A/B Testing for Data Science

1h 47m 56s

Stand out in the competitive job market in the field of data science. Master A/B testing—a skill highly valued by employers. Learn to design experiments, analyze results using Python, and confidently showcase your knowledge in interviews.

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# Title Duration
1 1. A/B Testing Basics 03:54
2 2. Setting Hypothesis & Primary Metric 10:32
3 3. A/B Design 18:38
4 4. Running A/B Testing 02:13
5 5. A/B Test Results Analysis (Part 1) 20:38
6 6. A/B Testing Results Analysis (Part 2) 22:49
7 7. A/B Test Results Analysis Coding (Part 3) 17:26
8 8. Common Pitfalls A/B Test 11:46

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