Loopback 4: Modern ways to Build APIs in Typescript & NodeJs

5h 14m 32s

LoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding. LoopBack 4 is the next step in the evolution of LoopBack. You can build Amazing APIs with Modern NodeJs, Typescript, Mysql and MongoDB.

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Why Loopback 4:

  • A brand new LoopBack core to deliver great extensibility and flexibility written in TypeScript/ES2017.

  • You can Create powerful APIs easily with a new creation experience for defining REST API's and handling API requests/responses.

  • A new, improved programming model with Dependency Injection and new concepts such as Components, Mixins, Repositories, etc. make this the most extensible version yet.

  • Using OpenAPI-to-GraphQL, create a GraphQL interface for any REST API

LoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to:

  • Create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding.

  • Access data from major relational databases, MongoDB, SOAP and REST APIs.

  • Incorporate model relationships and access controls for complex APIs.

  • Separable components for file storage, third-party login, and OAuth 2.0.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Getting started with Typescript

  • Getting started with Loopback 4

  • Basic/Fundamentals of Typescript

  • Typescript Generics

  • Typescript Decorators

  • Typescript Classes

  • Typescript Interfaces

  • CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) with Loopback 4

  • Build RESTFUL API and OpenAPI documentation

  • Exploring multiple datasources with Loopback 4 like Mysql, MongoDB.

  • Working with Relationship with Models like One to One, One to Many, Many to One.

  • Exploring Repositories, Controllers, Dependency Injections, Design Patterns in more depth

  • Authentication/Authorization in Loopback 4

  • Using External Component in Loopback 4

  • Exposing GraphQL API with Loopback 4

  • Knowledge of Javascript is important
  • Basic Knowledge of Typescript is requried
  • Knowledge of NodeJs is required
Who this course is for:
  • NodeJs developers who want to learn how to build REST APIS with Loopback 4
  • Existing Loopback 3 developers who want to explore the modern way to build RESTFUL APIS with Typescript
  • Typescript developers who want to learn how to build REST APIS with Typescript, NodeJs, Mysql and MongoDB

What you'll learn:

  • Students will learn how to build REST APIs with NodeJs, Typescript, MysQL and MongoDB
  • Students will be able to do authentication and authorization in Loopback 4
  • Students will be able to test the REST APIs with Loopback 4

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to Loopback 02:45
2 Getting started with Loopback 4 09:10
3 What are Generics 02:35
4 Typescript Setup and Installation 03:58
5 Generic Function 03:08
6 Generic Function with T Array Type 02:30
7 Generic Function with Multiple Type Variables 02:23
8 Generic Constraints 02:20
9 Generic Interfaces to describe Object Properties 04:47
10 Create Interface to describe Function Types 03:18
11 Generic Classes and Interfaces 02:12
12 Method Decorators 03:04
13 Arguments in Method Decorator 04:32
14 Configurable Decorator using Decorator Factory 01:47
15 Property Decorator 04:29
16 Parameter Decorator 02:16
17 Class Decorator 00:39
18 What is Loopback Model 02:22
19 Creating your first Loopback Model 03:57
20 Creating In-memory Datasource 03:52
21 Creating Repository for CRUD Operations 03:18
22 Creating Controller to define REST API Operations 04:02
23 Test Loopback REST APIs using Explorer 03:43
24 Digging into Loopback Repository 04:00
25 Installing MysQL 04:45
26 Connecting Mysql Database with Loopback 4 14:03
27 Set Primary key Id property to Auto-increment 02:30
28 Implement HasMany Relationship between Models 20:36
29 Implement BelongsTo Relationship 11:12
30 Implement HasOne Relationship 14:35
31 What is JSON Web Token Authentication 03:02
32 Creating User model with Signup Endpoint 07:51
33 Validate User Credentials for Signup 08:24
34 Introduction to Dependency Injection 08:21
35 Encrypt User Password by Injecting Service 12:31
36 Creating Login Route 05:27
37 Verify User Credentials while Login 17:27
38 Creating JSON Web Token 09:41
39 Refactoring Binding Keys to separate file 11:56
40 Creating JWT Authentication Strategy 15:56
41 Apply Authentication on protected routes 09:14
42 Creating Admin Role with Permissions 17:19
43 Set Permissions for Admin Role 11:22
44 Verify User Permissions in Authorize Interceptor 16:59
45 Connecting Loopback 4 with MongoDB Database 06:38
46 Testing Loopback 4 Application 03:36

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