Create a Retirement Planning Tool with Excel
2h 51m 33s
May 23, 2024
In this project-based course you'll be developing a robust, interactive tool that brings together the power of Excel formulas, dynamic charts, user-driven input controls, and more!
This isn't just any Excel practice project - it's a true portfolio project that teaches you how to build a robust, interactive tool that brings together your Excel skills into one comprehensive project!
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Project Demo | 05:25 |
2 | Introducing the Project Template | 02:48 |
3 | Applying Number Formats | 02:54 |
4 | Solution: Applying Number Formats | 02:06 |
5 | Creating Drop Down Lists | 01:41 |
6 | Solution: Creating Drop Down Lists | 03:38 |
7 | Creating the Retirement Age Slider | 02:37 |
8 | Solution: Creating the Retirement Age Slider | 04:25 |
9 | Applying Cell Styles | 04:12 |
10 | Solution: Applying Cell Styles | 03:09 |
11 | Defining Names | 03:25 |
12 | Solution: Defining Names | 03:43 |
13 | Fetching the Investment Return | 03:44 |
14 | Solution: Fetching the Investment Return | 05:23 |
15 | Plan Year and Age | 03:35 |
16 | Solution: Plan Year and Age | 02:11 |
17 | Working Income | 03:30 |
18 | Solution: Working Income | 03:39 |
19 | Income Tax and Yearly Expenditures | 02:01 |
20 | Solution: Income Tax and Yearly Expenditures | 02:51 |
21 | Yearly Savings | 01:21 |
22 | Solution: Yearly Savings | 02:33 |
23 | Earned Interest and Retirement Savings Balance | 02:26 |
24 | Solution: Earned Interest and Retirement Savings Balance | 02:25 |
25 | Earned Interest and Retirement Savings Balance II | 04:22 |
26 | Solution: Earned Interest and Retirement Savings Balance II | 05:07 |
27 | Wrapping Up the Calculations Worksheet | 04:45 |
28 | Solution: Wrapping Up the Calculations Worksheet | 05:41 |
29 | Retirement Age and Years Calcs | 03:43 |
30 | Solution: Retirement Age and Years Calcs | 02:50 |
31 | The Banner Message | 05:32 |
32 | Solution: The Banner Message | 04:24 |
33 | The Retirement Balance Chart | 01:52 |
34 | Solution: The Retirement Balance Chart | 04:57 |
35 | Dynamic Charts with OFFSET I | 08:36 |
36 | Dynamic Charts with OFFSET II | 14:29 |
37 | Solution: Dynamic Charts with OFFSET | 08:44 |
38 | Formatting the Retirement Balance Chart | 03:21 |
39 | Solution: Formatting the Retirement Balance Chart | 03:32 |
40 | The Detail Worksheet | 04:47 |
41 | Solution: The Detail Worksheet | 08:08 |
42 | The End (a.k.a. Retirement) | 01:01 |
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