Node.js for Beginners - Become a NodeJs Developer + Project

22h 54m 50s

I don't know about you,but regular classes bore me, and that is why on this Node.js course we make it fun to learn LOTS of cool things. This course is meant for total beginners in the NodeJs world. 

Read more about the course

This is course is for you if..................

You are total beginner to NodeJs

You are looking for a better career

You are looking to UP your salary as developer

You have tried to learn NODE,js before and it was too hard - I make this EASY!

You are trying to get into the Angular World

You want to become a great Web Developer with a lot of success

You just need to make some serious income as developer 

What is NODEjs or Node.js ? 

First of all let me just say that Node.js is the most popular technology right now, and it's REPO website is the biggest in the WORLD, now let's begin......

Some of us call it Node.js, NODE, or just NodeJs but they all mean the same thing. NodeJs is a runtime to use JavaScript on servers. A runtime acts like a middle-man and in this case NodeJs is helping us use Javascript to handle system processes, files and even databases. NodeJs is written in C++ which is a powerful high level programming language that does LOTS of cool things.

My approach

I'm profesional but not boring

I'm a regular person just like you - your mentor, teacher!

I joke sometimes, so that you won't fall asleep (I know how that is)

My teaching method are Unorthodox - look it up :) 

My goal

On the contrary on why other people teach, I do it to help people succeed in life and also because I love teaching. I feel successful when my students become successful. Our goal is to teach as many people as possible and at the same time having a blast.

My promise to you

If you give me your time, I will make this learning experience something you will not forget. This course was created to change lives with all the knowledge included. 

All your questions will be answered in a timely manner

I will not bore you 

I will make it fun

You will get LOTS of knowledge from this course

Commonly Asked Questions.......................

Question: Is NODE.js worth learning?

WHAT? of course, Node.js is the hottest technology to learn right now. NodeJs jobs are some high in demand, there are not enough developers to fill them. As the matter of fact we get TONS of emails from recruiters asking for NODE.js developers.

Q: Can I make Money know NODE.js?

Excuse me? Money comes automatically once you have this skill. You walk by an ATM and money comes out just for you, JUST kidding :) . Really!  you do not have to worry about JOBS, or projects when you know NODE.js you can choose who you want to work with. This course will teach everything you need to know to start really making it happen for you, trust me. Of course you have to get yourself some a resume and show your skills to your future employers but that is why we are here, to help with the skills.

Your $MONEY invested in this course will be multiplied over and over again. Udemy makes courses SUPER affordable for anyone. A course like this would cost thousands of dollars on the market place but here you can grab it for a fraction and with a 30 day no questions asked Guarantee.

  • Some Javascript is needed to learn NodeJs
  • Some HTML is needed for this course
Who this course is for:
  • If you are a TOTAL beginner for NodeJs you should take this course
  • If you are looking for a better career you should take this course
  • If you are looking to UP your salary as developer you should take this course
  • If you have tried to learn NodeJS before and it was too hard - I make this EASY!
  • If you are trying to get into the Angular World
  • If you want to become a great Web Developer with a lot of success
  • If you just need to make some serious income as a developer

What you'll learn:

  • To build Amazing NodeJS applications like the CMS we build here using Express, MongoDB and more
  • To deploy Nodejs Apps on the Cloud
  • To create Login and Registration system using NodeJS
  • To use Mongoose (ODM) - very similar to ORM
  • To create custom events
  • To import and export data
  • To use the Express FrameWork
  • To handle HTTP requests
  • To deal with Files
  • To use WebSockets - (Chat application)
  • To use PassportJS a module to login to Facebook, Twitter, Google and more
  • To use Template Engines like Handlebars
  • And LOTS more.......

