Web Development with Go v2 (Current Version)

40h 28m 36s
March 27, 2024

Learn to build real, production-grade web applications from scratch. No trivial TODO apps that barely touch the complexity of a real app. No frameworks that hide all the details. In this course we build and deploy a photo sharing application complete with users, authentication, image uploads, a database, and more. We even deploy to a production server and set up automatic HTTPS.


Web Development with Go is the course I wish I had

This course takes everything I have learned over years of building web applications and distills it into easy to consume lessons. By the end of the course you will build a complete web application, deploy it to a production server, and understand why you took every step along the way. You will also...

  • Know exactly how to initialize your database connection and share it without resorting to global variables or other hard to test anti-patterns.
  • Feel confident saying, "Yes, my authentication system is safe and secure!"
  • Understand how to organize your code, and how to weigh the trade-offs of various code structures.
  • Have clear examples of how to email users and build a complete "Forgot your password?" workflow.
  • And so much more!

This is possible because this is not your run of the mill course. It is a comprehensive breakdown of every little detail you need to know when building and deploying a real web application.

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# Title Duration
1 A Basic Web Application 06:06
2 Troubleshooting and Slack 12:04
3 Packages and Imports 04:59
4 Editors and Automatic Imports 04:53
5 The "Hello, world" Part of our Code 04:10
6 Web Requests 09:15
7 HTTP Methods 04:52
8 Our Handler Function 10:05
9 Registering our Handler Function and Starting the Web Server 08:28
10 Go Modules 13:45
11 Dynamic Reloading 11:37
12 Setting Header Values 08:24
13 Creating a Contact Page 08:12
14 Examining the http.Request Type 05:48
15 Custom Routing 04:20
16 URL Path vs RawPath 06:54
17 Not Found Page 08:50
18 The http.Handler Type 10:09
19 The http.HandlerFunc Type 12:09
20 Exploring Handler Conversions 08:19
21 FAQ Exercise 06:07
22 Router Requirements 09:11
23 Using Git 06:41
24 Installing Chi 03:55
25 Using Chi 08:56
26 Chi Exercises 02:01
27 What are Templates? 05:55
28 Why Do We Use Server Side Rendering? 16:02
29 Creating Our First Template 16:23
30 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) 10:27
31 Alternative Template Libraries 03:39
32 Contextual Encoding 06:13
33 Home Page via Template 16:53
34 Contact Page via Template 10:53
35 FAQ Page via Template 03:29
36 Template Exercises 07:28
37 Code Organization 16:36
38 MVC Overview 09:25
39 Walking Through a Web Request with MVC 07:52
40 MVC Exercises 04:58
41 Creating the Views Package 10:59
42 fmt.Errorf 08:48
43 Validating Templates at Startup 13:08
44 Must Functions 10:45
45 Exercises 04:48
46 Embedding Template Files 14:09
47 Variadic Parameters 08:02
48 Named Templates 06:52
49 Dynamic FAQ Page 12:34
50 Reusable Layouts 13:20
51 Tailwind CSS 09:16
52 Utility-first CSS 16:22
53 Adding a Navigation Bar 14:30
54 Exercises 03:48
55 Creating the Signup Page 13:15
56 Styling the Signup Page 14:19
57 Intro to REST 16:20
58 Users Controller 08:22
59 Decouple with Interfaces 06:22
60 Parsing the Signup Form 14:00
61 URL Query Parameters 11:34
62 Exercises 04:02
63 Intro to Databases 15:11
64 Installing Postgres 15:44
65 Connecting to Postgres 10:43
66 Update: Docker Container Names 02:52
67 Creating SQL Tables 08:44
68 Postgres Data Types 05:52
69 Postgres Constraints 07:20
70 Creating a Users Table 03:11
71 Inserting Records 08:00
72 Querying Records 03:07
73 Filtering Queries 03:51
74 Updating Records 03:50
75 Deleting Records 02:38
