Node.js CLI | Build Node.js Command-line Automation Dev-tools

9h 3m 32s
April 18, 2024

After building hundreds of developer automation tools used by millions of developers, I am teaching exactly how you can do it yourself with minimum effective effort. Learn to build Node.js & JavaScript based CLI (Command Line Interface) apps & npm packages. Automate the grunt work, do more in less time, impress your manager, make more salary, and help the community. I'm sharing it all in this step-by-step 100-videos course.


A whole new workflow to Code. Build. Publish. Automation CLI applications. A course for both absolute beginners and advanced developers. I assure you this ridiculous hard work (10 months of work) is worth its weight in gold. It's the course I wish I had. Theory + Tutorials + How to's + 22+ production quality CLI projects. I'll even teach you how to build npm-modules. 

What Do You Get in This Course?

From absolute beginners to advanced developers, there's something for everyone here. I created this course as the go-to course in the tech industry whenever someone wants to learn automation, publish & maintain their Command Line Tools, and learn from 21+ CLI projects with production-grade CLI & Node module examples.

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# Title Duration
1 INTRODUCTION: What, why, who? Node.js CLI Tools 04:32
2 NODE.JS: Understand what is Node.js? 03:42
3 NODE.JS: Server Load Test 04:42
4 NODE.JS: Release Cycle Current + Long term support 03:11
5 NODE.JS: Difference between npx and npm 04:48
6 BASICS: How to download and install Node.js 01:54
7 NODE + NVM: Node.js Version Management with nvm 03:05
8 NODE + NODENV: Node.js Version Management with nodenv 00:44
9 NODE + ASDF: Node.js Version Management with asdf 01:57
10 NODE + N: Node.js Version Management with n 10:10
11 SUMMARY: Node.js Installation & Management 00:44
12 NODE.JS CLI: Building & publishing your first CLI 16:12
13 NODE.JS CLI UX: Clear any console & Semantic Versions 12:43
14 NODE.JS CLI UX: Welcome Header CLI introduction 07:12
15 NODE.JS CLI UX: Readme, keywords, author info, & license 06:32
16 NODE.JS CLI UX: Everything about CLI colors with chalk 17:24
17 NODE.JS CLI UX: Custom styled CLI alerts 08:21
18 NODE-MODULE PKG: Introduction: npm module pkg? 01:38
19 NODE-MODULE PKG: Architecture, files, & configuration 09:55
20 NODE-MODULE PKG: npm module dependencies 01:53
21 NODE-MODULE PKG: Coding a Node.js module 10:51
22 NODE-MODULE PKG: Testing npm node module 01:36
23 NODE-MODULE PKG: Refactoring node module 03:43
24 NODE-MODULE PKG: Testing npm node module Part 2 01:18
25 NODE-MODULE PKG: Refactoring node module name 03:13
26 NODE-MODULE PKG: Publishing your node-module 06:34
27 ERROR HANDLING: check the Node.js version 05:41
28 ERROR HANDLING: CLI handle the unhandled errors 03:50
29 ERROR HANDLING: Refactor (IIFE) Immediately Invoked Function Expression 09:58
30 ERROR HANDLING: Node process custom error handler 11:54
31 THEORY: Node.js Event loop (the right way) 09:12
32 THEORY: Node.js process & paths 01:17
33 THEORY: Node.js process.cwd() paths 00:23
34 THEORY: Node.js process.exit() strategy 01:16
35 THEORY: Node.js process.env info 00:34
36 THEORY: Node.js process.argv arguments 01:12
37 THEORY: Node.js process stdin stdout stderr 04:10
38 THEORY: Node.js parsing CLI arguments 06:57
