React with TypeScript

2h 53s
February 16, 2024

We'll start the course off with some housekeeping items. You'll learn about the best strategy for getting the most out of the course as well as what you'll build during the course.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction, Philosophy, and Tips (2:08) 02:09
2 Configuring TypeScript for React (4:06) 04:07
3 Class Components (3:11) 03:12
4 (Practice) Annotating Components (1:00) 01:01
5 (Solution) Annotating Components (3:56) 03:57
6 Function Components (3:05) 03:06
7 Component and Element Types (5:18) 05:19
8 (Bonus) Intrinsic Elements (5:16) 05:17
9 useState & useReducer (7:27) 07:28
10 (Practice) useReducer (1:12) 01:13
11 (Solution) useReducer (4:55) 04:56
12 useEffect, useMemo, useCallback (4:08) 04:09
13 Common Props Patterns (3:44) 03:45
14 Event Handlers (5:02) 05:03
15 Advanced Props Patterns (8:38) 08:39
16 (Bonus) PropTypes (3:38) 03:39
17 (Practice) Props (0:44) 00:45
18 (Solution) Props (4:17) 04:18
19 Context (4:17) 04:18
20 Refs (3:24) 03:25
21 (Project) Introduction (1:30) 01:31
22 (Project) TypeScript Configuration (4:08) 04:09
23 (Project) API (6:42) 06:43
24 (Project) Hooks, Context, Tooltip (3:27) 03:28
25 (Project) Battle (4:22) 04:23
26 (Project) Card, Nav, Loading (2:42) 02:43
27 (Project) Popular (9:19) 09:20
28 (Project) Results (7:28) 07:29
29 What's Next? (1:20) 01:21

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