Server side rendering with Next + React
Do you want to learn the whole process of building a server side React App ?. This is the course for you. We will start from the very beginning, from "I don't even know how to use it..and why should I?“ to actually understand how Server side with Next + React works and make it communicate with other technologies like Auth0 and Express. You will learn all the logic and practice behind Server side Next + React in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.
Read more about the course
Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after the most important section we will put everything in practice with a course project and deploy the app to production.
We will use Next of course, and react to make the front end work.
Don’t know how to use React ?
Don’t worry, there is an optional full min course where we will show you how to use plain React, so once you have a strong base of React you can start with Next Js.
To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:
The very basics of Next. How to install and the logic behind it.
Create Layouts, using Links and all the power of Initial props.
We will understand how CSS, Sass, Less work with Next.
How to use routes properly and make it work with React.
Everybody is using Redux, so we will learn how to use redux with our Next.
Since our app will need a database, you will learn how to use it with MongoDB and mongoose.
Apply security, authentication with Auth0, restricting routes,etc.
We will create a practice project using React, Redux, Next and MongoDB.
Of course, we will learn the whole process of publishing you app using Heroku.
If you want to refresh your React abilities you also get a Full React course.
What about the instructor experience ?
Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.
Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.
How about the target audience?
This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.
If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you.
- Know a little bit of javascript, html and CSS
- Beginner to intermediate or anyone who want to learn Next JS
What you'll learn:
- Use Next JS and React to create server side rendering web applications.
Watch Online Server side rendering with Next + React
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:35 |
2 | Installing Node js | 02:11 |
3 | Visual studio code ( IDE ) | 02:47 |
4 | Creating a NEXT project | 09:58 |
5 | Pages and links | 09:20 |
6 | Importing components | 06:27 |
7 | Creating layouts | 06:37 |
8 | Get Initial props | 14:53 |
9 | Get initial props, async await | 03:56 |
10 | Accessing the context | 06:07 |
11 | Working with styles | 14:09 |
12 | Sass, less, styles and css imports | 09:28 |
13 | Making the app look better | 07:09 |
14 | Query params | 15:07 |
15 | Params | 08:23 |
16 | Server side support | 18:25 |
17 | The WithRouter | 08:58 |
18 | Router | 11:55 |
19 | Router events | 07:13 |
20 | The _app | 10:16 |
21 | Installing dependencies | 13:33 |
22 | Setting a session | 27:51 |
23 | Checking auth | 18:49 |
24 | validating on the server and the client | 16:57 |
25 | Passing auth props | 12:51 |
26 | Preventing routes | 13:45 |
27 | Preventing routes ...continued | 06:50 |
28 | A better Auth ( optional ) | 11:45 |
29 | A better Auth ..continued ( optional ) | 11:50 |
30 | Dynamic headers / data | 09:49 |
31 | Api routes | 08:48 |
32 | Middleware examples | 06:52 |
33 | Creating the Auth middleware | 12:35 |
34 | Accessing API from the client | 12:17 |
35 | Installing redux | 17:28 |
36 | Creating a store | 17:59 |
37 | Dispatching an action | 09:56 |
38 | The initial state | 07:56 |
39 | Connecting to MONGO | 17:39 |
40 | Using a .DOTENV | 15:26 |
41 | Creating a schema and model | 14:15 |
42 | Using Nodemon | 06:53 |
43 | Get - Delete - Patch | 16:19 |
44 | Creating a form | 18:14 |
45 | Creating a form 2 | 18:06 |
46 | Posting a user | 03:56 |
47 | A bit of SEO | 14:08 |
48 | Global config variables | 14:46 |
49 | Setting up Heroku and Aut0 | 08:43 |
50 | Deploying | 15:23 |
