The React practice course, learn by building projects.
Including three full practice project, a landing page, a Firebase project and a fullstack with Mongo DB and Node. Do you want to practice your React coding or just to learn it by creating webpages ?. This is the course for you. Because sometimes the best way to learn its by practicing and because most of the courses teach you the just the basics and give you a todo app, I wanted to create something different. We will create Three real life projects, so we can practice our react coding in a more real environment.
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If you don’t know much of React, no worries. We will start simple with a static landing page , then we will go to a much more compete project with authentication and DB and last but not least we will create am e-commerce style project with user cart, PayPal, not only that we will create our own server to handle all the requests.
If you know nothing about React, don’t worry, I added a bonus section with a tiny React course so you can understand the basics and how react works. So you can start from there and then go to the practice projects.
To sum everything up, this what we will be creating in this course:
Project one ”The venue”:
How to create a project with React CLI
Creation of components
Using third party libraries
Creating transitions on reveal and carrousel.
Using parts of Material UI to make our app better.
Deployment of a static webpages to SURGE.
Project two “M City”:
Creating of routes to navigate our project
More complex animations and transitions
Rendering components using data from a server
We will use authentication and create an Admin endpoint
Firebase uploads and storage
Add a database on a server to work with
Deployment of the project to Firebase
Project three “Waves”:
E-Commerce style application
Creation of dynamic routes
Using REDUX as store.
Authentication, user dashboard and admin dashboard
Create a server with Node JS and express
Add database to our Project with Mongo DB
Creating different routes to process the requests
Add cart items to user account
Complete checkout with Paypal
Deployment to Heroku
And as a bonus just like tiny React course, you will get additional React components to the projects.
- A little bit of ES5 and ES6.
- From beginners to intermediate.
- Gain more knowledge to build better or more complex websites.
Watch Online The React practice course, learn by building projects.
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:53 |
2 | First Project Overview | 01:21 |
3 | Second Project overview | 02:08 |
4 | Third Project overview | 02:33 |
5 | Installing NODE Js - MAC | 02:14 |
6 | Installing NODE Js - WINDOWS | 02:42 |
7 | Project setting up | 05:48 |
8 | Creating the Header | 11:43 |
9 | Header sidedrawer | 16:03 |
10 | Finishing the Header | 06:37 |
11 | Slider section | 12:34 |
12 | Adding a countdown | 08:00 |
13 | Finishing countdown | 09:45 |
14 | Venue NFO component | 09:59 |
15 | Highlight section | 15:53 |
16 | Button reusable component | 08:08 |
17 | Adding prices | 14:35 |
18 | Footer and Location section | 07:43 |
19 | Adding a Scroll To | 10:21 |
20 | Deployment to Surge | 05:56 |
21 | Project setting up | 08:04 |
22 | Adding a Header | 13:57 |
23 | Finishing Header, adding Footer | 13:03 |
24 | Home: featured Animation | 11:53 |
25 | Home: featured Animation...continued | 17:45 |
26 | Home: Finishing featured Animation | 17:02 |
27 | Tags RC | 13:06 |
28 | Adding Firebase | 13:28 |
29 | Home: Adding the Match blocks component | 14:54 |
30 | Home: Finishing the Match blocks component | 12:49 |
31 | Home: Meet the players component | 11:43 |
