The Ultimate Flask Course

28h 4m 28s
September 12, 2024

Welcome to The Ultimate Flask Course. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started building your own Python-based web apps using the Flask framework. I will teach you the basics of Flask and show you some examples of how to build apps using only the features of the Flask framework itself. Then I will teach you various useful extensions that you can use to make adding more powerful features to your Flask apps much easier and show you example apps using those extensions.



  • Basic Python

  • Be Able to Install Python and Flask on your computer

  • Know some basic HTML

You'll learn:

  • How to build Python web apps with Flask

  • How to use the Jinja template language to create the look of your apps

  • How to use the SQLite database to start development

  • How to use other databases with Flask by using Flask-SQLAlchemy

  • Using Flask to process incoming request data

  • How to build an API with Flask

  • Handle user sessions

  • How to build working apps with six app examples

In this course, we'll cover popular Flask extensions, including:

  • Flask-SQLAlchemy

  • Flask-WTF

  • Flask-Bootstrap

  • Flask-Mail

  • Flask-Migrate

  • Flask-Uploads

  • Flask-Login

  • Flask-Admin

  • Flask-User

  • Flask-Babel

  • Flask-Restless

  • Flask-SocketIO

  • Flask-Security

What do you need to know before starting the course?

As long as you have some basic experience with Python, you are ready to take the course. It's helpful to know some basics of HTML as well.

I look forward to seeing you in the course and hearing your thoughts.

Who this course is for:
  • Beginner Python developers who want to learn web development

What you'll learn:

  • How to build Python-based web apps using Flask.
  • How to use some of the most popular Flask extensions to add more power to your apps.
  • How to connect to and interact with a database in Flask using SQLite and SQLAlchemy.
  • How to deploy Flask apps to Heroku, Python Anywhere, and to a Linux server.

