TypeScript Design Patterns And SOLID Principles

16h 58m 54s
October 17, 2024

Welcome to this one-of-a-kind course specifically designed to transform your TypeScript programming skills by diving deep into the world of Gang Of Four Design Patterns, SOLID Design principles, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Are you an aspiring or intermediate programmer looking to level up your game? Or are you an advanced programmer and need a refresher on the Gang Of Four Design Patterns and SOLID Design Principles? Do you have a grasp of TypeScript and now want to focus on architectural excellence and code reusability? If so, you've come to the right place!

This course isn't just another tutorial; it's your passport to becoming an advanced TypeScript developer. Throughout more than 140 high-definition videos, totaling over 10 hours of content, we'll delve into the nuances of effective software design and programming. We go beyond theory by providing practical, hands-on coding exercises and quizzes that reinforce your learning and provide the skills you need for the real world. With this course, you don't just learn; you practice, implement, and master the art of writing clean, efficient, and robust TypeScript code using the SOLID Design Principles and Gang Of For Design Patterns using TypeScript.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 03:23
2 How To Make The Most Out Of This Course 02:49
3 Note About Resource 02:15
4 Intro To Design Patterns and Their History 04:10
5 Why We Need Design Patterns 04:50
6 Cautions and Considerations 07:06
7 Classification Of Design Patterns 02:36
8 Intro To UML 07:31
9 Setup Development Environment 09:43
10 What is OOP 04:50
11 OOP Lingo 07:42
12 Abstraction 12:02
13 Abstraction Implementation 04:06
14 Abstraction Real World Use case 04:44
15 Abstraction Advantages 03:05
16 Encapsulation 13:45
17 Encapsulation Implementation 02:24
18 Encapsulation Advantages 02:37
19 Polymorphism (Subtype) 04:43
20 Polymorphism Use Cases 04:09
21 Polymorphism Advantages 06:46
22 Inheritance 06:01
23 Inheritance Implementation 09:29
24 Inheritance Advantages 02:11
25 SOLID Design Principles Introduction 03:40
26 Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Intro 05:29
27 Real World Application Of SRP 03:55
28 Advantages Single Responsibility Principle 04:55
29 Open Closed Principle (OCP) Intro 05:07
30 Real World Application Open Closed Principle 06:46
31 Advantages Of Open Closed Principle 08:58
32 Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) 07:47
33 Real World Application LSP 11:01
34 Advantages Of The Liskov Substitution Principle 03:39
35 Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) 08:09
36 Real World Application of ISP 07:43
37 Advantages Of Interface Segregation Principle 02:46
38 Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) 07:40
39 Implementation Of Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) 07:54
40 Advantages Of Dependency Inversion Principle 02:24
41 Introduction To Creational Design Patterns 02:11
42 Singleton Pattern 10:57
43 When To Use Singleton Pattern 03:33
44 Singleton Real World Implementation 07:04
45 Singleton Advantages 02:48
46 Caveats or Criticism Of Singleton Pattern 09:36
47 Singleton Use Cases 04:46
48 Prototype Pattern 11:04
49 When To Use Prototype Pattern 03:38
50 Prototype Real World Implementation 12:07
51 Prototype Advantages 04:14
52 Caveats or Criticism Of Prototype Pattern 05:30
53 Prototype Use Cases 03:10
54 Builder Pattern 21:55
55 When To Use Builder Pattern 04:13
56 Builder Real World Implementation 22:01
57 Builder Pattern Advantages 06:35
58 Caveats or Criticism Of Builder Pattern 06:01
