Compilers, Interpreters and Formal Languages
This course is a beginner-friendly introduction to compilers. We will gradually develop an interpreter for a simple scripting language.
Read more about the course
We will cover:
- Lexical analysis
- Syntax analysis
- Parsing algorithms
- Intermediate Representation (AST)
- Formal languages and grammars
- Backus-Naur Form (BNF) and syntax diagrams
- Error detection and handling
- Code generation
- Creating your own virtual machine (VM)
- Bytecode generation
- Type checking
- Basic code optimization
- ...and much more!
Compilers have always been considered a complex topic, and their historical association with "dragons" (starting with the Dragon Book) only added to this myth's mystique. We will try to explain everything with beginners in mind. This course can be called a "first course" on compilers for developers who have not yet written interpreters.
What We Will Create
We will develop a compiler for a simple programming language called Pinky. It will be a hypothetical scripting language with syntax inspired by Lua and ALGOL W.
The main language for the course will be Python, which will allow us to focus on compiler-specific concepts while remaining productive. In addition, we will provide useful tips for implementing these ideas in the C language.
Required Tools
All you need is a command line, a simple text editor, and a Python interpreter. These tools are cross-platform, so you will be able to work on Windows, macOS, or Linux.
The course does not require prior knowledge, but knowing the basics of programming (if-else, loops, functions) will help you better grasp the material.
Watch Online Compilers, Interpreters and Formal Languages
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Motivations & Learning Outcomes | 14:35 |
2 | How to Take this Course | 02:59 |
3 | Compilers as Translators | 06:47 |
4 | CPU Components | 11:28 |
5 | Opcodes & Instructions | 10:00 |
6 | Stack Push & Pop | 05:32 |
7 | Control Flow | 15:11 |
8 | What is a Program? | 11:10 |
9 | Tokens & Lexemes | 05:23 |
10 | Syntax Tree | 17:00 |
11 | Setting Up our Project Folder | 09:50 |
12 | Configuring Python on Windows | 02:58 |
13 | Makefile | 01:25 |
14 | Adding Token & Lexer Files | 03:22 |
15 | Simple Scanning Algorithm | 11:33 |
16 | Single-Character Tokens | 11:54 |
17 | Ignoring Whitespace & Comments | 09:38 |
18 | Scanning Equals & Not Equals | 05:08 |
19 | Scanning Two-Char Tokens | 06:24 |
20 | Scanning Numbers | 13:22 |
21 | Scanning Strings & Identifiers | 09:14 |
22 | Identifying Keywords | 04:56 |
23 | Scanning -- as Line Comment | 05:13 |
24 | Multiline Comments | 01:58 |
25 | Syntax Analysis | 05:44 |
26 | Context-Free Grammars & BNF | 17:46 |
27 | Grammar for Simple Expressions | 13:56 |
28 | A Model for AST Nodes | 19:36 |
29 | Recursive Descent Parsing | 14:30 |
30 | Parser Helper Functions (Exercise) | 05:44 |
31 | AST of a Simple Expression | 11:41 |
32 | Pretty AST Printing (Exercise) | 03:16 |
33 | AST Printing & Polish Notation | 09:20 |
34 | Terminal Colors & ANSI Escape Codes | 03:33 |
35 | Standardizing Errors Messages | 10:39 |
36 | Storing Line Numbers in Nodes | 07:11 |
37 | Renaming Term & Factor | 04:59 |
38 | A Tree-Walking Interpreter | 07:47 |
39 | Coding a Simple Tree-Walking Interpreter | 16:23 |
40 | No Signed Number Tokens? | 02:52 |
41 | Pinky Language Data Types | 10:24 |
42 | Dynamic Types at Runtime | 14:03 |
43 | Runtime Type Checks | 08:34 |
44 | Parsing Equality & Comparison (Exercise) | 08:57 |
45 | Parsing Equality & Comparison Operators | 10:48 |
46 | Exponent Associativity | 07:50 |
47 | Logical And & Logical Or | 07:25 |
48 | Short-Circuit Evaluation | 12:46 |
49 | Testing Expressions | 13:21 |
50 | REPL | 03:24 |
51 | Alphabets, Languages, & Grammars | 11:56 |
52 | Chomsky Grammar Hierarchy | 14:43 |
