Crack the Frontend Interview with React

1h 6m 53s
May 21, 2024

In this project-based course you'll learn the mental framework needed to breakdown problems you'll face in Frontend Engineering interviews by building a Star Rating component with React.


This isn't just any React practice project... this is a two-in-one. Not only will you practice building a React app, but you'll also be better prepared for your interviews so that you can land your dream job!

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# Title Duration
1 Project Demo 07:16
2 REPL 04:00
3 Verify the Requirements 04:15
4 Start our Star Component 06:27
5 Adding Basic Functionality 07:31
6 Adding Active State 05:39
7 Adding in Reset 04:53
8 Implementing Hovered Rating 10:49
9 useCallback 08:59
10 Final Touches 07:04

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