59 Builder Use Cases 02:55
60 Factory Pattern 14:05
61 When To Use Factory Pattern 04:12
62 Factory Real World Implementation 09:35
63 Factory Pattern Advantages 04:12
64 Caveats or Criticism Of Factory Pattern 05:09
65 Factory Pattern Use Cases 02:24
66 Abstract Factory Pattern 14:23
67 When To Use Abstract Factory Pattern 02:57
68 Abstract Factory Real World Implementation 16:32
69 Abstract Factory Advantages 04:52
70 Caveats or Criticism Of Abstract Factory Pattern 05:39
71 Abstract Factory Pattern Use Cases 04:45
72 Introduction To Structural Design Patterns 02:39
73 Facade Pattern 09:22
74 When To Use Facade Pattern 05:02
75 Facade Real World Implementation 13:35
76 Facade Pattern Advantages 04:06
77 Caveats or Criticism Of Facade Pattern 04:58
78 Facade Pattern Use Cases 04:08
79 Bridge Pattern 13:20
80 When To Use Bridge Pattern 05:30
81 Bridge Real World Implementation 10:01
82 Bridge Pattern Advantages 03:01
83 Caveats or Criticism Of Bridge Pattern 02:26
84 Bridge Pattern Use Cases 03:52
85 Composite Pattern 19:44
86 When To Use Composite Pattern 03:13
87 Composite Real World Implementation 16:09
88 Composite Pattern Advantages 01:53
89 Caveats or Criticism Of Composite Pattern 05:31
90 Composite Pattern Use Cases 02:15
91 Decorator Pattern 12:59
92 When To Use Decorator Pattern 03:45
93 Decorator Real World Implementation 12:06
94 Decorator Pattern Advantages 03:36
95 Caveats or Criticism Of Decorator Pattern 05:23
96 Decorator Pattern Use Cases 02:43
97 Adapter Pattern 11:01
98 When To Use Adapter Pattern 04:33
99 Adapter Real World Implementation 11:52
100 Adapter Pattern Advantages 03:29
101 Caveats or Criticism Of Adapter Pattern 04:21
102 Adapter Pattern Use Cases 04:27
103 Introduction To Behavioural Design Patterns 01:50
104 Observer Pattern 24:13
105 When To Use Observer Pattern 03:34
106 Observer Real World Implementation 22:44
107 Observer Pattern Advantages 04:12
108 Caveats Or Criticism Of Observer Pattern 04:15
109 Observer Patterns Use Cases 03:28
110 Iterator Pattern 12:54
111 When To Use Iterator Pattern 06:48
112 Iterator Real World Implementation 20:58
113 Iterator Pattern Advantages 03:57
114 Caveats Or Criticism Of Iterator Pattern 03:25
115 Iterator Patterns Use Cases 02:42
116 Strategy Design Pattern 12:59
117 When To Use The Strategy Pattern 03:41
118 Strategy Real World Implementation 08:57
119 Strategy Pattern Advantages 04:02
120 Caveats Or Criticism Of The Strategy Pattern 04:07
121 Strategy Pattern Use Cases 02:33
122 Template Method Pattern 15:23
123 When To Use The Template Pattern 04:32
124 Template Pattern Real World Implementation 10:37
125 Template Pattern Advantages 05:15
126 Caveats Or Criticism Of The Template Pattern 06:34
127 Template Pattern Use Cases 03:09
128 Command Design Pattern 19:57
129 When To Use The Command Pattern 05:34
130 Command Pattern Real World Implementation 21:07
131 Command Pattern Advantages 04:06
132 Caveats Or Criticism Of The Command Pattern 03:58
133 Command Pattern Use Cases 03:53
134 State Design Pattern 11:10
135 When To Use The State Design Pattern 04:40
136 State Design Pattern Real World Implementation 09:06
137 State Design Pattern Advantages 03:49
138 Caveats Or Criticism Of The State Design Pattern 03:04
139 State Design Pattern Use Cases 02:51
140 Chain of Responsibility Pattern 18:57
141 When To Use Chain of Responsibility 05:44
142 Chain of Responsibility Real World Implementation 15:50
143 Chain of Responsibility Advantages 04:18
144 Caveats Or Criticism Of The Chain of Responsibility 04:29
145 Chain of Responsibility Use Cases 04:39

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