39 FRAMEWORKS: Node.js CLI frameworks 08:14
40 CLI HELPER: Node.js CLI Refactor: flags, inputs, help 05:15
41 CLI HELPER: meow: Introduction, what & why? 07:06
42 CLI HELPER: meow: Creating help command 03:39
43 CLI HELPER: meow: CLI Refactor (production-ready) 04:47
44 CLI HELPER: meow: flags & aliases 02:02
45 CLI HELPER: meow: Help command 01:43
46 CLI HELPER: meow: CLI version printing 01:30
47 CLI HELPER: meow: Help command update 01:12
48 CLI HELPER: meow: Help command UX with colors 03:07
49 CLI HELPER: meow: CLI flags & Flag aliases 05:13
50 CLI HELPER: meow: CLI flag minimal output 03:29
51 CLI HELPER: meow: CLI flag controlled clear screen 01:58
52 CLI HELPER: meow: handle missing command 01:17
53 CLI HELPER: meow: an overview of the new CLI 01:19
54 DATA FETCHING: UX: CLI boxes 02:34
55 DATA FETCHING: Fetching data in a Node.js CLI (node-fetch/axios) 09:19
56 DATA FETCHING: CLI data fetching errors handling 05:40
57 DATA FETCHING: User experience loading spinners 07:04
58 DATA FETCHING: CLI fetching latest blog posts 14:17
59 CLI I/O: How to take user input in a CLI with enquirer 09:33
60 CLI I/O: Tens of different enquirer prompts 07:00
61 CLI PROJECT: CLI Hello & Scopped Package 04:22
62 CLI PROJECT: CLI commands with child_process spawn 03:50
63 CLI PROJECT: CLI commands with child_process exec 02:24
64 CLI PROJECT: CLI commands with child_process exec p 02:39
65 CLI PROJECT: CLI commands with execa 01:55
66 CLI PROJECT: CLI commands with shelljs 01:43
67 CLI PROJECT: Automatically Generate CLI Help 11:22
68 CLI PROJECT: CLI Project Scaffolding / Boilerplates 02:27
69 CLI PROJECT: CLI Dynamic Template generation 11:28
70 PROD-READY: Create Node CLI Projects В· ncli 05:42
71 PROD-READY: ncli В· taking user input 05:18
72 PROD-READY: ncli В· input refactor to ask.js module 03:00
73 PROD-READY: ncli В· input refactor ask.js with questions 01:48
74 PROD-READY: ncli В· output UX refactor with colors 03:39
75 PROD-READY: ncli В· improve template with dynamic data 09:50
76 PROD-READY: ncli В· template generation UX refactor 06:04
77 PROD-READY: ncli В· graceful forced CLI cancellation 04:06
78 PROD-READY: ncli В· optional command validation FTW 08:17
79 PROD-READY: ncli В· fix potentially dangerous dir exists routine 03:40
80 PROD-READY: ncli В· improve user experience, loading spinners 06:04
81 PROD-READY: ncli В· persist in history to remember the last input 12:50
82 CLI PROJECT: CLI To do - manage project todos 23:12
83 CLI PROJECT: CLI to resize & optimize images 14:03
84 CLI PROJECT: CLI Quiz - Take a quiz 02:38
85 CLI PROJECT: CLI Survey - Fill a survey 04:06
86 CLI PROJECT: CLI to get WiFi Password 04:22
87 CLI PROJECT: CLI Remember-Me - persist config 07:04
88 CLI PROJECT: CLI Pre-configurable like Babel & prettier 05:31
89 CLI PROJECT: CLI Progress Estimation & Progress bars 07:27
90 CLI PROJECT: CLI Display Fun Figlet printing 03:41
91 CLI PROJECT: CLI Project Update Notification 04:06
92 CLI PROJECT: CLI Graphs & Charts, Hacker dashboards 06:33
93 CLI UPDATES: Check and update npm dependencies 05:35
94 DEBUGGING: VSCode breakpoints & logpoints for CLI debugging 09:42
95 UNIT TESTING: CLI unit testing 10:45
96 EXTRA: What are JavaScript template literals 04:31
97 EXTRA: FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) best practices 05:32

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