Full Stack Development

4h 24m 36s

This course will take you on a journey to become a full-stack developer. You will learn how to build and deploy a modern web application from the ground up. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to create full-stack web applications.

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Course Highlights:

  • Demo and Architecture: Explore the architecture of a full-stack web application and understand how all the components work together.

  • Tech Stack: Learn about the technologies and tools used in this course, including TypeScript, Next.js, Express.js, Docker, FFmpeg, Firebase Auth, Firebase Functions, Firebase Firestore, Google Cloud Storage, and Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

  • Hands-On Experience: Get hands-on experience by building and deploying a web application with a modern tech stack.

  • Security: Understand the importance of security in full-stack development and how to implement best practices to protect your application.

  • Real-World Project: Work on a real-world project that includes features like video uploading, transcoding, user authentication, and more.

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and confidence to develop full-stack web applications and take your web development career to the next level.

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# Title Duration
1 0 - Demo and Architecture 07:56
2 1 - Prerequisites 04:05
3 2 - Initialize Video Processing Service 10:58
4 3 - Process Videos Locally 13:08
5 4 - Containerize Video Processing Service 15:04
6 5 - Convert Videos Hosted on Google Cloud Storage 23:32
7 6 - Deploy Video Processing Service 16:10
8 7 - Create Pub or Sub Topic and Subscription 06:43
9 8 - Create Cloud Storage Buckets 10:35
10 9 - Create Next App 12:39
11 10 - Create Navbar 11:09
12 11 - Add Firebase SDK with Auth 07:24
13 12 - Add Sign In with Google 18:05
14 13 - Create Firestore 04:44
15 14 - Add Create User Function 20:21
16 15 - Add Upload Video Function 12:39
17 16 - Add Upload Video Feature to Web App 17:05
18 17 - Add Videos to Firestore 14:31
19 18 - Add Get Videos Function 05:09
20 19 - Show Videos in Web App 12:25
21 20 - Deploy Web App 12:02
22 21 - App Limitations 08:12

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