update with toast message 11:50
41 Admin profile update 04:07
42 Forgot password server 13:19
43 Reset password server 15:33
44 Forgot password client 09:49
45 Reset password client 17:11
46 Login with google client 21:23
47 Login with google - server 24:21
48 Login with facebook client 11:11
49 Login with facebook server 13:37
50 Getting ready for production 03:08
51 Github and digital ocean 06:00
52 Deployment part 1 18:15
53 Deployment part 2 15:08
54 Pushing changes and making admin user 11:23

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