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 06:07
2 What is Node.js 04:01
3 Installing NODE.js in a MAC 14:09
4 Installing NODE.js in Windows 04:23
5 IDE's recommended to use 06:01
6 The Global object 13:10
7 The Process object 12:09
8 Readline 11:49
9 Custom Events 09:07
10 Module 07:51
11 Exporting 06:19
12 Child Processes 05:58
13 Reading files 10:11
14 Writing files 08:27
15 Creating directories 06:29
16 Removing directories 05:10
17 Renaming directories 07:45
18 HTTP native Requests 15:11
19 Creating Web Servers 13:25
20 Serving files 10:21
21 HTPP and JSON data part 1 11:11
22 HTPP and JSON data part 2 04:08
23 HTTP & Post Data 15:27
24 Intro to NPM 10:24
25 AXIOS 07:08
26 Server Automation Module 06:43
27 The Intro 02:59
28 Routes 07:35
29 Route Parameters 06:02
30 Middlewares 12:45
31 Submitting Post Data with Express 15:22
32 Intro and Connection 09:33
33 Sending Form Data 12:26
34 Broadcasting 06:23
35 Client Side Data Data Handleling 05:56
36 Communication with all clients 08:45
37 Database intro 05:29
38 Installing MongoDB in Windows 09:09
39 Installing MongoDB in a MAC 08:02
40 Connecting to MongoDB using the MondoDB Client 05:10
41 Connecting to MongoDB using an ODM - Mongoose 08:11
42 Let's learn some Database Vocabulary 08:03
43 MongoDB Client - Inserting Data 06:54
44 The ObjectID 09:36
45 MongoDB Client- Fetching 01:23
46 MongoDB Client - Updating 10:04
47 MongoDB Client Deleting 08:19
48 PostMan Installation 03:59
49 Mongoose - ODM - Setup 04:40
50 Mongoose - creating a Model part 1 10:33
51 Mongoose - creating a Model part 2 - Data insertion and Validation 06:57
52 Mongoose - creating a Model part 3 - Using the Schema Object 05:28
53 Setting up Express 04:21
54 Creating Routes part 1 03:29
55 Creating Routes part 2 - saving raw data 08:20
56 Setting up our code to save POST data 05:41
57 Saving POST data 08:04
58 Fetching Data 04:18
59 Updating Data with PATCH 13:16
60 Updating Data with PUT 08:34
61 Deleting Data 10:36
62 Intro and Modules Downloads 04:30
63 Setting up Express Server and our Database 05:08
64 Creating our User Model 05:14
65 Registration part 1 - Creating our register route 03:50
66 Registration part 2 - Adding our Body Parser 04:32
67 Registration part 3- Saving the User 03:34
68 Registration part 4- Let's Hash the Password 07:28
69 Login part 1 - Setting up the Login route 05:40
70 Login part 2 - Testing User Login 03:33
71 Project directories setup 06:35
72 Initializing our server 05:51
73 Setting up Home page 17:47
74 Dynamic page content and getting styles to work 09:18
75 Including Partials 04:38
76 Creating our Login and Registration Views 04:35
77 Build home page views 08:11
78 Admin Setup part 1 - Loading and using routes 12:12
79 Admin Setup part 2 - Default layout 06:04
80 Admin Setup part 3 - partial and links 09:59
81 Admin Setup part 4 - Javascript files 06:33
82 Creating Post routes part 1 06:05
83 Let's create a database connection 09:56
84 Creating the form part 1 08:30
85 Creating the form part 1 07:37
86 Creating a Post Model part 1 09:12
87 Creating a Post Model part 2 04:15
88 Including body-parser and testing 06:35
89 Testing our Post model 06:03
90 Saving a Post 09:35
91 Reading data part 1 - Form creation 04:21
92 Reading Data part 2 - Reading data 05:19
93 Updating part 1 06:27
94 Updating part 2 - Displaying data back to the form 10:59
95 Updating part 3 - Handlebars function setup 07:23
96 Updating part 4 - Handlebars function finished 09:06
97 Updating part 5 - Method Override Module 07:07
98 Updating part 6 - Finally updating :) 06:41
99 Deleting Posts 05:10
100 Dummy Data creation part 1 - setup 10:07
101 Dummy Data creation part 2 - Finished 14:23
102 Installing and setting up the Upload Module 03:30
103 Testing the FILES Object 05:18
104 Uploading a file 05:48
105 Creating a helper function to test Empty Objects 09:32
106 Inserting the file reference to the database 05:56
107 Modifying duplicate pictures to have different names 04:08
108 Displaying the uploaded pictures 03:22