76 Additional SQL Resources 03:43
77 Connecting to Postgres with Go 14:15
78 Imports with Side Effects 09:05
79 Postgres Config Type 05:47
80 Executing SQL with Go 08:53
81 Inserting Records with Go 04:41
82 SQL Injection 09:15
83 Acquire a new Record's ID 08:26
84 Querying a Single Record 06:20
85 Creating Sample Orders 04:12
86 Querying Multiple Records 09:10
87 ORMs vs SQL 12:56
88 Exercises 02:36
89 Syncing the Book and Screencasts Source Code 03:28
90 Steps for Securing Passwords 08:41
91 Third Party Authentication Options 05:30
92 What is a Hash Function? 14:29
93 Store Password Hashes, Not Encrypted or Plaintext Values 07:30
94 Salt Passwords 10:42
95 Learning bcrypt with a CLI 10:15
96 Hashing Passwords with bcrypt 10:36
97 Comparing a Password with a bcrypt Hash 05:59
98 Defining the User Model 08:06
99 Creating the UserService 06:37
100 Create User Method 16:29
101 Postgres Config for the Models Package 07:46
102 UserService in the Users Controller 04:22
103 Create Users on Signup 06:56
104 Sign In View 05:30
105 Authenticate Users 06:39
106 Process Sign In Attempts 04:31
107 Stateless Servers 13:08
108 Creating Cookies 09:57
109 Viewing Cookies with Chrome 05:13
110 Viewing Cookies with Go 09:32
111 Securing Cookies from XSS 06:57
112 Cookie Theft 10:06
113 CSRF Attacks 12:32
114 CSRF Middleware 16:54
115 Providing CSRF to Templates via Data 05:57
116 Custom Template Functions 08:19
117 Adding the HTTP Request to Execute 10:15
118 Request Specific CSRF Template Function 10:23
119 Template Function Errors 09:05
120 Securing Cookies from Tampering 11:46
121 Random Strings with crypto/rand 11:03
122 Exploring math/rand 05:52
123 Wrapping the crypto/rand Package 08:40
124 Why Do We Use 32 Bytes for Session Tokens? 09:14
125 Defining the Sessions Table 07:36
126 Stubbing the SessionService 10:23
127 Sessions in the Users Controller 15:57
128 Cookie Helper Functions 08:07
129 Create Session Tokens 07:19
130 Refactor the rand Package 07:01
131 Hash Session Tokens 11:55
132 Insert Sessions into the Database 05:44
133 Updating Existing Sessions 08:54
134 Querying Users via Session Token 07:26
135 Deleting Sessions 03:50
136 Sign Out Handler 07:58
137 Sign Out Link 05:28
138 SQL Relationships 10:40
139 Foreign Keys 07:52
140 On Delete Cascade 02:41
141 Inner Join 06:06
142 Left, Right, and Full Outer Join 06:52
143 Using Join in the SessionService 10:05
144 SQL Indexes 10:45
145 Creating PostgreSQL Indexes 03:58
146 On Conflict 05:53
147 What Are Schema Migrations? 09:56
148 How Schema Migration Tools Work 09:17
149 Installing pressly/goose 09:22
150 Converting to Schema Migrations 04:32
151 Schema Versioning Problem 12:19
152 Running Goose with Go 10:59
153 Embedding Migrations 06:57
154 Go Migration Files 09:12
155 Removing Old SQL Files 01:35
156 Using Context to Store Values 09:06
157 Improved Context Keys 08:13
158 Context Values with Types 07:44
159 Storing Users as Context Values 09:36
160 Reading Request Context Values 08:32
161 Set the User via Middleware 14:33
162 Requiring a User via Middleware 16:17
163 Accessing the Current User in Templates 07:48
164 Request-Scoped Values 06:10
165 Password Reset Overview 07:35
166 SMTP Services 10:48
167 Building Emails with SMTP 10:43
168 Sending Emails with SMTP 06:01
169 Building an Email Service 06:49
170 EmailService.Send 11:15
171 Forgot Password Email 05:05
172 ENV Variables 15:48
173 Password Reset DB Migration 05:07
174 Password Reset Service Stubs 11:28
175 Forgot Password HTTP Handler 12:50
176 Asynchronous Emails 05:59
177 Forgot Password HTML Template 07:53
178 Initializing Services with ENV Vars 14:21
179 Check Your Email HTML Template 05:18
180 Reset Password HTTP Handlers 08:06
181 Reset Password HTML Template 06:41
182 Update Password Function 04:24
