ES6 for everyone

7h 36m

ES6 for Everyone is a premium training course to strengthen your core JavaScript skills and master all that ES6 has to offer. ES6 is a major update to JavaScript that includes dozens of new features. With a focus on simplicity and readability, this course is an efficient way to find out what is new in JavaScript and most importantly when and how you should use it.

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# Title Duration
1 getting setup 01:21
2 var Scoping Refresher 05:26
3 let VS const 04:03
4 let and const in the Real World 05:11
5 Temporal Dead Zone 01:30
6 Is var Dead. What should I use 01:51
7 Arrow Functions Introduction 05:26
8 More Arrow Function Examples 04:23
9 Arrow Functions and this 08:31
10 Default Function Arguments 03:53
11 When NOT to use an Arrow Function 05:46
12 Arrow Functions Exercises 09:29
13 Template Strings Introduction 02:19
14 Creating HTML fragments with Template Literals 09:00
15 Tagged Template Literals 08:02
16 Tagged Templates Exercise 06:18
17 Santizing User Data with Tagged Templates 04:41
18 New String Methods 07:14
19 Destructuring Objects 08:43
20 Destructing Arrays 04:57
21 Swapping Variables with Destructuring 02:30
22 Destructuring Functions - Multiple returns and named defaults 05:30
23 The for of loop 09:56
24 The for of Loop in Action 08:08
25 Using for of with Objects 02:20
26 Array.from() and Array.of() 06:53
27 Array. find() and .findIndex() 04:41
28 Array .some() and .every() 02:17
29 Spread Operator Introduction 05:10
30 Spread Exercise 05:16
31 More Spread Examples 06:13
32 Spreading into a function 03:20
33 The param in Functions and destructuring 06:05
34 Object Literal Upgrades 08:01
35 Promises 05:43
36 Building your own Promises 03:28
37 Chaining Promises + Flow Control 09:25
38 Working with Multiple Promises 07:08
39 All About Symbols 05:57
40 Getting Started with ESLint 10:59
41 Airbnb ESLint Settings 10:48
42 Line and File Specific Settings 05:29
43 ESLint Plugins 04:20
44 ESLint inside Atom and Sublime Text 06:37
45 Only Allow ESLint Passing Code into your git repos 03:36
46 JavaScript Modules and WebPack 2 Tooling Setup 18:52
47 Creating your own Modules 09:33
48 More ES6 Module Practice 08:22
49 Tool-Free Modules with SystemJS (+bonus BrowserSync setup) 07:05
50 All About Babel + npm scripts 11:41
51 Polyfilling ES6 for Older Browsers 06:04
52 Prototypal Inheritance Review 05:02
53 Say Hello to Classes 06:49
54 Extending Classes and using super() 05:15
55 Extending Arrays with Classes for Custom Collections 06:55
56 Introducing Generators 06:38
57 Using Generators for Ajax Flow Control 06:07
58 Looping Generators with for of 01:41
59 What are Proxies? 06:15
60 Another Proxy Example 03:35
61 Using Proxies to combat silly errors 04:42
62 Sets 04:28
63 Understanding Sets with Brunch 02:24
64 WeakSets 03:50
65 Maps 02:42
66 Map Metadata with DOM Node Keys 03:40
67 WeakMap and Garbage Collection 02:34
68 Async Await - Native Promises Review 07:55
69 Async Await - Custom Promises Review 05:33
70 All About Async + Await 08:36
71 Async + Await Error Handling 10:45
72 Waiting on Multiple Promises 07:42
73 Promisifying Callback Based Functions 05:03
74 Class Properties 03:08
75 padStart and padEnd 05:21
76 ES7 Exponential Operator 01:14
77 Function Arguments Trailing Comma 03:23
78 Object.entries() and Object.keys() 05:12

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