51 | Solving mongo and logout | 07:22 |
52 | Compression | 04:52 |
53 | Installing NEXT and Redux | 06:39 |
54 | Preparing Redux | 14:09 |
55 | Creating a layout | 13:18 |
56 | Adding a header | 07:00 |
57 | Home markup | 13:27 |
58 | About us markup | 06:38 |
59 | Contact markup | 20:15 |
60 | Linking pizzas | 08:43 |
61 | Creating a server | 07:06 |
62 | Nodemon and dynamic routes | 08:24 |
63 | Connecting to MONGO DB | 07:28 |
64 | Creating models | 09:05 |
65 | Posting pizzas | 08:23 |
66 | Showing home pizzas | 16:21 |
67 | The pizza component | 10:13 |
68 | Global site information | 10:23 |
69 | Posting messages | 12:07 |
70 | Posting messages 2 | 09:27 |
71 | Enviroment variables | 06:56 |
72 | Installing Auth0 | 16:12 |
73 | Storing tokens | 13:48 |
74 | Verify user token - Client | 16:29 |
75 | Verify user token - Server | 10:58 |
76 | Preventing routes | 08:45 |
77 | Creating admin layouts | 10:38 |
78 | The Site form | 11:54 |
79 | Dispatching site actions | 17:23 |
80 | Posting site changes | 07:37 |
81 | Getting the messages | 12:50 |
82 | Messages markup | 05:21 |
83 | Deleting messages | 14:35 |
84 | Robots, urls and ports | 09:38 |
85 | Meta tags | 04:15 |
86 | Preparing heroku, mongo and auth0 for deploy | 06:02 |
87 | Deploying and debugging | 09:05 |
88 | Installing Node and using the CLI | 11:58 |
89 | The bundle | 05:58 |
90 | Starting with the code | 09:07 |
91 | JSX Behind the scenes | 09:10 |
92 | Importing components | 08:26 |
93 | Types of components | 05:31 |
94 | Adding styles | 10:20 |
95 | Events | 11:40 |
96 | The STATE | 15:05 |
97 | Using props | 10:46 |
98 | Using props 2 | 14:04 |
99 | Props to a class | 06:02 |
100 | React children | 03:43 |
101 | More with styles | 06:59 |
102 | Style plugins | 06:35 |
103 | Filter the news | 15:04 |
104 | Installing routes | 05:38 |
105 | How it works and creating components | 07:21 |
106 | Using routes | 06:28 |
107 | Linking | 10:53 |
108 | Working with Params | 06:50 |
109 | Other features with react routes | 07:19 |
110 | Switch | 03:51 |
111 | Redirections | 06:55 |
112 | 404 and the WithRouter | 09:57 |
113 | Getting ready | 11:15 |
114 | Adding header and banner | 15:57 |
115 | Bringing the HOME list | 10:42 |
116 | Creating the artist detailed view | 18:42 |
117 | Component Lifecycles | 07:22 |
118 | Component Lifecycles 2 | 19:27 |
119 | Conditional rendering | 10:24 |
120 | Pure components | 08:30 |
121 | Adjacent elements | 05:44 |
122 | HOC''s | 08:48 |
123 | HOC''s Continued | 13:37 |
124 | Using transitions | 17:29 |
125 | Using transitions 2 | 08:56 |
126 | CSS Transitions | 11:51 |
127 | Transitions Group | 15:44 |
128 | Proptypes | 10:23 |
129 | Proptypes 2 | 08:28 |
130 | Controlled components | 07:59 |
131 | Installation and setup | 08:49 |
132 | Setting routes, footer and header | 09:30 |
133 | Adding the slider | 20:05 |
134 | Adding subscriptions | 19:36 |
135 | Adding subscriptions 2 | 10:08 |
136 | Adding home blocks | 13:26 |
137 | Adding a poll | 14:59 |
138 | Finishing the poll | 06:13 |
139 | Adding the teams section | 14:43 |
140 | Finishing the teams section | 08:55 |
141 | Creating the team view | 13:27 |
142 | Redux introduction | 08:37 |
143 | Creating a store | 07:54 |
144 | The redux flow | 05:56 |
145 | Combining reducers | 06:35 |
146 | Creating a valid reducer | 07:32 |
147 | Creating an action | 04:44 |
148 | MapStateToProps and Connect | 12:44 |
149 | MapDispatchToProps | 05:48 |
150 | Working with Types | 07:58 |
151 | MIddleware | 07:45 |
152 | Installing | 06:59 |
153 | Adding redux | 14:10 |
154 | Geting home data | 16:46 |
155 | Latest news component | 07:06 |
156 | Other news section | 08:57 |
157 | Articles page | 16:06 |
158 | Adding likes component | 12:33 |
159 | Finishing the likes | 08:59 |
160 | Clearing data | 04:46 |
161 | Introduction to hooks | 01:50 |
162 | UseState | 13:54 |
163 | UseState 2 | 13:51 |
164 | UseEffect | 16:43 |
165 | UseReducer | 12:28 |
166 | Preparing the app for the context | 10:00 |
167 | Context and UseContext | 15:30 |
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