183 PasswordReset Creation 13:10
184 Implementing Consume 13:20
185 Inspecting Errors 13:06
186 Inspecting Wrapped Errors 09:25
187 Designing the Alert Banner 06:37
188 Dynamic Alerts 03:54
189 Removing Alerts with JavaScript 04:13
190 Detecting Existing Emails 12:19
191 Accepting Errors in Templates 10:25
192 Public vs Internal Errors 09:39
193 Creating Public Errors 09:57
194 Using Public Errors 07:37
195 Galleries Overview 12:01
196 Gallery Model and Migration 06:19
197 Creating Gallery Records 05:01
198 Querying for Galleries by ID 05:27
199 Querying Galleries by UserID 06:09
200 Updating Gallery Records 01:59
201 Deleting Gallery Records 01:55
202 New Gallery Handler 06:27
203 views.Template Name Bug 13:07
204 New Gallery Template 08:34
205 Gallery Routing and CSRF Bug Fixes 09:29
206 Create Gallery Handler 06:46
207 Edit Gallery Handler 08:20
208 Edit Gallery Template` 07:54
209 Update Gallery Handler 05:34
210 Gallery Index Handler 10:48
211 Discovering and Fixing a Gallery Index Bug 04:36
212 Gallery Index Template Continued 14:57
213 Show Gallery Handler 08:34
214 Show Gallery Template and a Tailwind Update 07:09
215 Extracting Common Gallery Code 13:02
216 Extra Gallery Checks with Functional Options 10:39
217 Delete Gallery Handler 06:24
218 Images Overview 14:56
219 Setting Up Test Images 04:34
220 Adding the ImagesDir to the GalleryService 05:04
221 Globbing Image Files 12:45
222 Adding Filename and GalleryID to the Image Type 03:22
223 Adding Images to the Show Gallery Page 06:22
224 Show Image Handler 08:44
225 Querying for a Single Image 06:39
226 URL Path Escaping Image Filenames 06:40
227 Adding Images to the Edit Gallery Page 05:43
228 Delete Image Form 06:09
229 Delete Image Service Func 03:16
230 Delete Image Handler 06:54
231 Checking for Filename Vulnerabilities 09:17
232 Upload Image Form 11:06
233 Image Upload Handler 12:49
234 Creating Images in the GalleryService 12:47
235 Detecting Content Type 13:13
236 Rendering Content Type Errors 10:12
237 Deleting Images on Gallery Deletion 05:05
238 Redirect to Galleries After Auth 01:43
239 Loading All Config via ENV 14:19
240 Docker Compose Overrides 14:02
241 Building Tailwind Locally 12:39
242 Tailwind Via Docker 13:16
243 Serving Static Assets 08:16
244 Making main Easier to Test 04:16
245 Running our Go Server via Docker 12:10
246 Multi-Stage Docker Builds 07:32
247 Tailwind Production Build 04:35
248 Caddy Server via Docker 08:00
249 Creating a Digital Ocean Droplet 09:24
250 Setting up DNS 06:35
251 Installing Git on the Server 04:19
252 Setting Up a Bare Git Repo 06:37
253 Setting Up a Local Git Repo 05:33
254 Checking Out Our Code on the Server 03:21
255 Email Sending Server Setup 02:59
256 Production .env File 04:54
257 Install Docker in Prod 04:36
258 Production Caddyfile 02:23
259 Production Data Directories 05:17
260 Running Our App in Prod 07:57
261 Post-receive Deploy Updates 06:56
262 Deploy via Git 07:39
263 Logging Services 10:51
264 Intro to OAuth 13:39
265 OAuth Example Code 14:41
266 Dropbox App Setup 10:30
267 Offline OAuth Demo 21:28
268 OAuth Tokens 07:07
269 Online vs Offline Access Types 06:50
270 Redirect URIs 06:50
271 OAuth Connect HTTP Handler 09:02
272 Determine Redirect URI Host 04:04
273 OAuth Routes and Config Setup 07:47
274 OAuth Callback Handler 10:20
275 Testing OAuth with API Calls 06:56
276 Dropbox Chooser Overview 07:26
277 Embedding the Dropbox Chooser 10:09
278 Images via Dropbox Form 07:21
279 Chooser Success Function 06:30
280 Images Via URL Handler 08:11
281 Downloading Images 11:36
282 Creating Images Without Seek 07:50
283 Concurrent Downloads 12:31
284 Using errgroup 06:04
285 Page Specific JS 08:57

Read Book Web Development with Go v2 (Current Version)

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