NFT Marketplace in React, Typescript & Solidity - Full Guide

16h 20m 55s

The course covers everything you need for a decentralized NFT application according to the ERC721 standard. Students of this course will learn about NFTs by creating a real-world application. Students will learn what ERC721 smart contract is and how to create one. The frontend for dApps covered in the course is created with React JS library and Next JS framework. CSS and design are built with the Tailwind framework.

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Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, etc. No config is necessary.

Ethereum is a technology that lets you send cryptocurrency to anyone, but in the first place, It also powers applications that everyone can use and no one can takedown. It's the world's programmable blockchain.

Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs that govern the behavior of accounts within the Ethereum state.

Pinata is a pinning service that allows users to host files on the IPFS network. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.

NFT Marketplace Application:

This central part of the course covers the creation of an interactive NFT marketplace. Clients of this platform will be able to purchase NFTs with Ether digital currency.

The application is created in the Next JS framework, built on top of the React JS.

The first part of the course covers the setup of the pages layouts, creation of the first pages, and components. The Tailwind CSS framework covers the styling part of the application.

Students will explore how to provide Web3 JS code into the application, code responsible for communication with a crypto wallet and, therefore, with the blockchain.

We will use the Provider/Consumer concept to provide this layer, which is very common in React JS. This will guarantee that all of the components and pages will be able to access functionalities responsible for communication to the blockchain.

The application's state and data management are handled through the SWR(stale while revalidate) library. This will provide a reactive feel to the application and a reactive rendering of components upon receiving new data.

After all, necessary communication with blockchain is achieved, the students will start to work on smart contract implementation.

The course follows the recognized ERC721 token standard.

The smart contract is an essential part of the project. It serves as the blockchain "storage" of NFTs and provides functionality to verify ownership of an NFT and linkage to the media storage.

The last part of the course covers preparing and storing data related to NFT. So-called NFT Metadata.

NFT metadata data will be stored on Pinata (IPFS) based storage. Students will learn to gather data from the form and later submit it to Pinata storage. The following important part is to link this metadata and create an NFT.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 06:22
2 Ask For Help 00:35
3 How to resolve issues 05:52
4 Init Project 05:32
5 Tailwind 05:19
6 Navbar 08:34
7 Cleanup 02:00
8 BaseLayout 07:53
9 Listing Page 06:52
10 Nft Components 09:51
11 Nft props 06:05
12 Nft Type 05:37
13 Display nft item values 06:29
14 Links and create page 09:51
15 Profile Link 02:43
16 Active Link 05:34
17 Create Page Layout 06:39
18 Profile Layout 03:54
19 Paths refactor 08:24
20 Web3Provider 09:54
21 Planning 13:12
22 Web3 Types 05:21
23 Web3 State 08:02
24 Window Ethereum 10:13
25 Provider 04:54
26 Ganache Install 06:48
27 Base smart contract 11:00
28 ERC721 08:51
29 Truffle Console 05:36
30 Load Contract 11:59
31 Call name, symbol 07:50
32 Use Account 09:52
33 Hook Types 08:23
34 Generic Types 08:34
35 Setup Hooks 12:05
36 Create web3 state 06:59
37 Use Account Abstraction 05:28
38 Recap 05:00
39 Conditional swr 06:32
40 Account data 09:05
41 Connect button 06:07
42 Connect Type Definition 04:02
43 Handle accounts changed 06:06
44 Mutate account 04:44
45 Is loading and validating 07:48
46 Handle error when no wallet 03:59
47 Walletbar 05:24
48 Wallet conditionals 11:18
49 Use Network 06:20
50 Network Name 05:58
51 Network label 01:36
52 Target network 06:03
53 Handle Network Loading 03:20
54 Reload on network change 09:03
55 Handle Wallet Lock Out 06:23
56 Fix Loading and undefined Ethereum 04:53
57 Mint Token 07:17
58 AI Mint Token 11:43
59 Prepare test 09:20
60 Mint token test 08:55
61 TokenURI test 06:12
62 Check if token uri exists 04:27
63 Duplicate URI Test 07:31
64 Create NFT item 09:50
65 Listing Price Test 07:53
66 NFT item test 06:11
67 Listing price 04:51
68 Buy NFT 10:29
69 Buy NFT test 07:05
70 Add token to all enumeration 09:54
71 AI Add token to all enumerations 08:01
72 Test token transfers 06:33
73 Get all nfts on sale 05:01
74 AI get all nfts on sale 09:20
75 Test get all listed nfts 06:24
76 Add token to owner enums 06:26
77 AI add token to owner enums 06:06
78 Get owned Nfts 07:55
79 Test owned Nfts 04:22
80 Remove token from owned enums 06:05
81 AI Remove token from owned enums 13:49
82 Test Remove token from owned enums 07:45
83 Remove token from all enums 04:48
84 AI Remove token from all enums 06:26
85 Test Burn token 10:14
86 Place nft on sale 09:28
87 Test listing of nfts 09:08
88 Use listed Nfts 10:56
89 Upload Images to Pinata 09:17
90 Mint Token in Truffle 08:23
91 Get Nft Data 05:04
92 Contract Type 09:31
93 Get Complete Nfts 08:04
94 Display Nfts 05:03
95 Sign Contract 04:50
96 Use owned nfts 07:31
97 Active Nft 03:51
98 Set Active Nft 05:02
99 Buy Nft in Hook 11:56
100 List Nft 08:48
101 UI changes active nft 02:46
102 Use Callback 06:43
103 Handle part of form 10:11
104 Handle attribute change 04:41
105 Introduce Verification architecture 15:46
106 With iron session 10:26
107 Create message in server 12:34
108 Fix reload of the browser 04:45
109 Sign message 08:18
110 Verify form data 07:26
111 Get session back 11:31
112 Get contract server side 07:19
113 Verify Signature 11:56
114 Upload Metadata to Pinata 14:50
115 Get image bytes 04:52
116 Get signed data 03:47
117 Image upload endpoint 11:28
118 Fix image select issue 03:29
119 Upload image success 09:27
120 Store image to state 05:38
121 Check Nft Structure 11:14
122 Get Price 03:26
123 Create a Nft 06:08
124 Handle promises 08:34
125 Handle rest of promises 04:31
126 Display wrong network 04:53
127 Course Done! 04:22
128 Ropsten preparation 08:26
129 Deploy to Ropsten 12:11
130 Testing app on Ropsten 09:11
131 Github Repo 09:15
132 Deploy to Vercel 10:18

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