Fullstack Flask: Build a Complete SaaS App with Flask

7h 33m 4s

Build (and deploy) a real SaaS app in 8 weeks using Python and Flask with this self-paced, online course.

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Everything you need to build a real SaaS application

Fullstack Flask goes beyond other courses in covering every detail required for a production application.

Here are ten things you will be able to do when you take the course:

  1. Build the backend and frontend in Python with Flask
  2. Persist data with PostgreSQL
  3. 100% Test Coverage
  4. Handle realpayments with Stripe.
  5. Setup and run delayed jobs queues
  6. Send emails to your users
  7. Build user authentication
  8. Learn how to deploy the entire architecture to production
  9. Tune the performance of the server and queries
  10. Build the foundation for your income-generating SaaS side-project or company

What We Will Build

In Fullstack Flask I will teach you how to use the full power and expressiveness of Python to build a fully functional income-generating web app from scratch using Flask.

Introducing Yumroad

In this course, we'll build Yumroad: a service for selling digital products online

Real-world architecture

We're not going to build a simple web-server and be done with it - no way. Instead, we're going to build out the full architecture of a real-world app. That means, databases, delayed jobs, sending emails, monitoring performance, and a whole lot more.

Payment Forms and Webhooks

We'll implement custom payment forms -- and implement the server hooks to make them work

Stripe Integration

We'll integrate with Stripe to handle payments for our digital products

Send emails

Our applications often have to email users and in this course, we'll show you how to do it

Work with APIs

We'll work with third party APIs to get real world data and bring it into our application.

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# Title Duration
1 Intro to Fullstack Flask 01:29
2 Building your first Flask Application 03:22
3 Getting started 05:53
4 Using an API 07:55
5 Deploying to Production 06:47
6 Rendering Pages 11:33
7 Styling & Partials 14:46
8 Growing our application with Blueprints 12:34
9 Adding Blueprints 13:21
10 Using an Application Factory 14:54
11 Testing 12:11
12 Getting to 100% Code Coverage 14:37
13 Our Project: Yumroad 02:28
14 Starting from Scratch 07:46
15 Databases & ORMs 12:28
16 Using SQLAlchemy 16:55
17 Building pages using our models 15:00
18 Testing Our Routes 04:42
19 Building (HTML) Forms 08:16
20 Rendering & Processing a Form 12:22
21 Editing Data & CSRF Protection 12:46
22 User Registration 16:33
23 Flask-Login & Sessions 14:49
24 Logging Out & Testing 13:49
25 DB Relationships & Migrations 05:27
26 Implementing Relationships 15:52
27 Migrations 11:33
28 Sending emails 16:52
29 Payments UI 07:34
30 Stripe Implementation 22:22
31 Testing Payments 15:03
32 Creating Asset Bundles 21:08
33 Errors 12:04
34 Delayed Jobs 16:12
35 Improving Performance 20:27
36 Deployment 14:20
37 Yumroad To Ignite 02:41
38 Introducing Ingite 03:19
39 Ignite Demo 05:27
40 Getting Started with Ignite 05:27

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