React Query: Server State Management in React

7h 39m 49s

React Query has become the go-to solution for server state management in React apps, and for good reason! This smart, comprehensive solution makes it easy to keep your app up-to-date with data on the server. In fact, if you are using Redux simply to manage data from the server, React Query can replace Redux in your app. And, for server data management, React Query is much simpler and more powerful than Redux.

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For example, React Query: 

  • tracks loading and error states for your server queries (no need to manage that yourself!)

  • makes cached server data available for display while you're fetching updated data

This course starts with a simple app to learn the basics of React Query

  • queries

  • loading and error states

  • React Query dev tools

  • pagination and pre-fetching

  • mutations

Then we take a detour with the Star Wars API to learn about Infinite Queries (getting more data just as the user has gotten near the end of the current data).

Finally, we work on a large, multi-component app to learn about the above in more detail, plus

  • centralizing loading and error handling

  • filtering data

  • integrating React Query with auth

  • ways to keep data up to date after mutations, including optimistic updates

  • testing React Query

Other notable course features:

  • pre-written projects to use as a backdrop for React Query, so there's no time wasted writing code not relevant to the course

  • ample opportunities to practice with periodic "code quizzes" to make sure you're understanding the concepts

  • visual models for complicated concepts to help understand all of the moving pieces

  • the major project is written in TypeScript

  • supportive instructor who loves engaging with students in Q&A

Come see what the hype is about, and improve your apps with simpler, more powerful server state management!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to React Query 06:01
2 Introduction to this Course 03:03
3 First project: Blog-em Ipsum 05:39
4 Creating Queries with useQuery 07:47
5 Handling Loading and Error States 07:03
6 React Query Dev Tools 04:57
7 staleTime vs cacheTime 06:33
8 Intro to Code Quizzes 02:34
9 Code Quiz! Create Query for Blog Comments 07:03
10 Query Keys 06:23
11 Pagination 06:06
12 Pre-fetching Data 06:50
13 isLoading vs isFetching 04:55
14 Intro to Mutations 03:51
15 Delete Post with useMutation 06:49
16 Code Quiz! Mutation to Update Post Title 04:02
17 Summary: React Query Basics 03:01
18 Introduction to Infinite Scroll 04:32
19 Code Quiz! Set up Infinite SWAPI for React Query 05:27
20 Intro to useInfiniteQuery 06:20
21 Infinite Scroll Diagram 04:32
22 Write useInfiniteQuery Call 05:10
23 InfiniteScroll Component 06:18
24 useInfiniteQuery Fetching and Error states 04:08
25 Code Quiz! Infinite Species 07:09
26 Summary: Infinite Scroll 02:54
27 Intro to Lazy Days Spa App 06:22
28 Lazy Days Spa App Code Orientation 05:43
29 Install and set up React Query 07:01
30 Custom Query Hook: useTreatments 06:17
31 Fallback Data 02:13
32 Centralized Fetching indicator with useIsFetching 04:25
33 onError Handler for useQuery 06:45
34 onError Default for Query Client 06:40
35 Code Quiz! Custom Hook for useStaff 04:50
36 Summary: Larger App Setup, Centralization, Custom Hooks 03:00
37 Adding Data to the Cache 04:16
38 Pre-Fetching Treatments (concepts) 05:11
39 Pre-Fetching Treatments (syntax) 05:23
40 Intro to useAppointments Custom Hook 10:47
41 useQuery for useAppointments 03:53
42 Query Keys as Dependency Arrays 06:22
43 Code Quiz! Pre-Fetch Appointments 07:25
44 Summary: Query Features I 03:26
45 Filtering Data with the useQuery select Option 08:16
46 Code Quiz! Selector for useStaff 05:58
47 Intro to Re-Fetch 06:00
48 Update Re-Fetch Options 05:15
49 Global Re-Fetch Options 05:36
50 Overriding Re-Fetch Defaults and Polling 04:53
51 Polling: Auto Re-Fetching at an Interval 04:11
52 Summary: Query Features II 01:13
53 Intro to React Query and Authentication 08:31
54 Intro to useAuth and useUser 04:47
55 Dependent Query in useUser 07:13
56 Code Quiz! Dependent Query in useUserAppointments 09:13
57 Adding User Data to Query Cache 06:12
58 Removing User Appointments Data on Signout 04:55
59 Summary: React Query and Authentication 02:57
60 Introduction to Mutations and Mutations Global Settings 00:00
61 Custom Mutation Hook: useReserveAppointments 06:18
62 OPTIONAL: TypeScript for `mutate` Function 04:04
63 Invalidating Query after Mutation 05:29
64 Query Key Prefixes 05:44
65 Code Quiz! Mutation to Cancel an Appointment 07:03
66 Update User and Query Cache with Mutation Response 09:34
67 Intro to Optimistic Updates in React Query 06:42
68 Making a Query "Cancel-able" 07:28
69 Writing Optimistic Update 12:27
70 Summary: Mutations 01:25
71 Intro to Testing React Query 02:09
72 Testing Setup, including Mock Service Worker 04:33
73 Query Client and Provider in Tests 09:05
74 Testing Rendered Query Data 03:21
75 Code Quiz! Test Rendered Staff Data 03:43
76 Testing Query Errors 11:14
77 Code Quiz! Staff Query Errors 04:21
78 Testing Mutations 08:28
79 Code Quiz! Test Cancel Appointment Mutation 04:24
80 Intro to Testing Custom Hooks 03:36
81 Test Appointments Filter 08:08
82 Code Quiz! Test Staff Filter 03:24
83 Summary: Testing React Query 02:53

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