Grokking Dynamic Programming Patterns: Coding Interviews

32h 34m 13s
July 23, 2024

This course on Dynamic Programming Coding Interview Algorithms will teach you the advanced algorithms and data structures needed for coding interviews and technical interviews. You’ll learn how to solve dynamic programming questions, and you’ll master the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms. You’ll also get an in-depth understanding of Grokking Dynamic Programming Interview Patterns for Technical Interviews, and you’ll learn the skills needed to solve the toughest coding interview questions. Finally, you’ll get hands-on experience with Java Dynamic Programming questions and Algorithms for Coding Interviews, and you’ll Master Dynamic Programming Coding Interview Algorithms and ace your next job interview. This course will teach you the fundamentals of dynamic programming and how to use them to solve complex coding interview questions quickly and confidently. You will learn the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms, as well as how to apply them to coding interview questions. You will also learn to use Java and dynamic programming techniques to solve dynamic programming questions related to Google, LeetCode, and other technical interviews. You will also learn the best practices for mastering the coding interview data structures and algorithms, as well as how to review and apply them in the real world.


If you often struggle with dynamic programming problems despite your understanding of data structures and algorithms, this course is designed to bridge that gap. It provides a comprehensive understanding of critical Dynamic Programming concepts, empowering you to excel in competitive coding and interviews.

In addition to the mentioned problems, the "Dynamic Programming Algorithms Coding Interviews" course covers several more essential dynamic programming problems. Through detailed explanations, code implementations, and step-by-step walkthroughs, you'll gain a deep understanding of each problem's solution.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 00:43
2 0/1 Knapsack Problem - Top Down 24:52
3 0/1 Knapsack Problem - Bottom UP (2D Tabulation) 24:28
4 0/1 Knapsack Problem - Bottom UP (1D Tabulation) 21:28
5 Target Sum - Top Down 29:14
6 Target Sum - Bottom UP 47:43
7 Count of Subset Sum - Top Down 32:54
8 Count of Subset Sum - Bottom Up [2D Tabulation] 20:53
9 Count of Subset Sum - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 26:53
10 Minimum Sum Partition - Top Down 28:32
11 Minimum Sum Partition - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 20:24
12 Minimum Number of Refuelling Stops - Top Down 33:39
13 Minimum Number of Refuelling Stops - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 25:28
14 Partition Equal Subset Sum - Top Down 20:41
15 Partition Equal Subset Sum - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 20:03
16 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones - Top Down 23:46
17 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones - Bottom Up 16:31
18 Unbounded Knapsack - Top Down 27:33
19 Unbounded Knapsack - Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 17:35
20 Unbounded Knapsack - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 13:03
21 Maximum Ribbon Cut - Top Down 17:48
22 Maximum Ribbon Cut - Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 18:13
23 Rod Cutting - Top Down 20:09
24 Rod Cutting - Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 15:57
25 Coin Change - Top down 15:42
26 Coin Change - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 28:44
27 Coin Change II - Top Down 17:04
28 Coin Change II - Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 15:14
29 Coin Change II - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 15:45
30 Fibonacci Number - Top Down 24:25
31 Fibonacci Number - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 08:52
32 Fibonacci Number - Bottom UP [Constant Space] 08:47
33 Climbing Stairs - Top Down 16:22
34 Climbing Stairs - Bottom UP 22:21
35 Decode Ways - Top Down 24:42
36 Decode Ways - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 28:58
37 Decode Ways - Bottom UP [Space Optimized] 17:51
38 House Robber - Top Down 17:51
39 House Robber - Bottom UP 20:47
40 Number Factors - Top Down 15:57
41 Number Factors - Bottom UP 10:42
42 Count Ways to Score in a Game - Top Down 16:37
43 Count Ways to Score in a Game - Bottom UP 08:01
44 Unique Paths to Goal - Top Down 19:48
45 Unique Paths to Goal - Bottom UP 18:01
46 Nth Tribonacci Number - Top Down 20:11
47 Nth Tribonacci Number - Bottom UP 12:35
48 The Catalan Numbers - Top Down 22:17
49 The Catalan Numbers - Bottom UP 12:04
50 Minimum Jumps to Reach the End - Top Down 15:56
51 Minimum Jumps to Reach the End - Bottom UP 13:44
52 Minimum Jumps With Fee - Top Down 23:31
53 Minimum Jumps With Fee - Bottom UP 17:50
54 Matrix Chain Multiplication - Top Down 42:05
55 Matrix Chain Multiplication - Bottom UP 31:38
56 Longest Common Substring - Top Down 22:30
57 Longest Common Substring - Bottom UP 13:29
58 Longest Common Subsequence - Top Down 22:53
59 Longest Common Subsequence - Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 17:25
60 Shortest Common Supersequence - Top Down 21:14
61 Shortest Common Supersequence - Bottom UP 19:20
62 Minimum Number of Deletions and Insertions - Top Down 27:33
63 Minimum Number of Deletions and Insertions - Bottom UP 15:10
64 Edit Distance -- Top Down 35:08
65 Edit Distance -- Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 27:55
66 Longest Repeating Subsequence - Top Down 21:47
67 Longest Repeating Subsequence - Bottom UP 09:11
68 Distinct Subsequence Pattern Matching - Top Down 15:39
69 Distinct Subsequence Pattern Matching - Bottom UP 14:22
70 Interleaving String - Top Down 27:50
71 Interleaving String - Bottom UP 19:29
72 Word Break - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 16:24
73 Word Break II - Top Down 21:02
74 Word Break II - Bottom UP 17:26
75 Longest Increasing Subsequence - Top Down 20:06
76 Longest Increasing Subsequence - Bottom UP [1D Tabulation] 25:00
77 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence - Bottom UP 19:52
78 Minimum Deletions to Make a String Sorted - Top Down 18:37
79 Minimum Deletions to Make a String Sorted - Bottom UP 16:46
80 Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence - Top Down 16:01
81 Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence - Bottom UP 07:34
82 Longest Bitonic Subsequence - Bottom UP 20:07
83 Longest Alternating Subsequence - Bottom UP 13:27
84 Building Bridges - Bottom UP 22:46
85 Solution (i): Longest Palindromic Subsequence - Top Down 22:14
86 Solution (ii): Longest Palindromic Subsequence - Bottom UP [2D Tabulation] 23:17
87 Minimum Deletions to Make a String Palindrome - Top Down 15:18
88 Minimum Deletions to Make a String Palindrome - Bottom UP [2D] 13:42
89 Longest Palindromic Substring - Top Down 22:52
90 Longest Palindromic Substring - Bottom UP 21:25
91 Count of Palindromic Substrings - Top Down 28:04
92 Count of Palindromic Substrings - Bottom UP 15:37
93 Palindrome Partitioning - Top Down 19:27
94 Palindrome Partitioning - Bottom UP 24:41
95 Regular Expression Matching [2D Tabulation] 32:47
96 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable [2D Tabulation] 15:54

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