The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)
Have you tried to learn Node before? You start a new course, and the instructor has you installing a bunch of libraries before you even know what Node is or how it works. You eventually get stuck and reach out to the instructor, but you get no reply. You then close the course and never open it again.
Read more about the course
Sound familiar?
I created this course to be what I wanted when I was learning Node.
The Complete Node.js Developer Course covers the fundamentals of Node before diving deep into great tools like Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB.
The entire course is based around a single goal: Turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.
The best way to learn Node is by building Node apps.
From the very start you’ll be programming every project and working through challenges that I’ve designed to reinforce what you’ve learned. This will give you the hands-on experience necessary to be able to create and launch your own project once you’re done.
You’ll be building four projects:
1. A note-taking app to get your feet wet
2. A weather application that interacts with the MapBox and Dark Sky APIs
3. A task manager REST API complete with user accounts and authentication
4. A real-time chat app with a client-side companion
By the end, you’ll be able to take what you’ve learned and launch your own Node application.
When learning, learn the latest.
I work to keep this course full of the most up-to-date Node material out there. This course is compatible with the latest Node.js version.
You’re getting access to hot-off-the-press features.
Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package.
You can stop worrying if you're learning the right skills to build an app or land a new job. I've curated all the tech that's essential to building real-world apps. I've mapped out everything in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a few weeks.
There’s no better time to learn Node.
According to the 2016 Stack Overflow Survey, Node is in the top ten for back-end popularity and back-end salary, with an average salary of $85k. This means more jobs and more opportunities for you.
You might get stuck. But I’m here to help.
There’s nothing worse than getting five hours into a course, getting stuck, and not getting the help you need to continue.
I’m in the Q&A everyday to help you get unstuck. I reply to every question to get you back on track.
Don’t take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.
“Any questions people seem to have are answered swiftly, clearly, and often with examples posted on GitHub. Even when the questions asked are out of the scope of the course Andrew seems to come up trumps." - Adam Tait
"This is amazing. What's even better is the instructor answered all the questions I asked." - Pak Chu
"The real value in this course is Andrew; he is not just a great teacher, but also he's quick to answer questions and provide feedback." - Nick Hester
I guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging Node course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
During eight chapters you'll learn:
1. Node.js
2. Npm
3. Asynchronous programming
4. ES6/ES7
5. MongoDB
6. Express
7. Socket.IO
8. JWT Authentication
9. Mongoose
10. File and image uploads
11. Email sending
12. Application deployment with Heroku
13. Version control with Git
14. GitHub
15. REST API Design
16. Code testing
17. Debugging
18. Jest
19. Many more tools
- A computer on which you can install software (Windows, MacOS, or Linux)
- A basic understanding of JavaScript (variables, functions, objects, arrays, if statements)
- Anyone looking to launch their own Node applications, switch careers, or freelance as a Node developer
What you'll learn:
- Completely refilmed for 3rd edition
- Build, test, and launch Node apps
- Create Express web servers and APIs
- Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB
- Use cutting-edge ES6/ES7 JavaScript
- Deploy your Node apps to production
- Create real-time web apps with SocketIO
Watch Online The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome to the Class! | 06:59 |
2 | Grab the PDF Guide | 01:05 |
3 | Section Intro: Installing and Exploring Node.js | 00:57 |
4 | Installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code | 08:52 |
5 | What is Node.js? | 15:32 |
6 | Why Should I Use Node.js? | 16:25 |
7 | Your First Node.js Script | 06:20 |
8 | Section Intro: Node.js Module System | 01:04 |
9 | Importing Node.js Core Modules | 16:29 |
10 | Importing Your Own Files | 16:36 |
11 | Importing npm Modules | 16:58 |
12 | Printing in Color | 14:24 |
13 | Global npm Modules and nodemon | 08:44 |
14 | Section Intro: File System and Command Line Args | 00:56 |
15 | Getting Input from Users | 09:46 |
16 | Argument Parsing with Yargs: Part I | 15:22 |
17 | Argument Parsing with Yargs: Part II | 11:22 |
18 | Storing Data with JSON | 17:52 |
19 | Adding a Note | 18:34 |
20 | Removing a Note | 15:00 |
21 | ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions | 14:15 |
22 | Refactoring to Use Arrow Functions | 14:32 |
23 | Listing Notes | 05:31 |
24 | Reading a Note | 11:51 |
25 | Section Intro: Debugging Node.js | 01:33 |
26 | Debugging Node.js | 17:12 |
27 | Error Messages | 04:54 |
28 | Section Intro: Asynchronous Node.js | 01:15 |
29 | Asynchronous Basics | 08:01 |
30 | Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Event Loop | 18:15 |
31 | Making HTTP Requests | 24:32 |
32 | Customizing HTTP Requests | 19:42 |
33 | An HTTP Request Challenge | 18:32 |
34 | Handling Errors | 18:43 |
35 | The Callback Function | 16:19 |
36 | Callback Abstraction | 18:54 |
37 | Callback Abstraction Challenge | 14:56 |
38 | Callback Chaining | 13:35 |
39 | ES6 Aside: Object Property Shorthand and Destructuring | 15:05 |
40 | Destructuring and Property Shorthand Challenge | 12:45 |
41 | Bonus: HTTP Requests Without a Library | 16:01 |
42 | Section Intro: Web Servers | 01:41 |
43 | Hello Express! | 18:22 |
44 | Serving up HTML and JSON | 07:04 |
45 | Serving up Static Assets | 14:50 |
46 | Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More | 11:31 |
47 | Dynamic Pages with Templating | 20:05 |
48 | Customizing the Views Directory | 07:27 |
49 | Advanced Templating | 16:25 |
50 | 404 Pages | 14:02 |
51 | Styling the Application: Part I | 16:57 |
52 | Styling the Application: Part II | 13:48 |
53 | Section Intro: Accessing API from Browser | 00:53 |
54 | The Query String | 17:08 |
55 | Building a JSON HTTP Endpoint | 10:32 |
56 | ES6 Aside: Default Function Parameters | 11:53 |
57 | Browser HTTP Requests with Fetch | 12:53 |
58 | Creating a Search Form | 14:19 |
59 | Wiring up the User Interface | 14:07 |
60 | Section Intro: Application Deployment | 01:04 |
61 | Joining Heroku and GitHub | 09:48 |
62 | Version Control with Git | 07:52 |
63 | Exploring Git | 07:00 |
64 | Integrating Git | 17:11 |
65 | Setting up SSH Keys | 08:48 |
66 | Pushing Code to GitHub | 11:58 |
67 | Deploying Node.js to Heroku | 15:56 |
68 | New Feature Deployment Workflow | 16:05 |
69 | Avoiding Global Modules | 08:38 |
70 | Section Intro: Databases and Advanced Asynchronous Development | 01:10 |
71 | MongoDB and NoSQL Databases | 08:07 |
72 | Installing MongoDB on macOS and Linux | 08:11 |
73 | Installing MongoDB on Windows | 08:31 |
74 | Installing Database GUI Viewer | 06:55 |
75 | Connecting and Inserting Documents | 19:19 |
76 | Inserting Documents | 16:43 |
77 | The ObjectID | 15:14 |
78 | Querying Documents | 17:13 |
79 | Promises | 18:04 |
80 | Updating Documents | 16:07 |
81 | Deleting Documents | 07:47 |
82 | Section Intro: REST APIs and Mongoose | 01:05 |
83 | Setting up Mongoose | 16:39 |
84 | Creating a Mongoose Model | 05:27 |