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# Title Duration
1 Installation on Windows 08:44
2 The Two Ways of Running Flask Apps 02:14
3 Installation and Hello World 02:22
4 Installation Using Pipenv 02:25
5 Intro to Routes 03:49
6 Route Methods 01:57
7 Route Variables 02:54
8 Request Query String 03:19
9 Request Form Data 05:11
10 Request JSON Data 04:49
11 Incoming Request Method 04:25
12 Redirects and url_for 04:30
13 Configuration 01:26
14 Sessions 05:09
15 Debug Mode 02:56
16 Intro to Templates 02:10
17 Template Variables 02:14
18 Conditionals 02:18
19 Loops 02:56
20 Static Files 02:27
21 Inheritance 06:14
22 Include 01:52
23 Creating the Database 03:16
24 Connect to the Database 04:36
25 Queries 02:42
26 Inserting Data 03:02
27 View All Results 03:12
28 Demo 01:28
29 The Starting HTML Files 01:36
30 Adding Templates 05:54
31 Creating the Database 03:33
32 Adding Database Helpers 01:37
33 Working With The Food Form 05:35
34 Inserting Food Data Into Database 06:19
35 Display All Foods in Database 04:14
36 Inserting the Date 10:18
37 Query All Dates 05:34
38 Day Screen 12:32
39 Add Food to Database 04:21
40 Get List Of Foods For Day 06:01
41 Getting Food Totals For Day 03:55
42 Links 05:49
43 Sum Totals Per Day 07:56
44 Adding Links 02:29
45 Refactor 08:38
46 Deployment Server Setup on Amazon Lightsail 10:06
47 Deploy To Amazon Lightsail Server 04:23
48 Errata 01:43
49 Demo 01:49
50 Overview of Templates 02:13
51 Install and Templates 07:50
52 Database Helpers 01:43
53 Creating the Database 03:30
54 Register User 08:22
55 Login 06:51
56 Sessions 06:17
57 Common User Function 05:59
58 Updating Links 06:40
59 Creating Test Users 02:42
60 User Setup Page 07:36
61 Create Question 10:01
62 List Questions 06:38
63 Answer Question 07:57
64 Home Route Questions 06:21
65 Question Page 03:58
66 Preventing Duplicate Users 06:32
67 Protecting Routes 03:37
68 Protecting Routes by Role 03:19
69 Login Failure Messages 05:00
70 Formatting Queries 02:33
71 Added Link Macro 04:59
72 Base Template 08:35
73 Deploy to Heroku 08:02
74 Convert to Postgres 24:55
75 Static Secret Key On Heroku 01:44
76 Demo 03:08
77 Setting Up The App and Test With Postman 06:00
78 Adding Database Helpers 01:38
79 Create the Database 01:58
80 Create a New Member 05:36
81 Return Member After Creation 03:53
82 Get All Members 04:20
83 Get One Member 03:19
84 Edit A Member 05:59
85 Delete A Member 02:14
86 Authentication 05:29
87 Authentication Decorator 04:41
88 Deploy to Python Anywhere 08:41
89 Setting Up A Database and Determing the URI 02:35
90 Installing Flask-SQLAlchemy 05:43
91 Connecting to the Database 05:43
92 Create a Table 10:30
93 Inserting Data 03:15
94 Updating Data 02:50
95 Deleting Data 01:01
96 Intro to Queries 07:13
97 Generative Queries 05:03
98 Not Equals and Like 02:58
99 In and Not In 02:20
100 Null and Not Null 01:46
101 And 03:19
102 Or 01:45
103 Order By 03:06
104 Limit 01:39
105 Offset 01:43
106 Count 01:13
107 Inequality 02:02
108 One to Many Relationships 06:16
109 One to Many Queries 04:30
110 Many to Many Relationships 06:14
111 Many to Many Queries 05:38
112 Install and Set Up 01:30
113 Creating a Form 06:42
114 Submit the Form 04:49
115 Validators 09:56
116 More Fields 06:51
117 Adding An Extra Validator 03:30
118 Changing Labels and Defaults 02:17
119 Prepopulating Data 03:20
120 More on CSRF 04:52
121 Jinja Macro 05:33
122 Form Inheritance 03:48
123 Field Enclosures 08:04
124 Field List 08:31
125 Delete Field 02:46
126 Dynamic Forms 06:50
127 Note on JavaScript AJAX 01:41
128 Recaptcha Field 09:26
129 Flask-WTF With Flask-Bootstrap 05:33
130 Populate Obj 03:08
131 Inline Validators 03:06
132 Information on Other Fields and Validators 03:42
133 Date Fields 03:58
134 Flask-WTF Example 19:45
135 Installation Setup 01:43
136 Blank HTML 01:33
137 Available Blocks 05:00
138 Configuration 09:15
139 Set Up Server and Send Email 06:59
140 Note on Debug 00:49
141 Email Body 02:33
142 Adding More Recipients 02:19
143 Adding Sender Name 01:46
144 Bulk Messages 03:56
145 Attachments 01:58
146 Other Message Parameters 03:20
147 Setting Up Gmail 02:28
148 Installation and Environment Variable Setup 02:41
149 Creating Database, Adding SQLAlchemy and Migrate 03:24
150 Create Table Upgrade in SQLite 04:15
151 Upgrading With SQLite 02:20
152 SQLite Downgrades 01:28
153 Upgrading and Downgrading 02:39
154 MySQL Upgrade and Downgrade 03:37
155 Manually Edit Migration 03:20
156 Using Flask Script 02:19
157 Removing 00:41
158 Dropping Columns in SQLite 06:26
159 Installation and Configuration 06:53
160 Upload Form 01:46
161 Uploading First Image 05:16
162 Allow and Deny 02:35
163 Default Dest 02:15
164 Combining Extensions 01:29
165 Installation and Init 01:24
166 Add User Model 04:43
167 The User Loader 02:33
168 Login User 05:27
169 Current User 01:34
170 Logout User 02:02
171 Creating a Login Form 04:04
172 Redirect to Login Route 01:28
173 Login Message 02:41
174 Redirect 08:19
175 Remember Me 04:17
176 Fresh Login 03:30
177 Alternative Tokens 08:01
178 Auto Expire 11:22
179 Using MongoDB 13:04
180 Install and Setup 05:03
181 Add User View 05:18
182 View of Table With Multiple Columns 02:54
183 Table with Relationship 05:17
184 Remove Column from View 02:27
185 Display Primary Key Column 00:56
186 Enable/Disable Create, Edit, and Delete 02:26