53 | A Program as a List of Statements | 14:03 |
54 | Parsing Print Statements | 12:38 |
55 | Interpreting Print Statements | 06:51 |
56 | PrintLn Statements (Exercise) | 01:02 |
57 | PrintLn Statements & Escape Chars | 06:35 |
58 | If Statements | 21:04 |
59 | Identifiers & Assignments | 16:31 |
60 | Program State & Memory | 13:01 |
61 | The Environment Class | 13:08 |
62 | Environment Load & Store (Exercise) | 11:16 |
63 | Global & Local Variables | 10:53 |
64 | While Statement (Exercise) | 02:08 |
65 | While Statements | 06:43 |
66 | For Statements | 17:20 |
67 | Stringifying Booleans & Integers | 07:27 |
68 | Mandelbrot Set (Exercise) | 07:52 |
69 | Mandelbrot Set Script in Pinky | 08:25 |
70 | Compiler-Compilers | 08:03 |
71 | Functions in Pinky | 10:28 |
72 | Function Model | 14:02 |
73 | Parsing Function Declaration | 05:49 |
74 | Parsing Function Call | 17:20 |
75 | Interpreting Function Declaration | 26:35 |
76 | Interpreting Function Call | 09:51 |
77 | Expressions as Statements? | 03:06 |
78 | Max. Number of Params (Exercise) | 01:05 |
79 | Max. Number of Params | 00:45 |
80 | Parsing Return Statements | 07:20 |
81 | Interpreting Return Statements | 15:58 |
82 | Fixing Params as Local Variables | 05:17 |
83 | Local Variables & Shadowing | 16:55 |
84 | Dragon Curve | 18:12 |
85 | Simplified Cosine & Sine Functions | 08:07 |
86 | Code Generation & VMs | 12:29 |
87 | Example of Stack Instructions | 05:58 |
88 | Adding Classes for Compiler & VM | 10:46 |
89 | Emitting Push Instructions | 17:49 |
90 | Emitting BinOp Instructions | 08:40 |
91 | Exercise: Formatting our Code | 02:46 |
92 | Formatting our Instructions | 03:47 |
93 | Emitting UnOp Instructions | 08:28 |
94 | Step by Step Stack Execution | 04:41 |
95 | VM Execution | 14:36 |
96 | VM Expression Evaluation | 16:42 |
97 | VM Comparison Instructions | 14:18 |
98 | Generating Code for If Statements | 12:06 |
99 | Generating Then & Else Labels | 07:36 |
100 | VM Jumps & Branches | 10:47 |
101 | String Concat Instruction? | 06:26 |
102 | Global Memory Load & Store | 14:27 |
103 | Coding Globals Load & Store | 17:39 |
104 | Scope Depth | 14:58 |
105 | Starting & Ending Blocks | 07:37 |
106 | Local Variables & Stack Slots | 17:19 |
107 | Local Variables Code Generation | 21:12 |
108 | Local Variables at Runtime | 08:56 |
109 | Storing Globals by Slot Number | 08:23 |
110 | Program Symbols & Debug Info | 08:55 |
111 | Exercise: While Code Generation | 01:05 |
112 | Generating Code for While Statements | 06:02 |
113 | Register vs Stack VMs | 05:31 |
114 | Register-based Bytecode | 10:26 |
115 | CPython Bytecode Disassembly | 10:29 |
116 | Search Locals in Reverse Order | 13:15 |
117 | Function Code Generation | 11:56 |
118 | Activation Frames | 16:33 |
119 | Function Symbol Table | 08:04 |
120 | Compiling Function Declarations | 12:47 |
121 | Implementing JSR & RTS Instructions | 10:48 |
122 | Exercise: Function Parameters | 03:51 |
123 | Validating Function Arity & Arguments | 08:22 |
124 | Frame Pointer Offsets | 13:20 |
125 | Return Statements | 07:36 |
126 | Removing Inactive Frame Slots | 14:40 |
127 | Type Systems | 19:12 |
128 | Type Annotations | 20:28 |
129 | Shunting Yard for Simple Expressions | 13:11 |
130 | Exercise: Shunting Yard Evaluation | 05:19 |
131 | A Simple Shunting Yard Implementation | 13:47 |
132 | Shunting Yard & Parentheses | 09:53 |
133 | Shunting Yard & Right-Associativity | 04:28 |
134 | Pratt Parser | 13:43 |
135 | NUD, LED, & Binding Powers | 23:11 |
136 | Example Pratt Parsing Expression | 11:07 |
137 | Pratt Code (Without Precedence) | 11:47 |
138 | Pratt Code (Precedence & Parentheses) | 08:24 |
139 | Pratt Code (Right Associativity) | 08:53 |
140 | Pratt Code (Prefix Unary Minus) | 10:17 |
Read Book Compilers, Interpreters and Formal Languages
# | Title |
1 | Register-based Bytecode |
2 | NUD, LED, & Binding Powers |