85 | Data Validation and Sanitization: Part I | 17:35 |
86 | Data Validation and Sanitization: Part II | 11:57 |
87 | Structuring a REST API | 15:22 |
88 | Installing Postman | 08:14 |
89 | Resource Creation Endpoints: Part I | 20:30 |
90 | Resource Creation Endpoints: Part II | 09:02 |
91 | Resource Reading Endpoints: Part I | 13:54 |
92 | Resource Reading Endpoints: Part II | 06:38 |
93 | Promise Chaining | 19:11 |
94 | Promise Chaining Challenge | 07:20 |
95 | Async/Await | 17:41 |
96 | Async/Await: Part II | 12:21 |
97 | Integrating Async/Await | 16:17 |
98 | Resource Updating Endpoints: Part I | 16:01 |
99 | Resource Updating Endpoints: Part II | 08:50 |
100 | Resource Deleting Endpoints | 09:53 |
101 | Separate Route Files | 14:49 |
102 | Section Intro: API Authentication and Security | 01:05 |
103 | Securely Storing Passwords: Part I | 11:30 |
104 | Securely Storing Passwords: Part II | 19:21 |
105 | Logging in Users | 13:31 |
106 | JSON Web Tokens | 12:04 |
107 | Generating Authentication Tokens | 13:46 |
108 | Express Middleware | 12:56 |
109 | Accepting Authentication Tokens | 20:00 |
110 | Advanced Postman | 17:26 |
111 | Logging Out | 11:13 |
112 | Hiding Private Data | 11:06 |
113 | Authenticating User Endpoints | 12:19 |
114 | The User/Task Relationship | 19:23 |
115 | Authenticating Task Endpoints | 15:56 |
116 | Cascade Delete Tasks | 05:27 |
117 | Section Intro: Sorting, Pagination, and Filtering | 01:22 |
118 | Working with Timestamps | 06:49 |
119 | Filtering Data | 11:41 |
120 | Paginating Data | 11:04 |
121 | Sorting Data | 11:09 |
122 | Section Intro: File Uploads | 00:59 |
123 | Adding Support for File Uploads | 19:02 |
124 | Validating File Uploads | 15:15 |
125 | Validation Challenge | 04:37 |
126 | Handling Express Errors | 08:17 |
127 | Adding Images to User Profile | 15:11 |
128 | Serving up Files | 07:57 |
129 | Auto-Cropping and Image Formatting | 11:48 |
130 | Section Intro: Sending Emails | 00:58 |
131 | Exploring SendGrid | 17:01 |
132 | Sending Welcome and Cancelation Emails | 16:27 |
133 | Environment Variables | 19:10 |
134 | Creating a Production MongoDB Database | 15:29 |
135 | Heroku Deployment | 19:31 |
136 | Section Intro: Testing Node.js | 01:41 |
137 | Jest Testing Framework | 15:58 |
138 | Writing Tests and Assertions | 17:55 |
139 | Writing Your Own Tests | 06:20 |
140 | Testing Asynchronous Code | 14:14 |
141 | Testing an Express Application: Part I | 05:55 |
142 | Testing an Express Application: Part II | 14:19 |
143 | Jest Setup and Teardown | 14:28 |
144 | Testing with Authentication | 13:12 |
145 | Advanced Assertions | 12:49 |
146 | Mocking Libraries | 05:58 |
147 | Wrapping up User Tests | 16:21 |
148 | Setup Task Test Suite | 15:11 |
149 | Testing with Task Data | 16:16 |
150 | Bonus: Extra Test Ideas | 02:48 |
151 | Section Intro: Real-Time Web Applications with | 00:50 |
152 | Creating the Chat App Project | 13:15 |
153 | WebSockets | 06:09 |
154 | Getting Started with | 12:03 |
155 | Events | 17:11 |
156 | Events Challenge | 15:40 |
157 | Broadcasting Events | 06:23 |
158 | Sharing Your Location | 15:12 |
159 | Event Acknowledgements | 13:26 |
160 | Form and Button States | 11:23 |
161 | Rendering Messages | 12:46 |
162 | Rendering Location Messages | 10:29 |
163 | Working with Time | 20:28 |
164 | Timestamps for Location Messages | 07:06 |
165 | Styling the Chat App | 13:11 |
166 | Join Page | 06:18 |
167 | Rooms | 14:38 |
168 | Storing Users: Part I | 17:16 |
169 | Storing Users: Part II | 07:59 |
170 | Tracking Users Joining and Leaving | 14:12 |
171 | Sending Messages to Rooms | 14:30 |
172 | Rendering User List | 11:38 |
173 | Automatic Scrolling | 16:04 |
174 | Deploying the Chat Application | 08:07 |
175 | Section Intro | 00:51 |
176 | New Feature Ideas | 04:00 |
177 | Bonus: What should I learn next? | 02:40 |
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