Build a Full-Stack Chrome Extension with NodeJS and MongoDB

6h 15m 12s
July 31, 2024

In this course, we'll be developing a new Full-Stack Chrome Extension that Scrapes Amazon, and automatically saves Product Data within a MongoDB Database. Our finished product (which you'll be able to publish to the Chrome Store) will be a Chrome Extension that enables any user to Scrape their own Amazon Purchase History, the results of any Amazon Search URL, or the results of multiple Amazon Search Keywords - one after the next.


*Code Samples Included All Along Your Path To Mastering Chrome Extension Development*

The Technology Stack you'll be dealing with in this course:

- Chrome Extension

- AngularJS (for the Chrome Extension Popup)

- jQuery *(for interacting with the Amazon DOM)

- NodeJS Server

- Mongo Database

The Functionality For the Chrome Extension:

  1. Signup and Login via the Popup View

  2. Select Elements From The DOM with the Content.js Page

  3. Scrape Your Own Amazon Purchase History

  4. Scrape Amazon Search Results of a Given Page

  5. Scrape Amazon Search Results of Multiple Keywords (one after the next automatically)

  6. Save The Amazon Product Title

  7. Save The Amazon Product Description

  8. Save The Amazon Product Image

  9. Save The Amazon Product Reviews

  10. Save The Product Rating

  11. Save The Amount of Ratings of a Given Product

  12. Make The Chrome Extension Automatically Navigate Through All Pages of Search Results

While developing this awesome sample project, you'll learn:

a) How To Scrape Any Data From The Web Programatically via the Power of Chrome Extensions

b) The Manifest.json File

c) The Popup.js File

c) The Background.js File

d) The Content.js File

e) How To Debug Your Chrome Extension

Getting the architecture of your Chrome Extension right is super crucial to keeping your code clean and structured! We'll be covering lots of considerations when building a Full-Stack Chrome Extension.

I built this course because all of the other Chrome Extension courses on Udemy don't go quite as deep (compare the Amount of Hours this course provides relative to the competitors), and because Chrome Extensions are like the surf-suit for websurfers - users can take them with them anywhere they go on the web.

If you're excited about the Awesome Power of Chrome Extensions and Web Scraping, then I hope you get a lot out of this course.

The Architecture is meant to be re-usable no matter what type of Chrome Extension / Web Scraper you'd like to build, so feel to reach out if you need help taking the codebase in your own direction, or if you have any questions along the way.

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# Title Duration
1 About The Course 02:55
2 Why Web Automation? 04:35
3 War Stories From Scraping The Web 02:28
4 My Latest App 03:04
5 Why Make / Take This Course? 03:38
6 Project Tutorial with Screenshots 08:57
7 High-Level Project Architecture 14:37
8 Setting up the Manifest.json - your App HQ 09:38
9 Setting Up the Popup 02:45
10 Adding AngularJS and Angular UI Router within the Popup HTML 06:28
11 Adding Bootswatch and Custom Styling in Popup 03:33
12 Setting up Angular UI-Router and our Home View 09:00
13 Setting Up Your NodeJS Server 14:28
14 Setting up Background.js with jQuery 09:22
15 Chatting Between Background.js and Server 07:20
16 Setting Up the Login view and Main Controller in the Popup 07:56
17 Setting Up a Mongo Database with mLab 07:52
18 UPDATE: MongoDB with Atlas: PART 1 05:45
19 UPDATE: MongoDB with Atlas: PART 2 02:23
20 Logging the Form Data in the Controller 04:25
21 Authentication Game Plan - Understanding How The Pieces Fit (Architecture Recap) 04:37
22 Setting Up Signup View and Connecting to UI-Router 04:21
23 Passing Signup Form Data from Popup to Background 08:20
24 Setting Up Authentication Logic on Background and Server 12:20
25 Successfully Creating User and Trying to Login 13:54
26 Successfully Logging In and Sending Server Response back to the Popup 09:59
27 Redirecting Logged-In User to the Welcome View 09:07
28 Saving User Token in LocalStorage 05:38
29 NodeJS Middleware 08:44
30 High-Level Architecture of Saving Product Data 02:37
31 Setting Up the Product API 09:01
32 Grab Purchase Years 07:55
33 Passing Purchase Years to Background Script 09:06
34 Handling Purchase Years Array within Background Script 08:12
35 Sending orderDetails from Content to Background 07:55
36 Successfully Saving Product and Page Records 08:29
37 Successfully saving more than 1 product on a given page 08:03
38 Logic of Navigating to the Next Page 15:02
39 Helper Functions to Select Data and From the DOM and URL 04:36
40 Section Overview - Game Plan for Saving Product Reviews and Summaries 08:13
41 Helper Functions for Fetching & Parsing Product Data 05:39
42 Handling JavaScript Race Conditions 07:53
43 Adding View in Popup to Enable Users to Fetch Their Purchase History 07:05
44 Backend API for Saving Products from Search Results 06:15
45 Content Script Code for Fetching Search Results Data 05:50
46 Grabbing Product Summaries and Reviews for Search Page Results 04:21
47 Sending Product Reviews and Search Page Data to the Server 07:25
48 Successfully Saving Products and Sending Next Steps to Content Script 06:02
49 Successfully Looping from Page to Page of Search Results 05:55
50 Setting Up Views for Scraping Search Results 06:29
51 Successfully Scraping Current Search and Multiple Search Keywords 06:56
52 New Course: How To Scale Your Chrome Extension Growth 08:04

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