109 Deleting the files / images with the post 07:33
110 Validation part 1 07:58
111 Validation part 2 04:53
112 Model Validations - CATCH 05:55
113 Installing Module 08:20
114 Checking SESSION and displaying Flashes 10:48
115 Session errors in partials 01:44
116 UPLOAD - update - editing files in post 04:18
117 Update and Delete Flash message 04:03
118 Cleaning up Nav links 04:56
119 Adding default Dates on Post Model 03:41
120 Installing Date Module and setup 08:22
121 Using a Handlebars function to format dates in Views 05:16
122 Home page dynamic data part 1 - Setup 06:22
123 Home page dynamic data part 2 - Displaying data 04:31
124 Creating a SINGLE post route part 1 -Setup 04:44
125 Creating a Single Post Route part 2 -Replacing Static with Dynamic data 12:24
126 Views routes and setup 10:44
127 Categories Index - Create Form 04:51
128 Categories Index - Display Form 04:46
129 Creating a category 04:11
130 Displaying Categories 02:50
131 Categories edit part -1 - Link 04:14
132 Categories edit part 2 - Edit View 04:14
133 Categories - Updating 05:03
134 Categories - Deleting 03:02
135 Displaying Categories in Home Page 05:35
136 Adding a Select to the Edit Post View 03:44
137 Adding a Select to the Create Post View 02:59
138 Finishing up with Categories 09:15
139 Auth Intro 02:59
140 Creating our User Model 04:25
141 Adding our User to the Post route 05:29
142 Adding some Validation 03:44
143 Registering a User 08:48
144 Hashing User's password with a module - part 1 03:33
145 Hashing User's password with a module - part 2 02:32
146 Adding Flash notification for registration 10:10
147 User already exists feature 11:37
148 Moving Database Config and Post login route 04:33
149 Passport Module part 1 - Login route setup 05:28
150 Passport Module part 2 - testing 06:15
151 Passport Module part 3 - Verifying users 09:00
152 Passport Module part 3 - Login User's in 08:29
153 Displaying Logged-In User and Errors 06:10
154 Login out 02:38
155 Login out Modal 02:30
156 Protecting our Admin Routes 05:49
157 Model relationships 05:45
158 Create route part 1 - form 06:01
159 Create route part 2 - creating comments 13:32
160 Setting up our Comment index 05:47
161 Displaying Comments 05:36
162 Displaying Comment Owner and formatting date 04:18
163 Deleting comments 05:47
164 Deleting Post with comments 06:35
165 Displaying only logged in user comments 02:15
166 Deleting comment references in the Post documents 07:24
167 Hiding comments if not allowed 07:34
168 Displaying comments - FRONT-END 06:55
169 Populating users in comments 05:50
170 Populating user for posts 06:59
171 Creating a User specific page for Posts 11:19
172 Installing Bootstrap Buttons Plugin 06:13
173 Initializing our Button 04:31
174 Listening for the Change Event 04:41
175 Sending the AJAX request - Test 07:57
176 Getting Data 06:16
177 Finally Updating with AJAX 02:38
178 Adding some Notifications with this AWESOME JS Library 05:14
179 Displaying only approved comments 05:08
180 Adding Flash notification to comments 03:07
181 Creating a chart on Admin 05:21
182 Displaying dynamic data on chart 04:53
183 Downloading Package and setup part 1 05:59
184 Creating Slugs 05:13
185 Displaying Pretty URL's 04:47
186 Creating handlebars helper function and testing 07:01
187 Route modification 05:07
188 Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 1 05:59
189 Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 2 06:56
190 Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 3 05:38
191 CreatingCreating dynamic list i dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 4 03:57
192 Multiple queries in one GO - part 1 07:33
193 Multiple queries in one GO - part 2 06:30
194 Signing up for Cloud Services 03:15
195 Creating our remote database 03:18
196 Connection to the database 04:49
197 Installing Heroku 05:53
198 Launching our App Online 15:03
199 Refactoring database connections 11:44
200 Adding a domain 06:04

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