Visual Studio Code for Python Developers

4h 10m 20s

This course takes you hands-on through creating a real and meaningful Python project using FastAPI to give you a true sense of VS Code's potential and exposure to many of its features. Moverover, it's taught by two experts who have both worked at Microsoft (makers of VS Code).

Not only do you get 2 perspectives and areas of experise, but you also get a lively and fun course co-taught by two fun instructors playing off each other throughout the course.

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In this course, you will:

  • Learn how VS Code compares to an IDE, whether it is an IDE, and if it can become one.
  • How to choose a Python distribution for your projects.
  • Deeply explore the UI of VS Code (e.g. what can you do with the source control feature on the status bar).
  • Rearrange windows and panels to suit your style and preferences.
  • Use the all-important command palette.
  • Install and explore editor themes.
  • Customize the terminal inside of VS Code.
  • Find and install some of the best extensions.
  • Configure VS Code to be optimal for Python development.
  • Manage your virtual environments, packages, and integrate env tools like Flit.
  • Debug and test your Python code.
  • Use source control and git within VS Code.
  • And lots more

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Course 07:01
2 What You'll Need 05:05
3 Course Resources 02:11
4 Setup Overview 00:32
5 Choosing Your Python Distribution 09:04
6 Installing VS Code (There Are Choices) 04:48
7 Setup Summary 00:30
8 Exploring the VS Code User Interface 02:14
9 Walking Through The UI 05:24
10 Command Palette 06:18
11 Explorer Workspaces 07:43
12 The Status Bar 03:07
13 The Terminal 03:33
14 Settings 05:52
15 Common Shortcuts 17:09
16 Extensions 09:32
17 Themes 05:53
18 Summary 02:10
19 Editing Introduction 01:11
20 The Default Python Experience 02:57
21 What is the Python Extension? 03:52
22 Installing and Using the Python Extension 03:29
23 Linting and Formatting Code 13:22
24 Refactoring Code with VS Code 06:18
25 Code Snippets 05:03
26 Editing Summary 00:53
27 Support for Virtual Environments 00:54
28 Handling multiple Python Versions with pyenv 07:46
29 Virtual Environments 05:44
30 Using Poetry with VS Code 05:07
31 Setting Environmental Variables 04:36
32 Environments Wrapup 02:02
33 Debugging Overview 00:58
34 Command-line Debugging Techniques 09:14
35 Debugging with Visual Studio Code 05:47
36 Exploring Debug Configurations 03:13
37 Working with Debug Configurations 07:48
38 Diving into Breakpoints 04:50
39 Using the Debug Console 02:25
40 Summary 01:44
41 Testing Overview 01:21
42 Reviewing the Project Layout 04:50
43 Enabling Test Support 03:00
44 Debugging Tests 04:00
45 Testing Summary 01:05
46 What is Source Control and Why Do You Need It? 04:59
47 Working with a Git Repository 13:11
48 Viewing and Syncing Changes 06:12
49 The GitHub PR (Pull Request) Extension 05:15
50 Source Control Summary 03:03
51 Thank you, Summary and Resources 06:05

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