32 | Home: Finishing player card | 12:05 |
33 | Home: Finishing player card...continued | 07:08 |
34 | Home: Enroll reveal component | 07:23 |
35 | Home: Enroll, starting with form fields | 16:43 |
36 | Home: Enroll and form fields 2 | 18:13 |
37 | Home: Enroll and form fields 3 | 14:58 |
38 | Home: Finishing Enroll and form fields | 15:18 |
39 | Auth: Login component | 11:53 |
40 | Auth: Finishing Login | 06:35 |
41 | Auth: Creating a Dashboard | 16:50 |
42 | Auth: Private Routes | 16:39 |
43 | Auth: Public Routes | 08:51 |
44 | Admin: Matches endpoint | 18:45 |
45 | Admin: Edit Match - creating the form | 14:11 |
46 | Admin: Edit Match - creating the form 2 | 19:17 |
47 | Admin: Adding functions | 18:39 |
48 | Admin: Finishing Edit matches | 10:38 |
49 | Admin: Add Match | 05:46 |
50 | Admin: Players Endpoint | 09:38 |
51 | Admin: Add players - creating the form | 17:43 |
52 | Admin: Players fileuploader | 20:23 |
53 | Admin: Players fileuploader ..continued | 14:06 |
54 | Admin: Finshing add players | 14:15 |
55 | Admin: Edit player | 15:41 |
56 | Creating The Team component | 23:36 |
57 | The matches: Creating the component | 18:19 |
58 | The matches: Adding transitions | 16:43 |
59 | The matches: Filters | 14:45 |
60 | The matches: Finishing filters | 04:51 |
61 | Adding a 404 PAGE | 04:59 |
62 | DEPLOY to production. | 10:52 |
63 | Installing Mongo DB - MAC | 07:28 |
64 | Installing Mongo DB - WINDOWS | 08:25 |
65 | installing Robo 3T - MAC | 03:08 |
66 | Installing Robo 3T - WINDOWS | 03:11 |
67 | SERVER: initial setup | 10:59 |
68 | SERVER: .env and middleware | 07:55 |
69 | SERVER: User model | 08:51 |
70 | SERVER: Registering users | 08:33 |
71 | SERVER: Hashing passwords | 09:54 |
72 | SERVER: Login users and creating tokens | 22:11 |
73 | SERVER: Auth route | 17:48 |
74 | SERVER: Logout | 05:03 |
75 | SERVER: Brand model and routes | 15:58 |
76 | SERVER: Woods model and routes | 08:36 |
77 | SERVER:Adding products | 19:56 |
78 | SERVER: Getting products by ID | 12:36 |
79 | SERVER: Getting product by order. | 10:04 |
80 | CLIENT: Starting with the client | 13:37 |
81 | CLIENT: Header anf footer | 19:22 |
82 | CLIENT: Setting Redux up. | 13:01 |
83 | CLIENT: Adding a Register login component | 13:07 |
84 | CLIENT:Creating the login | 14:00 |
85 | CLIENT:Creating the login 2 | 20:10 |
86 | CLIENT:Creating the login 3 | 10:10 |
87 | CLIENT: Finishing the login | 14:44 |
88 | CLIENT: Creating the Register | 15:20 |
89 | CLIENT: Finishing register | 16:18 |
90 | CLIENT: Creating the dashoard | 12:50 |
91 | CLIENT: Preventing routes | 25:33 |
92 | CLIENT: Header links | 16:53 |
93 | CLIENT: Finishing Header links | 13:48 |
94 | CLIENT:Home slider promotions | 18:54 |
95 | CLIENT:Home cards | 13:37 |
96 | CLIENT: Home cards 2 | 17:01 |
97 | CLIENT: Finishing home cards | 12:39 |
98 | CLIENT: Startting the Shop component | 17:52 |
99 | CLIENT: Shop checkboxes | 20:20 |
100 | CLIENT: Finishing checkboxes | 24:15 |
101 | CLIENT: Adding Radio options | 22:03 |
102 | SERVER: Crating the shop route | 21:16 |
103 | SERVER: Finishing the shop route | 07:07 |
104 | CLIENT: Showing Shop cards | 11:09 |
105 | CLIENT: Shop loadmore button | 11:57 |
106 | CLIENT: Shop grids | 06:29 |
107 | ADMIN: Add products form | 15:18 |
108 | ADMIN: Add products form 2 | 09:13 |
109 | ADMIN: Add products form 3 | 18:50 |
110 | ADMIN: Finishing the Add products form | 21:19 |
111 | ADMIN: Adding the File Upload | 19:37 |
112 | ADMIN: Adding the File Upload 2 | 19:21 |
113 | ADMIN: Finishing the File Upload | 14:31 |
114 | ADMIN: Manage Brands component | 22:26 |
115 | ADMIN: Finish Manage Brands. | 15:38 |
116 | CLIENT: Adding the Product Detail component | 22:09 |