187 Export Table Data 00:52
188 Create Modal 01:19
189 Other Attributes 03:24
190 Using on_model_change to Automatically Hash Password 06:23
191 File Admin 03:59
192 Modifying the Home Template 06:22
193 Modifying Other Views 04:16
194 Creating a New View 03:56
195 URL For 01:25
196 Inline Models 03:07
197 Auth for Views 03:01
198 Adding Flask-Login 06:24
199 Installation and Configuration 03:59
200 Create Database 04:07
201 Flask-User Sign In and Register Screens 02:47
202 Create Protected Page 02:57
203 What Flask-User Does to Database Record 01:01
204 Enabling Emails 06:20
205 Modifying Templates 04:58
206 Modifying Email Templates 04:04
207 Changing the After Register Endpoint 03:20
208 Current User Information 02:17
209 Install Flask-Babel 01:06
210 Locale 05:40
211 Dates and Datetime 05:41
212 Marking Words for Translation 03:42
213 Translations 07:46
214 Poedit 01:05
215 Installation 02:19
216 Setup Models 02:06
217 Create Database 00:58
218 Integrate Flask-Restless 01:04
219 GET Requests 06:32
220 GET Specific Items 01:13
221 POST Requests 06:42
222 DELETE Requests 02:30
223 PUT Requests 03:48
224 Limit 04:00
225 Offset 02:13
226 Order By 03:31
227 Search Queries 07:09
228 In and Not in Operators 01:27
229 Is Null and Is Not Null Operators 01:51
230 Like Operator 02:21
231 Or Queries 04:11
232 Any Operator 05:15
233 Has Operator 02:29
234 Deleting With Queries 02:45
235 Patch With Queries Bug 02:42
236 Pagination 02:56
237 Installation and Setup 03:16
238 Setting Up JavaScript Client 03:43
239 Sending From Client to Server 06:32
240 Sending From Server to Client 03:28
241 Emit Custom Events 04:52
242 Sending and Receiving JSON 05:18
243 Multiple Clients 09:14
244 Broadcasting Messages 02:27
245 Server Initiated Events 06:09
246 Namespaces 06:24
247 Session IDs 07:12
248 Send Private Message 11:44
249 Join Room 07:39
250 Leave Room 04:35
251 Close Room 01:44
252 Connect and Disconnect 05:00
253 Installation and Setup 02:20
254 Create Database 04:25
255 View Login and Register Routes 07:55
256 Additional Routes 03:17
257 Login Required and Current User 02:24
258 Roles 08:38
259 Enabling Mail 02:08
260 Custom Emails 06:30
261 Custom Views 03:54
262 Extending the Forms 09:48
263 HTTP Basic Auth 02:31
264 Overview of Templates 01:42
265 Create Routes With Templates 02:51
266 Convert Static Resources 08:56
267 Prepare Flask-Migrate and Flask-SQLAlchemy 02:28
268 Create SQLite Database 00:44
269 Add User Model and Create Table 04:10
270 Creating the Register Form 05:08
271 Convert Register Form to WTForm 08:17
272 Testing the Register Form 03:19
273 Adding Error Messages to Register Form 01:57
274 Handling the Profile Image Upload 07:41
275 Save Registration Data to Database 03:46
276 Creating the Login Form 07:48
277 Creating the Login Route 07:34
278 Finishing the Login Form 04:44
279 Displaying the Profile Information 09:46
280 Create Tweet Model and Migrate 04:52
281 Create Tweet Form 11:42
282 Update Timeline to Be Dynamic 09:24
283 Add Time Since Tweet Created 12:24
284 First Refactor 13:29
285 Timeline Image and Total Tweets 03:25
286 General Timeline Page 09:22
287 Make Profile General 08:39
288 Follower Model 08:14
289 Add Follow Route 04:07
290 Update Follower Count and List of Followers 12:02
291 Create Follow Link 06:11
292 Test Follow Link 02:30
293 Update Timeline Page 07:04
294 Add Links to User Profiles 03:44
295 Who to Watch Section 07:08
296 Add User Timeline Links 02:49
297 Refactor HTML 08:13
298 Refactor Navigation 06:09
299 Make Navigation Links Dependent on Login Status 03:56
300 Update Timeline Follower Count and Change Homepage 02:44
301 Refactor Views 06:40
302 Refactor Register Template 03:35
303 Conclusion 00:50
304 Starting Files 04:56
305 Adding the Product Table 04:09
306 Creating the Add Product Form 08:45
307 Add Products to Database 06:10
308 Admin Dashboard Product List 04:27
309 Showing the Dollar Amount and Product Counts 04:26
310 Adding Products to Homepage 06:36
311 The Product Page 07:02
312 Adding to the Cart 08:27
313 The Cart Session 08:48
314 Display the 09:55
315 Remove Item From Cart 05:59
316 Creating the Order Tables 11:23
317 Creating the Checkout Form 02:54
318 Checkout Form Continued 10:20
319 Checkout Form Finalized 09:33
320 Randomizing the Reference 01:46
321 Checkout Screen Cart Details 04:29
322 Admin Pending Orders 05:02
323 Calculating the Order Total 04:12
324 Order Screen 12:44
325 Updating the Stock Totals 05:42
326 Overview of App 02:58
327 Setting up the Flask-Security Models 07:17
328 Setting Up the Register Page 17:40
329 Setting Up A User 01:44
330 Login Screen 06:17
331 Thread Model 02:06
332 Saving the Thread Form to Database 07:24
333 Displaying Threads from the Database 02:21
334 Updating the Thread Model to Include Date 03:39
335 Thread Page 02:37
336 Creating the Reply Model 02:54
337 Handling Replies 13:30
338 Last Post Date 02:39
339 The Profile Page 03:26
340 Adding Links and Wrap Up 05:54
341 Intro 01:16
342 Set Up App 02:56
343 Retrieve API Data 07:29
344 Create Database 02:49
345 Add Cities to Database 01:09
346 Show Saved City Data 04:36
347 Allow User Save Cities 03:35
348 Install Python-Dotenv 01:47
349 Prevent Duplicate Cities 05:50
350 Prevent Invalid Cities 05:51
351 Message Flashing 07:54
352 Deleting Cities 06:52

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