The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures

12h 52m 17s
May 18, 2023

Data Structures? They're here.  Algorithms?  Covered.  Lots of questions with well-explained solutions?  Yep! If you're nervous about your first coding interview, or anxious about applying to your next job, this is the course for you.  I got tired of interviewers asking tricky questions that can only be answered if you've seen the problem before, so I made this course!  This video course will teach you the most common interview questions that you'll see in a coding interview, giving you the tools you need to ace your next whiteboard interview.


Coding interviews are notoriously intimidating, but there is one method to become a better interviewer - and that is practice!  Practicing dozens of interview questions is what makes the difference between a job offer for a $120k USD and another rejection email.  This course is going to not only give you dozens of questions to practice on, but it will also make sure you understand the tricks behind solving each question, so you’ll be able to perform in a real interview.

I have spent many hours combing through interview questions asked at Google, Facebook, and Amazon to make sure you know how to answer questions asked by the most well-paying companies out there.  No stone is left unturned, as we discuss everything from the simplest questions all the way to the most complex algorithm questions.

In this course, you'll get:

  • Clear, well-diagramed explanations for every single problem to make sure you understand the solution
  • An overview of the most important data structures to know about.  These are presented for people without a CS degree.
  • A huge collection of common algorithm questions, including everything from 'reversing a string' to 'determine the width of a BST'
  • Sensible strategies for tackling systems design problems
  • Insider tips on answering what interviewers area really looking for
  • Constant support on the Udemy Q&A forums from me!

My goal in this course is to help you defeat those interviewers who ask nasty algorithm questions.  Sign up today, and be the cutting edge engineer who will be prepared to get a high paying job.

  • Basic understanding of Javascript
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone preparing for an interview that will involve coding challenges

What you'll learn:

  • Master commonly asked interview questions
  • Tackle common data structures used in web development
  • Practice dozens of different challenges
  • Use Javascript to solve challenging algorithms

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# Title Duration
1 How to Get Help 01:08
2 The All Important Coding Interview 04:06
3 Getting Better at Coding Questions 05:42
4 Environment Setup 01:55
5 Repo Test Setup 05:02
6 First Question! Reverse String. 02:56
7 String Reversal, Solution #1 04:55
8 String Reversal, Solution #2 05:56
9 String Reversal, Solution #3 05:46
10 Debugger Statements 09:28
11 Palindromes 02:58
12 Palindromes, Solution #1 02:52
13 Palindromes, Alternate Solution 08:55
14 Reversing an Int 06:51
15 Reversing an Int Solution 06:59
16 Max Chars Problem 05:34
17 Max Chars Character Map 05:08
18 Max Chars Solution 02:47
19 Max Chars Solution Continued 04:19
20 FizzBuzz Problem Statement 05:39
21 Solving FizzBuzz with Style 07:15
22 Array Chunk Problem Statement 03:16
23 Chunk Solution #1 05:51
24 More on Chunk 04:13
25 Chunk Solution #2 04:52
26 Even More on Chunk! 03:05
27 What Are Anagrams? 08:24
28 Solving Anagrams 11:45
29 Another Way to Tackle Anagrams 08:20
30 Understanding Capitalization 04:02
31 Capitalization Solution #1 03:56
32 How Else Can We Capitalize? 06:28
33 The Steps Question 04:19
34 Steps Solution #1 06:31
35 Steps Solution #1 Continued 04:59
36 Step Up Your Steps Game 07:49
37 More on Steps 15:51
38 Pyramids Vs Steps 04:51
39 Pyramid Solution #1 09:56
40 Pyramid Solution #2 08:39
41 Get Your Vowels 01:48
42 Finding Vowels 05:24
43 Another Way to Find Vowels 03:45
44 General Matrix Spirals 03:27
45 Spiral Solution 05:17
46 More on Spiral 19:19
47 What is Runtime Complexity? 05:40
48 Determining Complexity 09:22
49 More on Runtime Complexity 12:00
50 The Fibonacci Series 02:37
51 Fibonacci Series Iterative Solution 05:11
52 Fibonacci Series Recursive Solution 10:03
53 Memoi-....Mem-...Memoization! 11:01
54 I Believe Its Memoization! 11:28
55 What's a Data Structure? 03:42
56 The Queue Data Structure 06:39
57 Implementing a Queue 06:33
58 What's a Weave? 04:46
59 How to Weave 05:26
60 Stack Data Structure 04:46
61 Implementing a Stack 03:54
62 Queue From Stack Question 03:26
63 Creating a Queue From Stacks 07:10
64 More on Queue From Stack 10:16
65 What's a Linked List? 06:17
66 Exercise Setup 05:28
67 Node Implementation 06:35
68 Linked List's Constructor 04:43
69 Linked Lists's InsertFirst 05:12
70 Solving Insert First 07:05
71 Sizing a List 02:37
72 Solve for Size 05:15
73 Get Over Here, GetFirst! 00:56
74 Building GetFirst 00:57
75 Find Your Tail with GetLast 01:50
76 GetLast Implementation 03:21
77 Clear that List 01:19
78 Clear Solution 01:57
79 Where's My Head, RemoveFirst? 01:36
80 Building RemoveFirst 02:34
81 Bye-Bye Tail with RemoveLast 05:06
82 RemoveLast Implementation 06:18
83 A New Tail to Tell with InsertLast 03:21
84 Adding InsertLast 03:43
85 Pick Em Out with GetAt 02:55
86 GetAt Solution 06:19
87 Remove Anything with RemoveAt 06:01
88 RemoveAt Solution 09:47
89 Insert Anywhere with InsertAt 03:57
90 InsertAt Solution 08:26
91 Code Reuse in Linked Lists 04:16
92 List Traversal Through ForEach 02:27
93 Brushup on Generators 20:15
94 Linked Lists with Iterators 04:42
95 Midpoint of a Linked List 10:07
96 Midpoint Solution 03:28
97 Detecting Linked Lists Loops 07:29
98 Loop Solution 04:13
99 From Last Question 06:16
100 From Last Solution 02:36
101 Trees Overview 08:21
102 Node Implementation 06:34
103 More on Nodes 06:06
104 Tree Implementation 04:15
105 Traverse By Breadth 08:41
106 Solving for Breadth-First Traversal 05:25
107 Depth First Traversal 04:41
108 Solving for Depth-First Traversal 02:38
109 Level Width Declaration 13:00
110 Measuring Level Width 06:14
111 What's a Binary Search Tree? 07:08
112 Binary Search Tree Implementation 04:43
113 BST Insertion 04:41
114 Do You Contain This? 02:42
115 Solving Contains 03:07
116 How to Validate a Binary Search Tree 05:27
117 More on Validation 04:20
118 Solution to Validation 12:52
119 What's an Eventing System? 07:11
120 A Tip on Events 02:10
121 Events Solution 05:09
122 How to Build Twitter 15:34
123 Sorting Algorithm Overview 05:08
124 BubbleSort Implementation 07:13
125 BubbleSort Solution 04:33
126 How SelectionSort Works 05:23
127 Selection Sort Solution 04:15
128 MergeSort Overview 06:22
129 The Merge Function 06:56
130 More on MergeSort 05:56
131 I Don't Like Recursion, But Let's Do This Anyways 09:50

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