117 | CLIENT: Product Info detail | 11:35 |
118 | CLIENT: Product detail, images section | 18:00 |
119 | CLIENT: Finishing the detail, adding Lightbox | 16:24 |
120 | CLIENT: Quick fix to Prod detail | 02:35 |
121 | CLIENT: Adding items to Cart | 22:36 |
122 | CLIENT: Finish the add to cart | 12:44 |
123 | ADMIN: Cart component | 20:15 |
124 | ADMIN: Creating the cart blocks. | 13:51 |
125 | ADMIN: Calculating the total. | 10:56 |
126 | ADMIN: Removing cart items. | 19:35 |
127 | ADMIN: Adding the Paypal btn | 21:12 |
128 | ADMIN: Finishing Paypal. | 10:44 |
129 | ADMIN: Creating the SUCCESS BUY route | 17:01 |
130 | ADMIN: Finishing the SUCCESS BUY route | 16:22 |
131 | ADMIN: Creating the Action and dispatching | 12:40 |
132 | ADMIN: User History | 06:58 |
133 | ADMIN: Updating personal info | 15:44 |
134 | ADMIN: Finishing Update personal info | 12:58 |
135 | ADMIN: Creating the Site Info | 16:10 |
136 | ADMIN: Getting the Site Info | 17:07 |
137 | ADMIN: Finishing Site info | 14:42 |
138 | GIT and GITHUB | 16:54 |
139 | Adding SSH keys - MAC USERS | 07:17 |
140 | Adding SSH keys - WINDOWS USERS | 07:16 |
141 | Adding Heroku to the mix | 05:11 |
142 | Deploying the project | 15:45 |
143 | Deploying the project 2 | 23:35 |
144 | EMAILS: Using Nodemailer | 11:36 |
145 | EMAILS: Sending a welcome Email | 16:32 |
146 | NOT FOUND: Adding not found route. | 03:44 |
147 | ORDER ID: Adding custom PO | 12:10 |
148 | ORDER ID: Sending email with PO | 13:39 |
149 | FILE UPLOAD: Uploading files | 19:37 |
150 | FILE UPLOAD: Uploading files 2 | 13:26 |
151 | FILE DOWNLOAD: Downloading files | 04:05 |
152 | PASSWORD: Adding forgot password | 17:03 |
153 | PASSWORD: Adding forgot password 2 | 14:38 |
154 | PASSWORD: Adding forgot password 3 | 15:40 |
155 | PASSWORD: Finishing forgot password | 08:31 |
156 | Boilerplate | 05:27 |
157 | Bundle and structure | 06:51 |
158 | Rendering | 09:39 |
159 | JSX | 06:52 |
160 | Structure and exporting | 09:46 |
161 | Dynamic data | 04:50 |
162 | Functional and class based components | 07:47 |
163 | Adding some style | 10:22 |
164 | Events | 13:39 |
165 | A little bit more of classes | 07:13 |
166 | React state | 11:00 |
167 | Using props | 10:14 |
168 | Using props 2 | 04:41 |
169 | Using props 3 | 06:49 |
170 | Children props | 04:16 |
171 | More on styles | 15:37 |
172 | Using CSS modules | 13:51 |
173 | Filtering state | 17:45 |
174 | Routes: installing it | 06:26 |
175 | Routes: Adding routes | 13:47 |
176 | Routes: Linking | 08:28 |
177 | Routes: Params and URL's | 12:26 |
178 | Routes: Switch | 04:44 |
179 | Routes: Redirections | 08:03 |
180 | React Lifecycles | 07:06 |
181 | React Lifecycles ..continued | 13:34 |
182 | Conditional rendering | 07:41 |
183 | Pure components | 05:10 |
184 | Returning arrays | 06:26 |
185 | HOC's | 10:45 |
186 | HOC's ...continued | 09:54 |
187 | React transitions | 16:26 |
188 | React transitions 2 | 09:29 |
189 | CSS transitions | 07:42 |
190 | Transition group | 10:14 |
191 | Proptypes | 18:19 |
192 | Proptypes 2 | 03:59 |
193 | Refs | 05:17 |
194 | Controlled and uncontrolled | 18:30 |
195 | Form template | 18:30 |
196 | Form template 2 | 14:56 |
197 | Form template 3 | 15:50 |
198 | Adding textarea and select | 11:45 |
199 | Validation | 15:59 |
200 | Validation 2 | 14:21 |
201 | REDUX: Installing and connecting | 12:27 |
202 | REDUX: Reducers | 17:34 |
203 | REDUX: Action creators | 15:47 |
204 | REDUX: Dispatch | 10:06 |
205 | REDUX: Containers | 05:19 |
206 | REDUX PRACTICE: Intro and setup | 11:44 |
207 | REDUX PRACTICE: Adding redux to home | 17:03 |
208 | REDUX PRACTICE: Finishing home and adding the artist view | 19:39 |
209 | REDUX PRACTICE: Fixing issues | 05:02 |