Learn Nodejs by building 12 projects

14h 33m 23s
April 18, 2024

Nodejs is open source cross platform environment for creating server side and network applications. It is built on the Chrome's JavaScript Runtime and can be used to build large scale web applications to quick time. It uses non blocken I/O and even driven model to allow creation of lightweight and highly scalable  web applications. Our training program emphasizes on practical application of this amazing technology and will teach you nodejs development using real world application development.


You will learn about JavaScript Server programming, Node and NPM modules, the use of other associated technologies and frameworks while building the  twelve projects. The technologies covered in the course includes HTML/CSS Frontend technologies, Nodejs NPM, NoSQL database, Column Databases, Database ORM, Express Framework, Asynchronous programming, Karken layer, Drywall user management, Bcrypt encryption, Socket IO and REST APIs

Project 1:  Simple Web Server

Project 2: Basic Express Website

Project 3: User Login System

Project 4: Node Blog Systems

Project 5: BookStore

Project 6: Chat IO

Project 7: Doctor Directory

Project 8: Portfolio App

Project 9: Elearning System

Project 10: Recipe Book

Join us and be have the first mover advantage in this amazing emerging technology and learn to build the next generation apps.

  • Student should know Basic HTML and Front End Programming
  • Should have basic knowledge of JavaScript
Who this course is for:
  • Programmers who want to learn server side JavaScript Programming in Nodejs will find the course extremely helpful

What you'll learn:

  • Create applications using Nodejs
  • Build Scalable and lightweight web applications
  • Learn the use of technologies such as Cassandra and MongoDB
  • Understand the coding principles behind practical web applications
  • Use the Express Framework to build web applications
  • Learn the concepts of network programming

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 05:55
2 Project Intro 01:06
3 Installing Node,js 04:24
4 NPM Intro & Basic HTTP Server 06:37
5 Serving HTML Pages 14:14
6 Basic Website 07:00
7 Project Intro 00:52
8 Express Setup 09:32
9 Page Routes & Views 19:51
10 Nodemailer Contact Form 15:23
11 Project Intro 01:37
12 Getting Started With MongoDB Part A 08:59
13 Getting Started With MongoDB Part B 05:59
14 App & Middleware Setup 17:03
15 Views & Layout 15:34
16 Register Form & Validation 13:47
17 Models & User Registration 12:36
18 Password Hashing with BCrypt 04:45
19 Passport Login Authentication 14:00
20 Logout & Access Control 07:17
21 Project Intro 02:16
22 App & Module Setup 09:37
23 Custom Layout Template 08:22
24 Homepage Posts Display 11:41
25 Add Posts 19:33
26 Text Editor & Add Categories 08:39
27 Truncate Text & Categories View 13:18
28 Single Post & Comments 17:12
29 Project Intro 02:50
30 Kraken Setup & Foundation 11:22
31 Routes & Views - Part A 12:09
32 Routes & Views - Part B 12:54
33 Database & Models - Part A 11:03
34 Database & Models - Part B 15:51
35 Admin CRUD - List & Add Books 14:50
36 Admin CRUD - Edit & Delete Books 15:18
37 Shopping Cart - Part A 12:28
38 Shopping Cart - Part B 09:38
39 Project Intro 01:24
40 ChatIO User Interface 11:59
41 Sending Chat Messages 14:29
42 User Functionality 14:01
43 Deploying an App With Heroku 12:05
44 Project Intro 01:05
45 Cassandra Install & Setup 14:08
46 FindaDoc User Interface 09:49
47 Express Setup 09:32
48 Express Layout 09:54
49 Fetch Doctors From Cassandra 16:02
50 Add & Search Doctors 14:57
51 Project Intro 01:27
52 MySQL & App Setup 15:21
53 Add Projects 15:48
54 Display Projects 10:33
55 Edit & Delete Projects 12:47
56 Project Intro 03:03
57 App & Kickstart Setup 17:03
58 Fetching Classes - Part A 12:42
59 Fetching Classes - Part B 08:22
60 Registering Users 21:09
61 Logging In Users 14:36
62 Instructor & Student Classes 12:56
63 Class Lessons 22:22
64 Project Intro 01:13
65 PostgreSQL Install & Database Setup 07:42
66 App & Dust Setup 11:30
67 Fetching & Displaying Recipes 16:22
68 Adding Recipes 08:56
69 Deleting Recipes 06:28
70 Editing Recipes 09:36
71 Project Intro 02:33
72 App & Firebase Setup 13:12
73 Creating a Layout With EJS 10:22
74 Adding Genres & Albums 18:41
75 Listing Albums & Genres 12:03
76 Album Details Page 05:04
77 Edit Albums & Genres 13:40
78 Delete Albums & Genres 08:00
79 Register & Login 15:23
80 Access Control 15:01
81 Summery 04:31

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