Smart Interface Design Patterns

13h 18m 5s
June 11, 2024

Guidelines & best practices for common components in modern interfaces.

Inventing a new solution for every problem takes time, and too often it’s just unnecessary. We can rely on bulletproof design patterns to avoid issues down the line. This course helps with just that.

We’ll study 100s of hand-picked examples — from complex navigation to filters, tables and forms. We’ll dive into actual real-life challenges. And: we’ll design and review each other’s work, together, live.


A full course with delicious design recipes, exquisite samples and reliable examples. Carefully hand-picked over 15 years:

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 06:09
2 Designing For Touch 17:51
3 Accordions 15:19
4 Navigation 20:37
5 Hamburger 10:09
6 Filters 10:05
7 Mega-Dropdowns 43:53
8 Breadcrumbs 28:58
9 Carousels 15:44
10 Modals 17:53
11 Footnotes 06:37
12 Summary 07:51
13 Design KPIs 35:37
14 Configurators 32:35
15 Tables 19:21
16 Data Tables 49:22
17 Feature Comparison 22:45
18 Pricing Plans 53:03
19 Date Pickers 16:33
20 Schedule & Calendars 21:51
21 Sliders 20:10
22 Timelines 13:58
23 Infinite Scroll 16:22
24 Maps 20:32
25 Seat Selection 15:19
26 Language Selector 35:12
27 Privacy UX 17:44
28 Bringing Personality Back To The Web 26:14
29 Usability vs. Security 12:18
30 Landscape of Authentication 20:22
31 Social Sign-In, 2FA, SSO 21:03
32 Access Recovery 09:01
33 Passwordless Authentication 07:48
34 Search UX 19:20
35 Search Design Patterns 25:59
36 Autocomplete UX 27:08
37 Filtering UX 37:22

Read Book Smart Interface Design Patterns

# Title
1 01. Designing For Touch
2 02. Accordions
3 03. Navigation
4 04. Hamburger
5 05. Filters
6 06. Mega-Dropdowns
7 07. Breadcrumbs
8 08. Carousels
9 09. Modals
10 10. Footnotes
11 11. Design KPIs
12 12. Configurators
13 13. Tables
14 14. Data Tables
15 15. Feature Comparison
16 16. Pricing Plans
17 17. Date Pickers
18 18. Schedule & Calendars
19 19. Sliders
20 20. Timelines
21 21. Infinite Scroll
22 22. Maps
23 23. Seat Selection
24 24. Language Selector
25 25. Privacy UX
26 26. Bringing Personality Back To The Web
27 27. Usability vs. Security
28 28. Landscape of Authentication
29 29. Social Sign-In, 2FA, SSO
30 30. Access Recovery
31 31. Passwordless Authentication
32 32. Search UX
33 33. Search Design Patterns
34 34. Autocomplete UX
35 35. Filtering UX

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